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  1. Francia 15 medaglie (6 ori)... Perché non possiamo fare quello che fanno loro? Aggiungo che l'Italia è attualmente all'ultimo posto tra i Paesi alpini (anche la piccola Slovenia ci precede noi con 4 medaglie d'oro grazie nel salto con gli sci). L'avevo immaginato davvero in modo diverso un anno prima delle giochi casalinghe. A questo punto dovremmo essere più o meno allo stesso livello della Francia, anziché restare dietro la piccola Slovenia... È difficile essere ottimisti nella situazione attuale.
  2. Considerando solo Mondiali, questa stagione è disastrosa per noi e sarà difficile cambiare qualcosa. Solo una Brignone ci ha salvato quest'inverno. Per ora la situazione è questa: contavo di vincere 8-9 medaglie entro la fine della settimana (speed skating e short track), ma potrebbe rivelarsi un problema anche questo. Siamo condannati al 4-5-6 posto quest'inverno. Medal table (after 57 events) Norway 15-12-12---39 Germany 7-9-11---27 Sweden 7-3-5---15 Switzerland 6-5-7---18 France 6-4-5---15 United States 4-4-4---12 Slovenia 4-1-0---5 Austria 3-7-5---15 Netherlands 2-2-1---5 Italy 1-3-0---4 Great Britain 1-2-0---3 Spain 1-1-0---2 Czechia 0-2-2---4 Finland 0-1-2---3 Latvia 0-1-0---1 New Zealand 0-1-0---1 Canada 0-0-1---1 China 0-0-1---1 Japan 0-0-1---1 Poland 0-0-1---1
  3. Ho dei dubbi se Ghiotto riuscirà a difendere il suo oro nei 10 km. Questo atleta Pol/Rus è in un certo senso incredibile: non so se è stato sottoposto a controlli antidoping per diversi anni, dato che non gareggiava da nessuna parte.
  4. Era già 4° all'ultima Coppa del Mondo. Tuttavia, questo non cambia il fatto che Ghiotto non stia facendo alcun progresso sui 5 km. Non ci sarà una situazione migliore di quella odierna: l'ultima coppia e un buon rivale. Nelle ultime due stagioni ha perso solo contro il Roest. Ora, senza Roest, perderà anche contro Eitrem, Snellink/Heuzinga, Semyrunnyi e l'anno prossimo probabilmente anche contro il giovane ceco. Il van der Poel italiano non c'è, a probabilmente non ci sara anche nel futuro.
  5. Ghiotto è semplicemente fuori forma a fine stagione. Inoltre, i rivali sono più giovani: per esempio la Polonia ha naturalizzato un russo di 22 anni, che tra un anno vincerà probabilmente 2 medaglie alle Olimpiadi, tra cui forse l'oro nella gara dei 10 km. Perché non naturalizziamo nessuno se abbiamo una base limitata di pattinatori? Dal 2022 c'è una guerra in corso e potresti facilmente far venire qualche atleta dalla Russia o Blr nel pattinaggio, nello sci di fondo, biathlon ecc. Non abbiamo fatto nulla in tal senso, quindi altri ne approfittano e ci rubano le medaglie.
  6. E le prospettive sono pessime, perché i rivali sono più giovani di Ghiotto e arriverà anche Roest. In questa pessima forma, l'oro nella gara dei 10 km non è certo. Sembra un festival del 4 e 5 posto e di 1 medaglia nei 10 km. Terribile.
  7. Disastro Ghiotto. Quest'anno ci sarà un problema con 10 medaglie. Il Mondiale sta andando male per noi. Tanti 4 e 5 posti, ma pochissime medaglie.
  8. My family on my mother's side comes from Poland, we spent a few holidays there when we were kids. At the beginning of the 21st century it was a pretty cool country, but only now do you see how much Warsaw, for example, has developed. Certainly, Poland has always had a rather bad location on the map and hence a difficult history, but the last 20 years have been very good for it. There is still a negative sentiment for countries like Germany or Russia, for example, it is visible during sports games, when these countries are not the favorites of polish fans :P I think that polish-italian relations as positive - I don't even mean politics, but generally in the feelings of ordinary people. If a survey were to be conducted in Italy, Poland would probably be in the top of the most liked nations. In Poland, I have also always been and still am quite pleasantly received as an Italian.
