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Everything posted by RobtheAggie

  1. Real neat 15 min review of this weeks races from the French perspective.
  2. Chile did not make it past the first leg before they were lapped. I almost wish that in the IBU Junior Cup and IBU Cup that teams would not be removed from the race when they were lapped. How else is Chile supposed to get better? I hope the team got some really good training and can find a local race or two prior to their return to South America. With Dale and Knotten going for Norway in the Single Mixed Relay, I am not too sure how long Argentina will last as well. Mixed Relay results: Russia Norway Italy Switzerland
  3. Wow that is 20% of the field. Stina Nillson in her first mass start. Great to see Japan in the mass start as well with Tachizaki.
  4. Argentina in the Single Mixed Relay and Chile in the Mixed Relay. That is awesome!
  5. Women's Super Sprint Final: Scattolo solidifies first place in the overall crystal globe. Gunka wins again for Poland! Gunka moves into 1st in the Overall Crystal Globe chase.
  6. Really good race for the IBU Cup - Women's Race The men's Dale skied fast, but missed 3 shots! I do not think that he is going to China. Mixed and Single Mixed Relays on tap tomorrow.
  7. Great day of racing. Congrats to E. Oberg and the French!!! Such fun to see the crowds on the course going crazy! I had forgotten how miserable those two steep hills are.
  8. US with 2 women in the pursuit and 3 men. Not bad at all. Snow around the course makes everything so much nicer. My wife and I commented that the camera shots made me want to go.
  9. Wow! Co-Champions might be the most fair thing. Makarainen did nothing wrong, and Berger could be justly rewarded.
  10. So no Eckhoff, Preuss out due to a twisted ankle, and Canadian Nadia Moser with a broken fibula due to a sledding accident. Not a good week for women's biathlon.
  11. Women's Sprint Results: They were the only to shoot clean. Men's Sprint Results: Gunka shows that his ski speed was crazy fast! He won by 19 sec, with two penalties! Demarmels was the only biathlete to shoot clean for the men.
  12. News from the US side of things. Susan Dunklee will not race this weekend in France. They are only starting three women. There is a Olympic/IBU Cup trial in Craftsbury, VT this weekend, and she is skiing there.
  13. I bet it is Canada that is invited. I would be surprised to see any of the top Norwegians, Swedes or French. I think Finland and Estonia, although not strong enough to bring eyeballs, would be interesting inclusions.
  14. Great news. 7 of the 10 teams have already accepted. For North America, Canada has participated 2x (2016, 2017) and the US (2008, 2009, 2010, 2012).
  15. Races this week in Martell. No US, France, Norway and Sweden. Sprint - Mixed Relays (Mixed and Single Mixed) - Super Sprint.
  16. Austrian tams in Obertilliach Men Nikolaus Leitinger 🇦🇹 Harald Lemmerer 🇦🇹 Magnus Oberhauser 🇦🇹 Lucas Pitzer 🇦🇹 Thomas Postl 🇦🇹 Dominic Unterweger 🇦🇹 Ladies Anna Gandler 🇦🇹 Anna Juppe 🇦🇹 Kristina Oberthaler 🇦🇹 Christina Rieder 🇦🇹 Tamara Steiner 🇦🇹
  17. Austria is only sending 3 women to France: Ladies Lisa Theresa Hauser 🇦🇹 Katharina Innerhofer 🇦🇹 Dunja Zdouc 🇦🇹 Men Patrick Jakob 🇦🇹 Simon Eder 🇦🇹 David Komatz 🇦🇹 Felix Leitner 🇦🇹
  18. @Fly_like_a_don I agree, I thought the same thing. The men's team is so strong, that they can rotate. The funny thing, for the nations who only have 4 starters or even 3, the squad rotation is not even possible. It kind of makes the Norwegian team seem like a spoiled rich kid.
  19. The challenge is that Relays are head to head and thus better viewing for TV.
  20. Norway makes a change to the women's team. Karoline Knotten and Emilie Kalkenberg are out and Karoline Erdal and Ragnhild Femsteinevik are in. Erdal has 5 top 10 finishes this season on the IBU Cup already. Femsteinevik won the Mass Start 60 at Sjusjoen.
  21. Women's Relay: Germany, Italy, Austria. 11 finished and in a very surprising event, Russian finished in 10th place. They were 7:29 behind! 3 penalty looks with 11 spares. Very un Russian like. They were 2 seconds back after the first leg, but were 6:01 after leg 2. Estonia was 15:49 behind at the end! By the way, their 4th biathlete is named "Mirjam Faster". Great name for a biathlete.
  22. Norwegian Team Leaders are mad that the Women's Relay was before the pursuit. To confirm that the schedule is all about money - " IBU reacted via Felix Bitterling, the sporting director. "We understand that the situation is not optimal but we have no choice. The TV stations do not want two relays on the same day because it would take too long to make two direct. And if biathlon is abandoned, on screens it will be a financial disaster. "
  23. Decent, not great weekend for the US. If someone would have told me that Joanne Reid and Deedra Irwin made the Pursuit and not Susan Dunklee and Clair Egan, I would have said that you were crazy.
  24. Jr. Men's Relay: Poland, Germany, Ukraine. 17 teams started, two were lapped. Jr. Women's Relay - 13 will start the race.
  25. Most impressive performance in the Jr. Men's Individual - Birkentals of . It looks like he will finish in 6th place, 1:02 back while missing 4 shots! Koellner of finished 1:20 back with 3 misses, and Badacz of finished 1:20 back with 3 misses. Really fast skiing from all three. Kinash of shot clean, the only one.
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