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Everything posted by JoshMartini007

  1. Weren't they suppose to have been partners in 2018 had Homan not qualified to the women's team? He has some trust issues...
  2. Not surprising, hope he can shake off the pressure and perform to the best of his ability.
  3. While the top European teams have shrunk the gap between them and Canada/United States, it's still pretty big. They pretty much need to have a great game while Canada/United States have a poor game for the upset to occur.
  4. If they can get it together they can still challenge for a medal, but Norway isn't going to be much easier.
  5. is almost in while v may determine the final direct qualifier should there be a winner. A draw opens things up for to steal the spot, but will need results to go their way. probably needs to defeat though a draw could work.
  6. He had a relatively decent performance at the Rostelecom Cup Grand Prix so maybe he can finish ahead of and then we can hope finishes ahead of so we don't fall too far behind.
  7. Due to my location and work schedule, I can get around the first 5 hours and the last 2-3 hours of each day. I won't watch anything on Day -2 since Canada isn't participating, but Day -1 I get to watch curling, ice hockey and the tail end of the freestyle moguls and maybe some more curling.
  8. 23 medals for Canada isn't that bad, but yeah, the United States probably needs to shed 10-15 medals for it to be believable.
  9. Canada will be competing in four events on Day -1. In freestyle skiing, the men's and women's moguls will have their first qualification round. In curling, our mixed doubles team will have two matches against and . Our women's ice hockey team will play in their opening match.
  10. Yeah, Australia has a big hill to climb. Things might get clearer in South America later today, but they will be the underdog regardless if its or
  11. Perhaps by day? We aren't a huge group and it would be easier than jumping between threads...
  12. How much of our team is in Beijing? Considering the size of our team, that's pretty good, hopefully the remaining three get out soon.
  13. Gotta solidify that gold medal (and maybe a second medal) in the pairs competition Though to be fair even without the host nation boost they had a decent chance for those medals. The other three events would have to be pretty blatant for them to have a chance at a medal. Same for the team event, but given the format it could screw Canada's small chance at a bronze against Japan.
  14. Yeah, those 8 sports are the ones to watch for medals. You can throw in alpine skiing and skeleton if you want to be really hopeful.
  15. Big achievement for Canada, hopefully this will convince the government to fund the team again.
  16. On a more serious note, I wouldn't mind an obstacle race, it at least keeps it align with its military origins. Besides that, archery would be another viable option.
  17. Looks like inside the game's joke detector is broken
  18. It's quite common for host nations to import athletes, especially in events where they are weak in
  19. Never rule out Canada. If we could win the 2021 World Championships we can win here. We also did really well at the 2018 Olympics, obviously we are not the favourites, but if the team can gel quick enough we can win a medal.
  20. It's possible, beat Latvia in the group stage and then beat the loser between Czech Republic/Switzerland (better case scenario, but less likely you would have to defeat Denmark or Latvia again).
  21. Good to pick up 3 points against Honduras to keep us on top. Big match against the United States on Sunday. Despite playing at home we will have to travel a lot further to get there and then we have to fly back to Central America to play against El Salvador on Wednesday. Who designed this schedule?
  22. Clearly those four quotas "accidentally" ended up in the email spam folder. Good thing they found them.
  23. About a year ago I made a prediction on the team sizes, here's the link. Let's see how I did. First the following nations qualified, but I didn't predict. Nations which I thought would qualify, but did not. Overall not too bad, the ones that I missed were not active a year ago and only qualified one athlete. Kenya technically qualified, but the athlete was not selected and I made my prediction before finding out North Korea will isolate itself until COVID passes. Cayman Islands was a bad pick since I thought an already retired athlete would try to qualify. The following nations I underestimated (predicted a smaller team) by at least five athletes. - 59 athletes - 10 athletes - 6 athletes - 5 athletes - 5 athletes Sorry Denmark, but in my defense they were the first reserves in curling and one win away from qualifying in ice hockey. Unfortunately for me, the nation qualified in those four team events, account for 58 athletes. I kind of knew I was underestimating Australia given its restrictive travel regulations so I'm not surprised that I was off by a lot. I also missed the mark on Jamaica considering how small their team is. I originally only had them qualifying in women's monobob, but they were able to barely sneak in the two men's events. The following nations I overestimated (predicted a larger team) by at least five athletes. - 33 athletes - 32 athletes - 12 athletes - 11 athletes - 11 athletes - 10 athletes - 10 athletes - 9 athletes - 6 athletes Originally I had Germany and Norway qualifying ice hockey teams which explains why they are at the top of the list, but even if we ignore that both nations would remain on the list with 10 and 7 athletes respectively. One weakness from my prediction is I didn't take into account whether a nation will decline quotas which is why you see a lot of the big European nation here.
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