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Posts posted by Monzanator

  1. 17 hours ago, LDOG said:

    Why would you go back to Russia after doing that. I would fly straight to Africa or middle east and never come back until Vlady dies. 

    Putin is still pulling the strings. The Wagner coup was probably staged to lure the anti-Putin army generals into the open and it worked. It's rather no coincidence that Surovikin was arrested shortly afterwards as one of main coup supporters. But of course Prigozhyn had to die since he served his role already. The Soviet/Russian commrades that knew too much always had to go sooner or later.

  2. 59 minutes ago, Vektor said:

    I think the only big mistake was that 20k became the Olympic distance. 35k should be the compromise between 20k and 50k. It would make sense to only have 1 male and 1 female race walking events, just like how we only have the Marathon outside of the stadium. And forget about the race walking relay nonsense. 

    But 20k became Olympic distance in mid 50s when nobody bothered about quotas and other sustainability nonsense :p


    Moreover 20km women's walking only became an Olympic sport in 2000! Until 1997 World Champs/1998 European Champs women's walking was 10.000 at the stadium so it was even more suitable to extend the women's distance and kick them out of the stadium ;)







  3. 1 minute ago, Vektor said:

    These repeat wins make me question if having 20k and 35k race walk events make sense. 20k and 35k just seems way too similar. They should return to 20k and 50k or have only 20k like at the Games. 

    You can trust WA will follow suit on IOC and claim race walking needs some changes :dunno: Killing off 50k was obviously a huge mistake.


    Perez gets the Spanish flag but ditches it as she still has one lap to go.

  4. 5 minutes ago, Grassmarket said:

    They can easily change the rules because vertical jumps are not attempt limited. I would say at least one extra jump before a tie can be offered.  Also who gets to make the offer?  Moon definitely put Kennedy on the spot by offering, but why should she take the initiative?  

    There is no "offer" so to speak. If one of them disagrees for a tied medal the jump-off goes ahead regardless what the second person says.


    The last time a jump-off went ahead was probably European Indoors in 2015 (Kuchina vs Trost). One year before at World Indoors in Sopot Kuchina & Lićwinko agreed to share the gold. Lićwinko said she asked Kuchina if she wants the jump-off and Kuchina said she's OK with the shared gold.

  5. 5 minutes ago, dcro said:

    Regarding the shared golds, everyone tied for gold can just decide together to stop jumping and then what...? 3, 5, 9, 12 shared gold medals become the norm?


    Jump-off or DQ.


    This is senior WCh not kindergarten. Athletes should aim to be the best.

    There won't be more than 3 shared medals at any stage in vertical jumping events IMO. In reality only PV and HJ are affected because the number of jumps per height is fixed. Ties in horizontal jumps and throws are separated by the second best attempt. So nobody will change the rules that affects only two events of the entire lot.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Triplecast said:

    USA announcers don't understand the rules on total misses at lower heights.    They think Moon is in 2nd because she has one miss at a higher height.



    That's not how it works. Total misses at all heights is the second tie-breaker ;)

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