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Totallympics World Class
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  • Favourite Olympic Games
    Winter Olympic Games
  • Favourite Sports
    Snowboard slopestyle
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  1. Yeah, didn't have internet for awhile. Sad that I missed the deadline because if it.
  2. Oh I see new Zealand will be in it, think it's time to return for Australia I think ^^
  3. Yup, very historical day. First time Australia has gotten two medals in one day at the winter games, also the first gold since lydia lassila, and our 6th overall. New Zealand's first gold at the winter games earlier in slopestyle, so yup it's a record for OCE. Speaking of records, I think Jakara Anthony is the first time at least in the women's competition someone has taken first in qualifying and all three finals.
  4. What a game from and . Really proud of the Aussies on their debut, regardless of the result. Loved hearing Stephen Hewitt, Dean's father in the commentary box.
  5. Adding onto this, how nice of Qin Haiyang to get disqualified. Giving Murdoch a spot in the semis haha Any idea what he did to get disqualified, I noticed he was tied for first in his heat.
  6. Well I've finished school, so I'll be more than happy to compete for Australia in the open contest later this year!
  7. Haven't had a chance to listen to all the songs this year, but congratulations for Canada for their win. Long time no see btw haha
  8. Finally, I'll be awake to give my votes! Only took 3 editions
  9. School is still open in Australia. Wonder what other countries still have school.
  10. I've been busy with school, finally have time to vote. I'll be done in the next 6 hours
  11. I've been busy all weekend, haven't been able to listen to the songs. How much time do I have left?
  12. I'll have my song submitted on the weekend.
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