  9. Ski jumping is popular in Poland, so maybe Poles will post some of their links? In Italy, unfortunately, there is only 1 site that writes anything about this sport and I have just posted a link to one article from there.
  11. Belarus has only itself to blame for taking part in Putin's war, even though it got nothing out of it. Other countries from the former USSR didn`t take part in this war and are not subject to any sanctions, e.g. Kazakhstan, Georgia, etc. This simply shows that Belarus is no longer an independent country, but a part of Russia, because Lukashenko makes decisions in line with the interests of Russia, not his own country. In addition, many athletes from BLR play under a neutral flag, e.g. Sabalenka is even No. 1 in women's tennis
  12. For now, it must be proven that the entire Norwegian staff, athletes etc. knew about it, and not, for example, 1-2 people. Then, appropriate penal regulations can be introduced, but they still will not be able to be retroactive. There is no such thing in the law that someone has to prove their innocence - it's exactly the opposite- it`s he who must be proven guilty.
  13. The Russians had their ROC and competed until the war began and I'm sure they'll be back this year if peace is reached. I don't understand why Sundal or Granerud shouldn't start because Lindvik did something wrong... Especially since Lindvik has already been punished - he lost his silver medal in large hill. In the case of doping there are clear rules regarding disqualification but in the case of equipment you probably only get a disqualification for specific competitions, nothing more. Of course, FIS can create new rules for penalties, but the law is not retroactive...
  14. Poland now is lucky now that the new Ribbentropp-Molotov doesn`t concern them personally, but the country to the east of them - Ukraine. The only bad thing is that France could think the same in 1939, and two years later the Germans were already in Paris...
  15. I'm interested in Slovenia, because it's clear that the big three: Austria, Germany and Norway are in an arms race. It's also clear that Poland and Japan have fallen behind. For now, it looks like Slovenia is taking advantage of this war of the big three and is able to win something for itself. The question is: Is Prevc honest, since at the beginning of the season he had trouble advancing to the top 30?
  16. Austria started this ski jumping arms race at the beginning of the 21 century, that continues to this day. I'm sure they bend the rules all the time, and when someone else does something similar, like Norway now, or Ammann in Vancouver 2010, they're the first to attack others. This video also came from them - they gave it to the polish journalist so as not to directly connect Austria with this action. I think this is not the end and there will be further actions and provocations, because Norway and the group of countries standing with it: the USA and Estonia will not forgive Austria for making this illegal video public.
  17. Why should Russia now be getting closer to the US, when they have always been closer to China for many reasons, including historical ones? This is so ridiculous that it is impossible that someone could seriously think something like this. It will happen that the USA will alienate many countries that are friendly to it but Russia will choose China, not the USA This is the 5D chess of Trump and Musk, between subsequent alcohol and drugs libation in the White House
  18. You can't treat it as collective responsibility. Lindvik has already been punished, because he lost his silver medal on the large hill. In my opinion, the Austrians are cheating the most and they are now pretending to be saints. It's a good thing that Prevc from Slovenia won, rather than some Austrian after a dsq for Lindvik, which was probably what Austria was counting on.
  19. In the sense of a USA ally that came out well from this? Perhaps. You could also add Israel.
  20. Biden could have become president in 2008 when Obama won. He was still a good age then. In 2020 unfortunately he was too old, so they had to replace him with Harris. I hope that in 2028 Dem will finally find a good candidate from the younger generation, because Trump will promote Vance.
  21. Trump isn`t an Russian agent in my opinion - he is an old fool and a narcissist. Musk could be an agent. However, Trump in his first term was surrounded by more centrist people, e.g. Pence and that is why he was better. Now the entire Trump administration is radicals, like him or even greater. There is a problem.
  22. I always think that in Canada is a more normal political class than in the USA.
  23. In my opinion, the greatest allies of the USA in Europe now see what others have seen before: the USA thinks only of itself and nothing more. No values there, no democracy, free world, etc. I don`t recall any ally of the USA in the 21st century doing well in business with them (It is difficult to call the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, etc. successful: for example Poland was forced to participate in them and send its soldiers there). Only before, US politicians were at least nice and patted them on the back and now the masks have fallen: Trump, Musk and others are simply rude, arrogant and treat others like garbage. Now, if I were the Prime Minister or Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland, I would go on a diplomatic trip to Beijing as soon as possible...
  24. And who are now the conservatives in Canada? A more moderate party, like the Rep before Trump, or more like the current MAGA?
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