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Everything posted by Monzanator

  1. 53,79? That's faster than Polish NR from 2007 (53,86)
  2. Arie Luyendyk lives in USA full-time, right? I suppose Dutch TV contacts him for inside IndyCar news?
  3. Race started at 3:15 am CET. I was wondering if Veekay's shunt made the news in Netherlands even though it was Herta who launched off flying @heywoodu
  4. IOC has evolved since de Coubertin... a lot! Just 36 years ago Ingemar Stenmark and Hanni Wenztel were banned from taking part in Sarajevo WOG, can you imagine IOC banning Mikaela Shiffrin and Henrik Kristoffersen from taking part in 2022 WOG? Pro sports is all about money these days. Even IAAF changed their name since one of the As standing for 'amateur' has been a lie for 30+ years Everyone simply stopped with the hypocrisy and I'm better off with that.
  5. I took a number from Edmonton Sun given in the article. If you have some issues with this and think they're lying in the article I suggest you contact them sooner rather than later! In the same article it says 55% of the Inuit from Nunavut opposes the name change as well.
  6. Yeah, so much for having the Inuit people have any say in this. Even if they oppose the name change, it doesn't matter. It's all about money and political corectness at it's finest This article says 78% of Western Artic Inuit opposes the change but who cares?
  7. Excuse me but who said IOC is a democratic organization to begin with?
  8. There was only one reason - politics. Politics always ruins sport but you want the Cold War to return so I'm not surprised you're trying to justify another boycott. For someone who calls himself 'progressive' using apartheid and Cold War reasons sounds very un-progressive
  9. Dan Snyder was one of the least popular owners in the league anyway. Big money sides with big money. Tepper kicked Cam Newton out and nobody spend 1% of the time to criticize that move compared to Colin Kaepernick's martyrdom after getting benched for Blaine Gabbert Tepper is the wealthiest owner in NFL right now, he outbid some Hispanic guy Navarro IIRC for the Panthers ownership, all the talk about minority owners in NFL and it's all old white & Jewish money owning all the damn franchises. Blacks and Hispanics can basically do nothing about it. Even the Asians have more ownership in the major leagues, Seattle Mariners are still owned by the Japanese, right?
  10. One guy with money will be replaced by another guy with money. One common thing about these billionaires is they don't give a damn what other people think. Their wealth allows them to rise above the political corectness. Look at the house cleaning Tepper did at Panthers. Every corner stone of the 2015 15-1 team is gone. Newton, Kuechly, T.Davis, Olsen and HC Rivera. All gone. Tepper wanted his own team and made sure everyone from the Richardson tenure hit the road. Kuechly retired but I wonder how much this had to do with the new ownership tbh. Redskins have been irrelevant since the first Joe Gibbs era ended (or since the Heath Shuler draft bust, you name it). If the Browns or Jets are the NFL's 'loveable losers' then Redskins were the 'unloveable losers' for the last 25+ years
  11. Cold War is old news. People need another history lesson? I don't think modern generation knows who Yuri Andropov was or they care about learning about him? We sure don't need this overreaction bullshit. At the end of the day China is one of the very few countries that is willing to spend - and lose - money for hosting the Olympic Games. Most of the others are Islamic gulf kingdoms
  12. Meanwhile in Poland Stal Mielec (2x champions in the 70s) returned to top flight after 24 years of absence. 1974 World Cup top scorer Grzegorz Lato played for them back them as well as three other members of the WC team (Kasperczak, Szarmach, Domarski).
  13. Ron Tauranac has passed away at the age of 95. Co-founder of Motor Racing Developments better known as the Brabham F1 team.
  14. Now we have to figure out which tribes are entitled to speak on behalf being represented by the Redskins name? Of course the liberals won't care about it. I mean how many of these bozos have even heard of the ochre pigment that indirectly represents the name Redskins in first place?
  15. After all WADA is a private equity foundation. The problem is, the governments of otherwise independent nations are reluctant to accept someone else telling them what to do. Even if it means doping will go away unpunished. It's bad enough the TUE system allows all the pharmacy companies to get richer. I'm amazed a sport like cycling hasn't collapsed already. I'd have kicked them out of the Olympics years ago and left cycling as purely recreational form of activity for amateurs.
  16. Deajah Stevens (7th in Rio OG 200m final) banned for 18 months for missing three tests in 2019.
  17. I suppose nobody voted for Law & Justice and Duda because of the Halloween ban This is truly local folklore stuff.
  18. On the other hand you can say Pound is one of the most influential Canadians around. If you work for 40+ years in IOC you've got connections half of the world can't even imagine and the other half simply can't even achieve. The guy is a straight arrow and doesn't seem to care about political corectness too much. Always a good thing in this shallow times of scripted PR speak and people being afraid to speak their mind.
  19. It didn't. Because I focus on the sports and not politics like you. Nobody likes Dan Snyder, if he's gone then I don't care. But don't sell me this "big news" about him since his stock is one of the lowest ever already. I seriously can't wait for the season to start so all the political off-field issues talk are over
  20. Everyone hates Dan Snyder and wants him gone. That's old news. Other than James Dolan at Knicks I don't know any other owner who gets a worse rap in the media. I smell some Jerry Sandusky-like crap but then again, it's America. I won't be surprised by anything The liberals will probably hate the Washington franchise out of sheer habit for years to come anyway
  21. Another thread ruined by politics and "defund police" BS. I'll probably stop posting here until the season starts
  22. This isn't about Poland and Hungary and the authoritarian rule alone. UK rides the same boat after the Brexit vote. The immigration crisis has rolled the dice and people fear the immigrants will take their jobs and vote for parties that promise to keep the immigrants away. Capitalism is more important and more powerful than democracy.
  23. Awarding Medals of Honor for the Wounded Knee massacre makes the Congress pretty xenophobic too and everyone is fine with that so I don't see a problem with my statement either Sure, Nike has closed down all their factories in USA and thrives on cheap underpaid labour in Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Thailand so they can afford to side with the Native tribes now and look oh-so progressive and defending equal rights. Just don't ask them about child labor in Bangladesh I love this hypocrisy and double standards from these multi-millionaire companies.
  24. Who gives a damn what the Seminoles tribe has to say? This is not how it works. Redskins changed their name because FedEx and Nike told them to do it or else they will pull the financial plug. So this was a financial blackmail. This is about big money, not about the Native tribes
  25. The liberals will still find a way to blast Dan Snyder. The disdain for this franchise stretches beyond the name. It's just an excuse. Meanwhile Congress still upholds all the Medals of Honor awarded for the Wounded Knee massacre. Washington Redskins team name is the least of all the problems. So, what next? Cleveland Indians? Atlanta Braves? Florida State Seminoles? They all have to go now if we're being consistent?
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