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Everything posted by Monzanator

  1. Hah! And they say Poland lacks religious diversity In countries like France they probably build five mosques every month
  2. Politicians & police in Poland are scared of the ultras starting riots in the stands. Nobody will stop a football match over breaking social distancing rules here
  3. Mercedes 1-2 in Austria FP1. Everyone else 0,6 secs. behind. 30 mins left in FP2. Mercedes 1-2 with everyone else 0,6 secs. behind Red Bull Ring lap time is only 64 secs. so 0,6 gap equals to over a second at most other tracks.
  4. Islam isn't a Christian sect! These are two different religions There are only five mosques in Poland. Virtually all of Muslims living in Poland are descendants of the Tatars which used to live in Lithuania during the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth era. That's the northern-east part of modern Poland. Since communists supported the Arab world during Cold War there are some descendants of student immigrants who came here in XX century but the oldest Muslim community are basically all ethnically Tatars. Like Vojthas mentioned earlier, the Muslim Religion Association (aka the Polish Muslim Church) is based in Bialystok (north-east Poland).
  5. So what? I'm talking about a two-party system in Poland that gains more shape year after year since 2005. No wonder it does so well since people like you care more about bicycle tracks and a Muslim Church of all things
  6. Well, nobody gives a damn about Polish Muslim Church to begin with I guess the Polish minority in Lithuania deserves some credit for its existence though?
  7. Since it's America he can win that lawsuit IMO. Not a laughing matter at all. California court ruled OJ Simpson innocent so anything can happen.
  8. How does that translate to national politics though? The Presidents Union - Citizens to Senate that was set up in 2011 is a distant failure already. Poland isn't a federal country and all the politics that counts happens in Sejm. For Civic Platform the presidency of Warsaw and Poznan matters a lot more and they wouldn't change it for 150 mayor seats elsewhere IMO. And that's what really matters. It's the same when Stalin offered Finland twice as big area of Northern Karelia in exchange for the Hanko Peninsula. Finns obviously didn't take it.
  9. Who needs Swarzedz when Poznan is ruled by basically the same party since 1989? (since Civic Platform & Freedom Union is the same kind of liberal show to begin with). So, it's not even a two-party crap in the biggest city of your region!
  10. Polish politics is a two-party system for the last 15 years. We're learning from the most experienced democracies very fast indeed
  11. It's not a case of ideas but rather Kidawa-Blonska being a terrible candidate. She's got a personality of a wooden stick. She was picked so Schetyna could wrestle back control of the party after she got pantsed in the elections which would be blamed on Borys Budka. COVID foiled that plan though. Debates are so 20th century. Battle is won and lost online these days. Nobody's really waiting for a 90 minute debate to hear more political talking heads on TV. We get this damn politics 24/7 already. I see no points in any debates whatsoever. It's just a waste of time IMO. Duda has the luxury to dismiss TVN as the Discovery tube, even the US Ambassador said they're biased towards Civic Platform. As long as Discovery doesn't run NATO I'm fine with them being exposed as private venture because they are exactly that after all. They look after their own profit, not after the well-being of 38 million Poles
  12. Paperwork always gets lost in the shuffle. There's too much bureaucracy in this world. Imagine if Poland had to vote like USA pressing some buttons that aren't even along side the candidate's name. Civic Platform has run out of ideas how to win back power so they're on their way to accuse Law & Justice of fraud. That's usually the white flag moment when you have nothing left in the tank and scream "fraud" due to lack of better options. Law & Justice did likewise amid their post-2007 eight year slump. The more things change the more they stay the same.
  13. Well, Slovakia was one of the very few European countries which didn't recognize him at first. Guess he's thankful for them changing their mind? Or does the new Slovakian government still support Maduro?
  14. This "random guy" would have been - and still can be - the next President if Venezuelans tried to remove Maduro from office
  15. It's cynically wise from politicans to sit on their hands here. If the protesters don't feel safe anymore, they will leave the area on their own - which they've been doing already and the problem will be solved. The current pressure is not to side with the police under any circumstances. The protesters want the police out, now they have to live with the consequences of their opinion.
  16. More teenagers getting shot to death in the police-free zone in Seattle. No wonder the number of protesters decreased dramatically. They might hate the police but are fearful of getting killed by the thugs more
  17. Stafford has a strong arm but somehow that doesn't work well when two of your division opponents play outdoors. It's almost like the domed Lions stadium makes him vulnerable outdoors. The biggest problem for Lions during his tenure is the lack of solid running game that makes their offense way too predictable. And sadly their defense sucks a lot lately. I believe they had bottom three passing defense the last two years. It's quite a stretch when you play Trubisky and equally overrated Cousins twice a year!
  18. Huh? Lions? The same franchise that saw Barry Sanders and Calvin Johnson retire in their prime because of lack of success? Yeah, go and ask Johnson what he really thinks of Matthew Stafford then! One of the two worst franchises in the Super Bowl era is NOT a benchmark for QB play IMO.
  19. This is a QB league. Either you have them or you don't.
  20. Not really but I would have believed in a 7-9 season with Stidham as the starter and then some trade for Justin Fields in next year's draft. Unless Newton falls off the rails with another injury, drafting Fields seems highly unlikely now.
  21. The Jarrett Stidham Experience ended before it even began Funny how the Evil Empire will probably enjoy some fan support now since hating Newton would be oh-so against the BLM wave!
  22. I was talking more about a left-wing party capable of winning votes. Law & Justice took away the social funding & support for the working class while Civic Platform took away the liberal ideology and LGBT support so to speak. Divide & conquer! Robert Biedron got 4x less votes than the left party alliance in the Parliament elections last year He even got beaten by the nationallistic Krzysztof Bosak in Slupsk despite being a President of that city which allegedly showed Poland is ready for openly gay person in charge. No, we're kinda not
  23. Here's my source: John Lysak is the oldest living Olympic Games participant. He will turn 106 years old in August. Folke Alnevik is the oldest living Summer Oympic medallist (bronze in 4x400 relay 1948). He turned 100 years old on New Year's Eve. Agnes Keleti is the oldest living Olympic champion. She is actually older than Elda Cividino but only made her Olympic debut in 1952, some 16 years after Cividino. Celina Seghi is the oldest living Winter Games participant (4th in downhill & combined in St. Moritz 1948). She turned 100 years old in March. Carl-Erik Asplund is the oldest living Winter Olympic Games medallist (bronze in 10,000 speed skating 1952). Viktor Shuvalov is the oldest living Winter Olympic champion (Ice Hockey center, 5 goals/2 assists in the 1956 Games). Apparently all the medallists from St. Moritz 1948 are no longer alive. The last Oslo 1952 champion passed away in April of last year ( Lydia Wideman, gold in 10km cross country).
  24. LGBT votes won't win any elections in Poland. Civic Platform sits on the LGBT fence forever and Trzaskowski won't change a thing. Biedron hardly did any better than the much ridiculed Magdalena Ogorek five years ago despite years of service in Sejm and the media-friendly personality. The post-communist left-wing is truly dead in Poland Though I believe Zandberg would give them more votes than Biedron who can't talk about anything other than LGBT rights. His tune got old a while ago already.
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