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Everything posted by copravolley

  1. If Italy wants to dream of a medal in the men's relay, they must field Pellegrino in the last leg. Otherwise, there is no chance. We miss the solid de Fabiani of his best years in the classic. For Italy, only one silver medal from Pellegrino is simply too little when small Switzerland has 3 medals. We have slept through many years and now we are seeing the results.
  2. It`s funny to me that as a host we won't win anything in this niche discipline and the medals will be won by Spain, which doesn't put any money into winter sports at all. Our defeat next year in Cortina will also be due to the fact that we are too weak to push through our strong disciplines, as additional ones, they just impose on us those in which we are weak. It would have been enough to adds: 2 PSL in snowboard alpine + team event in snowboard alpine, instead of a mixed team in sci alpinismo. Then we would have 2-3 more possibile medals for us and now Spain or France will win another one It's strange to me that the country - the organizer of the games is treated like some trash and no one takes its opinion into account. ps. Malago is in worse treated in this IOC than Zelensky was recently with Trump, because at least the other one is allowed at the table, while no one respects ours to even let him speak.
  3. Switzerland beats us in almost every winter sport. They don't have the Olympics at home in a year, but they're making progress in every discipline. We're finishing with 1 silver at thie World Championships, but looking globally, in a year we're in for a disaster at home. 4th, 5th or 6th place is nice, but medals are what counts and that's why you organize home games, to win them. That's what the UK did in 2012 and France in 2024. We can't do that. btw., If Russia returns, there will only be a fight for bronze in the relays.
  4. For us Russia will back in 2026r. Olympics and on what terms? For example, relay races?
  5. Italy, by not giving Pellegrino on the final round, basically loses any chance of a medal
  7. Non ho contato Pellegrino, quindi puoi aggiungere 1 medaglia, ma è comunque meno di 15: per me è il minimo assoluto per oggi.
  8. Se i russi tornassero tra un anno, e se tornassero perché la guerra sta per finire, non ci sarebbe alcuna possibilità di vincere medaglie nelle fondo. Nella fondo e nel biathlon ci sono molti piazzamenti tra i primi 8, ma pochissime medaglie, e nelle grandi eventi sono le medaglie a contare. E ad oggi abbiamo 4 medaglie nelle competizioni olimpiche con una prospettiva massima di 10-12. L'anno prossimo la Russia tornerà a gareggiare nel fondo e nel pattinaggio di figura, ma non si sa ancora se riuscirà a vincere quelle 10 medaglie. Questi sono i fatti per 1 anno fino a Cortina.
  9. For now we have only 4 medals in Olympic competitions and it's early March... I did the calculations recently and it turned out that we can win 10-12 medals this year at most. This is a poor result 1 year before the home games. Yes, we are bloody unlucky, because in biathlon, cross-country, alpine skiing, luge we have a lot of 4-5 places, but there are practically no positive surprises. Summer in Paris we had the most 4 places out of all, but there were many medals in +. There is nothing like that here. If you expect us to suddenly jump above 20 medals next year, I admire your optimism...
  10. Altro 4° e 5° posto oggi, in precedenza 5° per Pellegrino nello skiathlon... Troppo quei posti appena dietro il podio, ma troppo poche medaglie.
  11. Unfortunately, Pellegrino was very weak today. He failed to medal the Italians. Out of 3 real chances, he won one certain silver here, but he failed twice in the finish. 4th or 5th place is ok, but at the World Championships medals are what counts the most and we have dramatically few of them this winter season. Basically, without Brignone, we probably would have the worst winter season in the 21st century. Italy is the leader in terms of occupying 4-5 places, whether in summer or winter.
  12. There are some swallows, but it's still not enough. Cassol has problems with endurance + there are still some illnesses/injuries etc. If not Monsorno, then Franchi or di Centa and so on and so forth. It's hard to build a solid squad when 2/3 of your skiers are still sick with something.
  13. If we finish in top- 8, I'll be happy... Unfortunately, our best sprinter is missing - Nicole Monsorno, who will not start again this season.
  14. She was a representative of the typical Russian school - her coach came from the USSR, although he lived in Poland for many years. Not every organism would withstand such competition and training loads but on the other hand Kowalczyk had a bad skier technique (especially in the skate) and had to rely on endurance and strength. In my opinion, she had sponsors, because Poland is a big country and sponsors can always be found if someone is very successful and Kowalczyk was very successful for many years. She simply operated in such a training and competition regime and couldn`t do it otherwise. She had to starts everywhere, because otherwise her form would be worse. She was not a skier in peak form for 1 event in the season.
  15. Bjoergen also skipped many World Cup seasons to focus on big events: the period from 2009 to 2013. She won the World Cup in 2012, but there were no big events at that time. I don't know if this tactics up was due to the fact that Kowalczyk was a starting machine at that time and even Bjoergen wasn't able to compete with her for the entire season? Or maybe Bjoergen was doing badly at that time and it was necessary to fight for as many World Cups as possible? Bjoergen's only really perfect season was in 2015: winning the World Cup, Tour de Ski + a few medals at the World Championships in Falun. What are your opinions on this topic?
  16. Do you think it would be similar with natural luge? Germany would definitely strengthen there if this discipline was included in the Olympic program.
  17. But for Today the chances of an Olympic medal for us in this discipline are small. Italy's problem is that we couldn't force the IOC to include at least 1-2 disciplines where we are strong, e.g. PSL in snowboard alpine or team event in the same snowboard. Not to mention natural luge, which could just as well have been in the program instead of this ski mountain. I remember in Sochi 2014 how many additional disciplines Russia got to win more medals as the host. The same will happen in Los Angeles 2028 with the USA...
  18. It is just worth remembering that Colturi and Ljutić, for example, no longer compete in these junior competitions. The worst thing that can happen to Collomb now is that the Italian media will forcefully make her out to be succesor of Brignone and put pressure on her. As of today, she doesn`t seem a talent on the level of Fede or Colturi and such confusion can only harm this young girl.
  19. Going back to earlier times, what do you think Kalla missed to be able to fight in the overall World Cup with the likes of Bjoergen or Kowalczyk? Sometimes it was hard to understand her small consequences throughout the season and in 2008 it seemed that Kalla could be a dominant force for many years, when she won the TDS in just 20 years!
  20. These are certainly not as serious problems as they used to be in Finland, which went from being a hemomon to a weakling in this sport. Norway certainly still spends more money on ski jumping than Poland, Slovenia, or Japan.
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