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  1. 31 minutes ago, hoversaBR said:

    An important result, because if these two teams do not qualify in the Olympic qualifiers, they will be competing for a quota in World rankings. 

    Not really IMO, to put it very simply: any team inside the top 10 of ranking is almost certain to qualify for Paris. I don't see Argentina or Brazil dropping below those places by June next year. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Rafa Maciel said:

    Would say the men are just about holding steady rather than being on the up - but on the women's side, a lot of the players from the last Olympic cycle have retired to take up presenting jobs with the BBC so they are in rebuilding phase :d

    No, the men have improved. In the past they would usually lose quite easily to the elite teams, now the match is not lost before the start at the very least.

    In the recent pro league season they defeated (without the need of a shoot-out) all the top teams at least once. At the last world cup they only lost on a SO to Germany but showed solid performances throughout.  

    At the COG they narrowly lost to Australia after leading 2-0. 

    The trend is that England just doesn't lose without giving a fight to anyone anymore and I believe they can fight for a medal in Paris even if it's not a gold.

  3. 1 minute ago, Rafa Maciel said:

    I would tend to agree with the Dutch coach - on the men's side, Belgium are absolutely best in Europe but on the women's side, Netherlands and Germany have been head and shoulders above the rest. Although Belgium have steadily been improving, I was expecting the final to be Netherlands against Germany. 

    I don't know who is the "best" or "better" because it depends on what parameter you use but I think there are only two teams that seriously attempt to have initiative when playing the dutch team: :GER & :ARG. Doesn't mean that makes them better than the rest, :AUS & :BEL are just as likely to win but with a different approach.

  4. 8 minutes ago, CCB said:

    No surprise, :NED and :BEL will play the final on Saturday. The two best teams of Europe for sure. Final will be a though battle, last times Netherlands scored 'only' 1 or 2 goals against Belgium. The Belgian team becomes better and better.

    Interestingly enough, the NED coach doesn't agree to this opinion: 


    Ook België maakte in de onderlinge confrontatie in de poulefase (2-0 winst) geen indruk op hem. ‘Het wordt Duitsland dat naar de finale gaat. Dat verwacht ik tenminste. Ik moet het nog maar zien met België. Ik vind dat België te veel omhoog wordt geschreven. Hun spelbeeld tegen ons is telkens hetzelfde: heel lang tegenhouden. Meer doen ze niet.’

    Zijn mening over België kan nog wel veranderen als de ploeg van Raoul Ehren in de halve finale van Duitsland wint. ‘Maar dan moet ik nog wel even kijken op welke manier ze dat doen. Of ze dan echt van Duitsland winnen, of dat Duitsland van zichzelf verliest. Laat ze eerst maar eens van Duitsland winnen op een manier waar ik mijn pet voor afneem. En dan moeten ze dat type spel ook nog tegen ons durven te spelen. Pas dan kan het een interessante wedstrijd worden. Maar als ze weer achteroverleunen en dus doen wat ze altijd tegen ons doen? Dan wordt het weer 2-0 voor ons.’



    That last part I highlighted is more or less what I said before: a lot of match-ups have become very predictable.

  5. 1 hour ago, Makedonas said:

    Well we lost 0-3 but we did quite well. We lost the first set 24-26, second set wasn't so close (16-25), and then in the third set we really battled (without Anthouli for most of it) but lost 26-28 after having two set points.


    It was nice to see some other girls step up today and I am really optimistic about the future of this team. Let's not forget (how can we when I keep mentioning it :d) that we were at this tournament without arguably our best player Vasilantonaki.


    Also I am proud of our team for fighting and being authentic, unlike the United Nations All-Star team of Azerbaijan which we faced yesterday, or Turkey today with the Cuban mercenary Vargas as their best player...I would rather lose this way than win with fake naturalized players, and I know I'm not the only one who thinks this.


    Lastly the live comments feed on European Volleyball today was absolutely disgusting, these things should be monitored, it was even worse than the FIBA ones. The amount of Turks making "swimming" jokes about how their ancestors killed Greeks in the sea 100 years ago was extremely disgusting, and quite shocking to be honest that so many people still think this way in 2023...

    I believe the player you mention is into some dispute with the federation? In principle it won't be easy to bring her back. 

  6. 7 minutes ago, Nickyc707 said:

    The top three together with :ARG and :AUS seem to be the main contenders for medals next year judging by the results 


    Yes, though also GB is usually stronger than England. I don't know if it's the welsh players or a better preparation but the trend of the last decade is that they show up at the olympics after doing nothing for the other 3 years and 11 months.  

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