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rajiv got a reaction from maestro in Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024 Medal Count
I note that the Australia medal count is extremely female dominated. Only one gold medal of twelve is by a male. Be of interest to have different tables for men and women for all countries.
My impression of Australia (from spending time there) is that the women there are much more Olympic Games interested than men who much prefer their local sports. Simply put sporty boys choose their sport for economic possibility whereas sporty girls want to be an Olympian.
Of course, women are also affected by the financial possibilities of sport. I'm sure many Eastern Europeans of both sexes who once would have been track and field athletes now look to play sports like tennis (and of course soccer)
rajiv got a reaction from MedalChampion in Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024 Medal Count
I note that the Australia medal count is extremely female dominated. Only one gold medal of twelve is by a male. Be of interest to have different tables for men and women for all countries.
My impression of Australia (from spending time there) is that the women there are much more Olympic Games interested than men who much prefer their local sports. Simply put sporty boys choose their sport for economic possibility whereas sporty girls want to be an Olympian.
Of course, women are also affected by the financial possibilities of sport. I'm sure many Eastern Europeans of both sexes who once would have been track and field athletes now look to play sports like tennis (and of course soccer)
rajiv got a reaction from Jinzha in Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024 Medal Count
I note that the Australia medal count is extremely female dominated. Only one gold medal of twelve is by a male. Be of interest to have different tables for men and women for all countries.
My impression of Australia (from spending time there) is that the women there are much more Olympic Games interested than men who much prefer their local sports. Simply put sporty boys choose their sport for economic possibility whereas sporty girls want to be an Olympian.
Of course, women are also affected by the financial possibilities of sport. I'm sure many Eastern Europeans of both sexes who once would have been track and field athletes now look to play sports like tennis (and of course soccer)
rajiv got a reaction from Dkats in Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024 Medal Count
I note that the Australia medal count is extremely female dominated. Only one gold medal of twelve is by a male. Be of interest to have different tables for men and women for all countries.
My impression of Australia (from spending time there) is that the women there are much more Olympic Games interested than men who much prefer their local sports. Simply put sporty boys choose their sport for economic possibility whereas sporty girls want to be an Olympian.
Of course, women are also affected by the financial possibilities of sport. I'm sure many Eastern Europeans of both sexes who once would have been track and field athletes now look to play sports like tennis (and of course soccer)
rajiv got a reaction from mpjmcevoy in Men's Cricket ICC T20 World Cup 2024
Viewing this with little interest but I used to have the impression that Canada was traditionally stronger than the US in what many here would call Commonwealth type sports like cricket, rugby and (field) hockey.
Seems to have changed. Maybe due to changing immigration patterns.
rajiv got a reaction from mpjmcevoy in Summer Olympic Games Los Angeles 2028 Sports Programme
Depends where you're from.
In Australa and New Zealand eventing is equestrian
rajiv reacted to Grassmarket in [OFF TOPIC] Politics Thread
Oh really? I think the Islamist/Leftist connection is pretty clear by now.
rajiv got a reaction from Makedonas in Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024 Medal Predictions
Is there any event where you don't think Canada is an outside chance of a medal?
rajiv got a reaction from rafalgorka in IMAGINARY SUMMER OLYMPICS MEDAL TABLE
So Eurocentric
In the real world Australia is always in the top 10 but not apparently in the Totallympics world
rajiv reacted to Belle in Athletics at the Summer Olympic Games 2020
Is it only me who are annoyed by @OlympicsFan comments?
He talks trash about everyone except maybe Germans.
Why can’t we support each other?
Greece deserves the gold in long jump. It’s not their problem if the competitiors can’t stay healthy. It’s part of the game to stay healthy.
Hassan and doping? What the heck? Shall we blame every great sportsman/sportswoman for doping now?? Please.
rajiv got a reaction from gubchandrolai in Athletes with origins from other Countries
The captain of the Australian women's football team Sam Kerr is Anglo-Indian by origin
rajiv got a reaction from LuizGuilherme in Surfing at the Summer Olympic Games 2020
I expect that plenty of people here who don't come from countries with ocean coastline beaches and an accompanying surfing culture ( that includes all but about 4 European countries ) don't approve of surfing being on the programme
But I'm sure they have no problem with snow sports especially mountain snow sports being Olympic events and don't give a thought to those from countries which don't have the climate and terrain for these sports
Just an observation
rajiv got a reaction from vinipereira in Surfing at the Summer Olympic Games 2020
I expect that plenty of people here who don't come from countries with ocean coastline beaches and an accompanying surfing culture ( that includes all but about 4 European countries ) don't approve of surfing being on the programme
But I'm sure they have no problem with snow sports especially mountain snow sports being Olympic events and don't give a thought to those from countries which don't have the climate and terrain for these sports
Just an observation
rajiv got a reaction from heywoodu in Summer Olympic Games 2020 Ceremonies
I'm only second guessing the Japanese public . Maybe I'm wrong -think there will be a lot of comment about this in the next few days
I very much doubt that those sackings of key people would be Japanese initiated -they were leaned on by Westerners especially the Americans .
I'm sure the Osaka choice will be applauded by the New York Times , NBC and all that crowd ( the ones who love "Imagine " ) What the people here think is neither here nor there
Yes I do have a problem with Eurocentrism and European condescension towards others .
