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Everything posted by copravolley

  1. Is there a risk that Trump, Musk, etc. will want to actively engage in the campaign in Canada and what effect might that have?
  2. Musk call the Polish minister: "small, man". This ally is cool...
  3. That's enough to cause confusion and delay decisions: foe example in Paris in women`s 5km, Batocletti came fourth, then got the bronze, then lost it at the end and the news came late at night. In short track, the final decision is made a few minutes after the race at most, and there's no situation where medals are awarded or taken away hours after the competition.
  4. Didn't they copy the UK system? They even gave it the same name: Team NL vs Team GB.
  5. We can criticize winter sports, e.g. short track, but there are no such circuses with DSQ as in Athletics, where DSQ are imposed and then withdrawn and so on several times. Is it really impossible to systematize it somehow and make final decisions at once?
  6. Nel biathlon i risultati sono buoni, ma è impossibile sostituire il leader Vittozzi, che lo scorso anno ha vinto 3 medaglie ai Campionati del Mondo e classifica generale Coppa del Mondo. Spero che in questa stagione finisca con la sfortuna e che la prossima andrà tutto bene. C'è una regressione nello slittino e nello skeleton, sport in cui, a mio parere, siamo chiaramente indietro dal punto di vista tecnologico. La prossima settimana ci saranno il Mondiali di speed skating e short track e io conto su di almeno 5 medaglie (poi saremo molto vicini a 10, e ci saranno ancora freestyle, snowboard e figure skting).
  7. They have their own technology centers where they work on this. Commentators on Italian TV talk about it very often during broadcasts. Ok, they have a lot of money but FIS has to think whether anyone outside Switzerland will be interested in the fact that 4-5 Swiss players are constantly in first place, especially in the long term perspective. The same thing happened with Austria once and it wasn't good either for all od this discipline.
  8. Switzerland dominates similarly to Austria in the late 90s. It's a pity that instead of focusing on some fluore, FIS can't go towards reducing the dominance of these giants. Without such an advantage in equipment, Switzerland wouldn't be so strong and this, I think can be limited.
  9. If not Goggia DNF, it would have been an Italian double probably. Pity.
  10. Honestly, I'm more interested in winter sports now. Half a year after the OG, I have little enthusiasm for following the indoor competitions.
  11. He has to learn to win, because for now he's winning some of medals, but not gold. Now should be the time to take a step forward and start winning gold medals. Here he was in poor form.
  12. The Swedish language is probably very similar to Norwegian?
  13. Nel caso dello skeleton, sono molto deluso da questa stagione: nel 2022 Margaglio ha avuto una bene stagione + l'argento di Bagnis ai Campionati del mondo del 2023 + anche la scorsa stagione è stata positiva per loro. Questa stagione, però, è terribile e non si sa perché? Perché questi ragazzi non stanno facendo progressi, ma anzi stanno regredendo nel loro sviluppo? Lo stesso vale per lo slittino. Sembra che siamo molto indietro in termini di materiali in entrambi casi.
  14. Sometimes I look at Switzerland and I simply envy them. They are making progress in almost every winter sport, not just alpine skiing. It`s a rich country, but Italy is bigger + we should spend much more money becouse we organizing the games. We rarely manage to do that. I would like us to do what France did in Paris: significantly improve our result from 2022. However, I doubt we are able to do it. I have been disappointed and let down too many times in winter to be a big optimist now
  15. Nei 5 km c'è ancora Ghiotto, ma l'ultima prestazione in Coppa del Mondo mi preoccupava... Non si sa cosa sia successo lì, ma non si è trattato di infortunio. Qualcuno ha informazioni? Secondo me, 3-4 anni fa tutti i soldi avrebbero dovuto essere investiti nello slittino, in questi sport su pista di ghiaccio, a scapito dello skeleton e del bob. Concentrandosi al 100% sullo slittino si avrebbe la possibilità di raggiungere un livello superiore a quello della Lettonia, e questo darebbe già la possibilità di vincere anche 3 medaglie (Fischnaller, doppio femminile, staffetta), supponendo che Germania e Austria siano fuori portata..Al momento stiamo sprecando risorse in tutte e tre le discipline e rischiamo di rimansto senza niente... Personalmente, preferirei uno slittino piu forte piuttosto 3 discipline medio- basso, come adesso. Cosa ne pensi?
