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Everything posted by copravolley

  1. Personalmente sono molto preoccupato anche per i risultati di quest'anno dei Campionati mondiali di sport invernali. Sarà un anno molto debole e i grandi successi di Brignone non potranno cambiare le cose. Cosa ne pensi? Sarà un fiasco più grande del 2006?
  3. Nella sciabola donne come la vedi? Terenzi ha vinto l'oro a squadre con l'Ucraina, ma soprattutto grazie a Kharlan. Olga presto sposerà Samele, ma dubito che vorrà cambiare i suoi colori nazionali. Forse se non ci fosse stata la guerra... Ora sarebbe probabilmente considerata una traditrice. OK, ma dovremmo investire di più nello sport, non tagliare i costi. Certo, se vuoi continuare a vincere medaglie... so che Magro andrà in Polonia.
  4. Sono curioso, perché Vanni? Risparmi?
  5. Unfortunately you are right. Shitting in your own nest is the norm in this country... This is best seen in the scandalous organization of the next Winter Olympics, which will be an even bigger disaster in every aspects than Turin 2006.
  6. Anche il fioretto italiano non è più dominante come un tempo. Ora sono gli USA a dominare, attirando i migliori specialisti da tutto il mondo. Se questa era l'intenzione, sarei completamente d'accordo, ma qui abbiamo un cambiamento da Cerioni al molto meno esperto Vanni, anche lui italiano. Non so quale sia lo senso di questo cambiamento, ma mi sembra strano. Parigi 2024 è stata un fallimento per il fioretto (niente oro, nessuna medaglia individuale femminile), ma la domanda è: il successore riuscirà a ottenere qualcosa di più? Che esperienza ha rispetto a Cerioni? Penso anche che nella sciabola bisogna aprirsi a un'idea di allenamento diversa da quella italiana, o almeno iniziare a seguire i consigli di qualcun altro.
  7. Just imagine their opinions if the head of WADA was an Italian...
  8. More suspicious to me is the Swiatek case and her short suspension- 1 month + the fact that the head of WADA is a Pole - Witold Banka...
  9. Cosa intendi? Non è forse vero che il nuovo presidente ha un'idea diversa e sta apportando dei cambiamenti?
  10. Super mondiale per Brignone, ma il resto è stato deludente: soprattutto Goggia. Paris ha avuto un po' di sfortuna, ma a parte lui la squadra maschile è molto debole. La forza dell'Italia risiede ormai quasi solo nelle persone che hanno più di 30 anni.
  11. Sorpresa con Cerioni. Sai qualcosa di più?
  14. Finally! The most deserved gold in history. Win without any discussion, so that no one else can push in. Now it's time for the second World Cup in her career.
  15. They did what the Italians should do, but unfortunately Giacomel has been too inconsistent this season. He has great performances but makes inexplicable mistakes. In any case, Italian biathlon without Vittozzi in great form can count on single podiums at major events at best, nothing more.
  16. Italy another bad day in winter sports and we can already risk that in biathlon there will be no medal for us at the World Championships. Giacomel is out of shape and he was the only one here who could count on a medal. If tomorrow Brignone doesn`t win a medal in alpine skiing, then a disaster is coming for us this winter season.
  17. This doesn`t surprise me, because these are completely different generations of skiers and Schiffrin preferred to start with her friend, who is currently better sports level than Vonn. She might have chosen Vonn only because of pressure from sponsors and the media.
  18. It's just that in winter Italy doesn't have any flagship sport (like Germany in luge, Austria and Sui in alpine skiing) and recently we've had practically no positive surprises for outsiders, like in summer events. We have the multitude of 4-5 places and still watching the backs of the powers in different sports, whether in luge or alpine skiing etc. In alpine skiing we have strong girls but if that translates into 1-2 medals at the World Championships, then we have nothing to talk about. Especially since Brignone and Goggia are over 30. Next year's winter games will be an epochal defeat for us, because it will be difficult to even win 10 medals. Only speed skating and short track can save us. Some results in the last few days in several competitions: - Paris: 4 in men`s downhill (0,15 to podium), - Goggia: 5 in women`s Super G (0,06 to podium), - Paris: 7 in men`s Super G (0,16 to podium), - Fischnaller: 4 in men`s single luge, - Voetter/Oberhofer: 4 in women`s double. Only Brignone in women`s Super G have a medal but only silver behind 0,10 sec. Venier from Austria. It's really hard to watch you constantly lose to Germans, Austrians or Swiss in various disciplines and you're helpless in it and no other positive surprise compensates you for it. I'm slowly getting fed up.
  19. We only have Brignone's chance left in the giant slalom. If she doesn't make it, we'll end up with 1 silver in the Olympic events. Very bad.
  20. China won here against Poland on penalties... Poland recently lost very badly to Slovakia and Latvia at the World Champ. and is definitely the weakest team present here.
  21. Goggia before her last injuries in period: 2022/2024, would have fought for gold even on this course. Unfortunately, another accidents have taken their health and she is no longer the same skier she was before. Throughout the current season, Goggia has been at a lower level in the downhill than Brignone, which was once unthinkable. Apart from Goggia, Brignone couldn't do anything yesterday and Delago and Pirovano aren`t currently at medal level.
  22. China got rid of all the naturalized players from Canada and the US, so this is no surprise. With them on board, they were on equal lovel with Japan. Without foreign recruitment the Chinese team is worse than Slovakia or Holland.
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