( I didn't know the abbreviation of Japan was JPN )
rajiv reacted to LDOG in Women's Softball Tournament at the Summer Olympic Games 2020
Is that an argument for anything?
It's not like we don't get fed with american sports through a thousand movies...
rajiv got a reaction from Makedonas in Athletes with origins from other Countries
Surely in the case of GB and France it would be easier to make a list of athletes who DON'T have origins from other countries
rajiv got a reaction from AustralianFan in Summer Olympic Games 2032 Bid Process
Brisbane and south east Queensland was by far the best choice . people who know about these things know that Australia does these things very well and many people ( although none here ) like Australia and Australians . People will have a smile on their face in Australia . Other countries not so much
rajiv got a reaction from Nickyc707 in Which of these indigenous but popular sports would you like to see in Olympics?
Bowls and Netball are the regular Commonwealth Games sports not in the Olympics
They are both 5 continent sports ( which is more than a few of the existing Olympic sports can claim )
I note that triathlon and rugby 7s were firstly Commonwealth Games sports which were later Olympic sports
rajiv got a reaction from NaBUru38 in Summer Olympic Games 2032 Bid Process
Well there are 16 economies of at least a trillion $US in the world and Australia is on a median wealth per adult the wealthiest ( that is a trillion $US with both Nominal and PPP GDP and median wealth not mean wealth. Australian wealth is widely spread )
It has handled the present pandemic better than any of the other 15 trillion dollar economy countries
Australia cities have a distinct lack of no go areas and very few people live on the streets . This will make a pleasant change after Paris and LA .
Don't think many here are well travelled enough if I may state the bleeding obvious
2032 will follow a European and an American Games so a new continent is in order . IOC officials want competence , interest in sport , a friendly comfortable relaxed atmosphere for athletes and visitors alike (which certain European countries have never had and are probably incapable of having )
Financial competence is important -Australian cities have great existing facilities
Etc etc
rajiv got a reaction from OlympicsFan in Summer Olympic Games 2032 Bid Process
Brisbane and south east Queensland was by far the best choice . people who know about these things know that Australia does these things very well and many people ( although none here ) like Australia and Australians . People will have a smile on their face in Australia . Other countries not so much
rajiv got a reaction from rafalgorka in Tokyo 2020 Day after Day as it could have happened
Sydney 2000 was by far the best Olympics in my lifetime - and I think the IOC heavies share that view
I'd say SE Qld must be a strong favourite but the IOC , while not as bad as FIFA , can easily be bought so Qatar wouldn't be too much of a surprise
Australia is very good at these things -the Australian Open is the most popular major with the players for instance
rajiv got a reaction from heywoodu in [OFF TOPIC] Politics Thread
History will mark this day as the day when the USA stopped being a white ruled country .
Guess we'll all see how that goes
For those who argue this isn't true I say Biden is just a very old and very temporary figurehead
I have read that of the top 16 Cabinet positions selected only 4 are white ( that is white non Hispanic and non Jewish or Gentile )
( For those who argue otherwise in USA all Hispanics are categorised as Hispanic -even the King of Spain . Jews increasingly call themselves non white partly so all Jews are in the same grouping )
Not to say that whites are impotent but they now will always need non white allies to take part in government
rajiv got a reaction from bmo in Tennis 2020 Discussion Thread
When you think of the many thousands of people who did everything they could to avoid this disease but had few resources and ended up succumbing to the disease would it even be worth a tear if some of these ultra rich playboy tennis players who laughed at the prospect of catching this disease ended up dying ?
Maybe nobody deserves to die of coronavirus but some are more worthy of sorrow than others
rajiv got a reaction from Griff88 in Top 10 countries with the most Olympic medals
OK Indians historically didn't have a lot of confidence in international sport . Mostly they are content to just be competitive and just to be there.
International travel is a dream for most Indians - and I'm talking of those who are characterised as middle class . For Westerners it's no big deal BUT it probably was for your grandparents
Anyway times are changing . Not so long ago this passive attitude was also in cricket . Just glad to be there .
But it has changed there to the stage where India fears no one ( even when they lose because they are now mature enough to realise that everyone loses sometimes . Just don't make a habit of it )
cleaning up the admin is important . India must realise that the admin types are not the most important people in sport
Anyway looking thru the comments- why do so many westerners -actually I mean continental Europeans-the greater germany crowd to be specific - go on and on about Indian sporting underperformance.
rajiv got a reaction from heywoodu in Top 10 countries with the most Olympic medals
OK Indians historically didn't have a lot of confidence in international sport . Mostly they are content to just be competitive and just to be there.
International travel is a dream for most Indians - and I'm talking of those who are characterised as middle class . For Westerners it's no big deal BUT it probably was for your grandparents
Anyway times are changing . Not so long ago this passive attitude was also in cricket . Just glad to be there .
But it has changed there to the stage where India fears no one ( even when they lose because they are now mature enough to realise that everyone loses sometimes . Just don't make a habit of it )
cleaning up the admin is important . India must realise that the admin types are not the most important people in sport
Anyway looking thru the comments- why do so many westerners -actually I mean continental Europeans-the greater germany crowd to be specific - go on and on about Indian sporting underperformance.
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