  16. I have already written that I will consider 15 medals a success, but it will still be less medals than in 2022 (17)- an edition over our real capabilities at that time in my opinion. In any case, it may be 2 times in a row that Italy as the host of the Winter Games we will get fewer medals than in the previous edition and it will not be nice. Currently we have a more stable base and results achieved in summer sports: 2 more great last editions of the Games and this can no longer be called a coincidence. It's hard to change anything positively with 1 year to go until the Olympics. We have to count on our veterans in various sports not having injuries and being in good shape. Unfortunately, cross-country skiing has been neglected for many years and even Cramer's good work over the last 3 years couldn't change much. Maybe if we gave him 7 years from 2019, the situation would be better.
  17. Turin 2006 was a disaster for Italy: we won fewer medals there than in 2002: 11 vs. 14. No other country in the 21st century has suffered such a defeat. In addition, the next 2 editions were disastrous for us: 2010 and 2014. It was only in 2018 that we began to revive. We gained nothing from that edition and I`m afraid that it will be similar this time. France won 2x more medals at the Paris Games than in Tokyo 2021 (64x33) and this can be called an organizational and sports success. We will have a problem with 15 medals in Cortina 2026, when in 2022, we won 17... Another disaster is coming
  18. Bagnis ha avuto una seconda manche terribile e ha perso la possibilità di vincere una medaglia. Una stagione terribile per lo slittino/skeleton e sembra che, anche se gareggiassero in casa, non vinceranno nemmeno una medaglia. Nel frattempo, la Gran Bretagna, solo nello skeleton, potrebbe vincere 3-4 medaglie, di cui 1-2 d'oro. Invece di fare progressi, c'è una regressione, mentre altri vanno avanti, anche se noi abbiamo le Olimpiadi in casa e dovremmo migliorare, non la Gran Bretagna o la Lettonia. Forse sarebbe meglio rinunciare completamente allo skeleton, ad esempio, e spendere tutti i soldi in una slittino per vincere almeno 2 o 3 medaglie. Al momento, sembra che siamo nella livello medio-basso in entrambi.
  19. If Italy wants to dream of a medal in the men's relay, they must field Pellegrino in the last leg. Otherwise, there is no chance. We miss the solid de Fabiani of his best years in the classic. For Italy, only one silver medal from Pellegrino is simply too little when small Switzerland has 3 medals. We have slept through many years and now we are seeing the results.
  20. It`s funny to me that as a host we won't win anything in this niche discipline and the medals will be won by Spain, which doesn't put any money into winter sports at all. Our defeat next year in Cortina will also be due to the fact that we are too weak to push through our strong disciplines, as additional ones, they just impose on us those in which we are weak. It would have been enough to adds: 2 PSL in snowboard alpine + team event in snowboard alpine, instead of a mixed team in sci alpinismo. Then we would have 2-3 more possibile medals for us and now Spain or France will win another one It's strange to me that the country - the organizer of the games is treated like some trash and no one takes its opinion into account. ps. Malago is in worse treated in this IOC than Zelensky was recently with Trump, because at least the other one is allowed at the table, while no one respects ours to even let him speak.
  21. Switzerland beats us in almost every winter sport. They don't have the Olympics at home in a year, but they're making progress in every discipline. We're finishing with 1 silver at thie World Championships, but looking globally, in a year we're in for a disaster at home. 4th, 5th or 6th place is nice, but medals are what counts and that's why you organize home games, to win them. That's what the UK did in 2012 and France in 2024. We can't do that. btw., If Russia returns, there will only be a fight for bronze in the relays.
  22. For us Russia will back in 2026r. Olympics and on what terms? For example, relay races?
  23. Italy, by not giving Pellegrino on the final round, basically loses any chance of a medal
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