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Posts posted by dezbee2008

  1. 34 minutes ago, heywoodu said:

    There may still be a part of the story missing of course, but EBU has refused to give any information whatsoever, so for now we only have the AVROTROS statement to go on and that one tells the story of something that can barely even be called an incident.


    DQ for that is utterly ridiculous.

    I'm sure we'll get a clearer picture of what happened in the coming weeks, but this is just sad regardless

  2. 7 minutes ago, heywoodu said:

    Apparently there has been no contact with the camera person after the incident (despite attempts to clear things up, she refused). So from what we now know, this seems to have been the situation:


    - Joost Klein performed in the semi's, then walked off stage rushing to the green room

    - There were deals not to film him (apparently a common thing) on the way there

    - Against those deals, he was being filmed

    - Repeated requests to stop filming were ignored

    - Joost then reacted with a 'threatening move' towards the camera (whatever that may be, perhaps a slight swing of the fist, but didn't hit anything)

    - Camera person complained about it, then quickly walked away and refused any contact to clear things up

    - Police was called because of that and in the end it was enough to disqualify him


    What the actual hell.


    Sooooooo he defended himself and that was a huge red flag for the EBU?????


    Anyone who's gotten in deep trouble for defending themselves know this all too well

  3. It's been more than a week, but here is my personal 12


    12 -- :MLT

    11 -- :ROU

    10 -- :LTU

    9 -- :FRA

    8 -- :GUA (for the record @Fer GUA I found out about Gaby Moreno more than a decade ago so I just have to give points)

    7 -- :GER

    6 -- :CHI

    5 -- :ESP

    4 -- :POR

    3 -- :IRL

    2 -- :NED

    1 -- :BUL


    R1 -- :ARG

    R2 -- :HUN 


    I'm just happy that despite finishing 6th, Team USA 'won' the medal table, so thank you to everyone who gave points.

  4. 11 minutes ago, Werloc said:

    I was really scared when I saw how overwhelmingly impactful the topic of religion is in the United States. I've watched this Youtube video recently discussing LGBT and the conversation was completely derailed by Catholicism. 


    Here in Lithuania, older generation is religious mostly, but I personally don't know anybody going to church on a Sunday. Although, Catholicism is really used as a scapegoat to hate on all of the minorities in the country, because people don't want to take accountability of their own hateful feelings/thoughts and choose to hide behind the 'Bible said so'... 


    It's really annoying how you can be an absolute awful prick just because of your religious beliefs. 

    Yeah, here in Florida, if you're LGBT they do not want to hear from you

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