I got a little behind on the beach volleyball tournaments:
Espinho, Portugal Challenge tournament (14-17 July)
1. Clancy/Mariafe
2. Quiggle/Schermerhorn
3. Andressa/Vitoria
1. Bryl/Losiak
2. Ermacora/Pristauz
3. Samoilovs/Smedins
Agadir, Morocco Challenge tournament (21-24 July)
1. Piersma/Van Driel
2. Hermannova/Stochlova
3. Menegatti/Gottardi
1. Immers/Boermans
2. Berntzen/Mol
3. Krattiger/Beer
Both tournaments had fairly weak fields, mostly the Moroccon one. Next Beach Pro Tour event is the Hamburg, Germany Elite tournament (10-14 August). The pro tour (something like world cups) keep going all the way into november with trips to South Africa, Brazil and Australia still coming up.
Currently ongoing is a European 'Nations cup' where two teams per country face off against each other, sort of like the Olympic qualification tournaments.