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Everything posted by copravolley

  1. I think this is the first time this winter that I agree with you
  2. Speed skating ha migliorato un po' la nostra situazione e grazie a questo sono ancora possibili 15 medaglie: ora dipende tutto dal freestyle e dallo snowboard. Speed skating e lo short track hanno vinto complessivamente 7 medaglie, lo stesso numero del 2024 e del 2023. Ora le proporzioni sono migliori per speed skating: 5-2, e soprattutto 3-0 in ori. Short track al di sotto delle aspettative, ma almeno ha ottenuto 2 medaglie- il minimo assoluto per me. La situazione per oggi: 4-5-2.
  3. Kharlan has been training in Italy for many years. Maybe in the future he will become a good coach and improve the level of Italian women's sabre, which has been very weak for years.
  4. Very unpleasant action and it's a shame that they are making enemies and all the more respect for the Netherlands - I thought that having the greatest influence in the federation, they might want to win a medal for Bergsma at the green table.
  5. It's a bit of a disappointment for me. I thought that it was more the Netherlands that wanted a medal for Bergsma. In any case, it was good that the protest was rejected.
  6. And who wanted to file a protest? Poland or the Netherlands? These two countries were the most interested, because for the Czech Republic silver or bronze didn't make much difference (especially since Marchetto and Petr Novak are quite close in and out of competition).
  7. Ghiotto was a DSQ in 2023 for not pass Eitrem in the last World Cup and he lost the all overall classification in long distances. At that time, it was enough for him to finish calmly in 6, because Roest had given up the competition. Ghiotto is quite sensitive mentally and it took hard. If he got DSQ today, he would have a really hard time all summer.
  8. Plus there were other good places this skier in sprints. Starega also had several top-10 finishes in sprints.
  9. Lollobrigida's 5 km gold is the biggest positive surprise for Italy at these World Championships. I thought that if she didn't win a medal in the 3 km, then she had no chance in the 5 km and certainly not for gold. Giovannini's gold in the mass start was a nice surprise, but certainly not a sensation.
  10. Comparing with the previous 2 World Championships and the all od this season, he wasn't in good shape here. No one had ever come close to him in under 10 seconds for 10 km. Secondly, he was also much weaker in the 5 km. I hope that our staff will learn from this. Knowing Marchetto's work in Italy for many years, has athletes almost always been in top form at the Olympics: 2006, 2018 and 2022, so I trust that next year will be just as good. I just don't remember if Marchetto also led us in 2010? It was bad in Vancouver, but that was already the decline time of Fabris.
  11. It`s worth noting, however, that Davide was in poor form towards the end of the season and this cannot be repeated next year in Cortina, because these two young riders: the Pole and the Czech will still develop. Eitrem looks like he will focus more on the 5 km and possibly the 1500. The rest of the field is probably already too old (Bergsma, Bloemen) or too weak for today.
  12. Eitrem should have got a DSQ on Friday for crossing the line and destroying the photocell with time. I didn't see anything unusual about Ghiotto today run.
  13. Sochi with 4 golds is rather impossible to beat, but in Vancouver there was only 1 gold. In Sochi Poland basically everything worked well. And on Russian terrain :P In 2014, there were no Putin wars yet and the situation wasn`t as tense as it is now.
  14. Jasapati was good in this season in World Cup.
  15. Fontana also has no chance in speed skating but she compete there. I don't know for what purpose? By doing so, she limits her chances in short track even more, which are currently small. I can't believe she doesn't want to win a medal after 20 years at home.
  16. I just hope that Canada won't soon be the same as Norway in ski jumping.
  17. You shouldn't complain anyway. Back then, in short track, Holland didn't matter at all in the world, even in Europe they were weak. Go back to 2006... In Europe there was Radanova, Italians and nothing, and the world was even further ahead.
  18. In sports, as in life, you have to be lucky, unless you are as strong as Canada in men. Fontana is at a stage in her career where 0 medals in Cortina would not surprise me, because she has to count on luck, and she had none here.
  19. Poland used 100% of their chances and even more. Fontana had 3 chances to win medals and ended up with nothing. For Italy, this is the worst World Championship since 2019: 2 medals is a poor result. The Olympics are not organized to win fewer medals than before.
  20. Bronze for Sighel, but with this Canada it's hard to expect anything more. Weak championship for us, as usual a lot of bad luck, as always this year.
  21. Sighel in A final but he`s form here isn`t good
  22. I'm really scared by the number of 4th and 5th places for Italy this year. We're getting to 20... Even statistically, 2/3 should turn into medals. I don't know how you can be so unlucky. Only 8 medals in this winter and over 15x 4/5 places but then someone from Canada said that they are unlucky... At the OG/World Championships that 4/5 place is the worst, because it doesn't give you anything. I'd rather have 24 or 25.
  23. Quella di oggi è stata probabilmente la giornata migliore per i nostri sport invernali da tempo dell'oro di Fede nello slalom gigante di Saalbach. Io sono obiettivo e so apprezzare un buon risultato. Il problema è che in questa stagione ce ne sono stati pochissimi. Mi baso sui fatti, sui risultati dei Mondiali nelle competizioni olimpiche, perché questo è il criterio più affidabile. Ci sono molte gare di Coppa del Mondo, non sempre le atleti più forti sono li e quindi i risultati non sono sempre oggettivi al 100%: dipende dalla disciplina e dalla specifica competizione. Per quanto riguarda il nostro sport, sia estivo che invernale, ci sono troppi 4/5/6 posti, troppi infortuni/malattie, troppe scarse prestazioni negli eventi piu importanti nell anno. Questi sono i fatti che avrebbe dovuto essere analizzato molti anni fa e da cui si sarebbero dovute trovare le opportune conclusioni. E continuo a pensare che l'organizzazione di alcune federazioni non sono ottimale: perché investire risorse in 3 discipline: slittino, bob, skeleton, e fare la mediocre in ognuna, invece di puntare tutto sulla slitta e lottare reale per 2-3 medaglie? Forse in questa situazione la nostra situazione nel settore dello slittino, con i materiali sarebbe migliore grazie ai maggiori fondi e budget. La Gran Bretagna ha abbandonato lo slittino e si è concentrata sullo skeleton e sul bob, con ottimi risultati.
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