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Everything posted by Monzanator

  1. People see what they want to see. You lost this battle over racism in NASCAR so get over it instead of trying to justify the original reports
  2. Thankfully I don't follow social media all that much to know who started this and why. At the end of the day the progressives lost this battle and the noose hoax suits them right IMO. You can ban the Confederate flag but you can't erase your history that easily Whoever reported this pull rope as a noose IS a complete idiot after all.
  3. I was talking more about premature judgement on social media in "we know it all and we are always right" style. All these #DefundNASCAR tags look extremely stupid right now. Even the progressives can't win all the battles and this is one where they totally lost. As for the Josh Moon tweet, hindsight wisdom counts for nothing IMO. Now everyone will try to bail out in "oh, we knew all along it was a pull rope on the door instead of a noose". No, you didn't. These Sherlocks rode the BLM wave and hit the rocks
  4. Epic failure Obviously the liberals and progressives will walk it back like nothing happened Or maybe FBI should be dissolved now? Same BS nonsense like the Jussie Smollett case.
  5. But handball and floorball are on the shortlist for remainder of 2020 and that was the point of this thread after all. Come the Olympics athletics and swimming will get more coverage than skateboarding or surfing PiS and PO have learned from other countries how to use democracy into their favor with a two-party system lockout. Our democracy has indeed matured since the 90s
  6. Let's do a poll then and see which sport gets more votes - handball or floorball? Maybe you will eat some crow then?
  7. I tried to focus on the skirt, not what's underneath it
  8. Most users on this forum are European after all and European Championships are the most important continental championships in the world whether you like it or not
  9. Road cycling, Grand Slam tennis & handball EC are the most obvious choices.
  10. I got to see a lot of Giorgi live when she made the Katowice final three times in a row (2014-16, the last one vs Cibulkova). And of course this from few years ago. The height difference between Cibulkova and Sharapova
  11. To quote a classic, this thread is worthless without pictures
  12. @thepharoah Camila Giorgi still wears the shortest skirts on WTA tour - designed by her mother no less Cibulkova was wearing one-piece skirts for most of her career. She was very athletic and generated a lot of power for someone so tiny by modern WTA standards (162 cm IIRC).
  13. Meanwhile in Seattle the police-free zone won't be police-free for much longer after some shootings took place
  14. Blaney beats Stenhouse by 0,007 at Talladega. Almirola gets third despite crossing the finish line backwards.
  15. This banner was flown before the Man City vs Burnley game today. Watch the liberals & progressives lose their minds again
  16. Well, that's progressive enough for the current social trend alright. Remember, "all cops are BAD"
  17. Politicians act from one elections to another. Once the shootings ramp up, they will give in not to be voted out of power. That's what happens all the time. New York used to be the most violent city in the USA. If crime becomes the new boss again I'm sure taking funds away from the police will be a forgotten idea in a hurry. You're lucky enough nobody's trying to become the new John Gotti and flood the NY streets with mafia blood again.
  18. You can't find a solution and your idea of blaming the police for everything ain't gonna solve anything either Eventually the crime rate will become so bad all the politicians will pour money into the police again because teachers & social workers won't bring them safety. I simply love the stat that heywood posted, it confirms my theory that taking funds away & disbanding police units will only result in a higher crime rate
  19. Did anyone expect anything else in Alabama? A lot of angry Confederates there. I suppose @Olympian1010 can provide a research which US state is the most racist of them all? I suspect Alabama will be a strong Top 5 pick
  20. And so much for these killings not being treated as terrorist act It turns out killer was known to MI5 since last year already.
  21. Meanwhile it's back to reality in the UK, some Libyan fella stabbed three people to death in Reading. So much for the BLM peaceful protests being held in the same park just hours earlier. If none of the killed people are black I guess their lives don't really matter. Long live Brexit!
  22. Just imagine if any of the Democratic politician's rallies were sabotaged like that. Left-wingers would lose their mind, preach injustice and blame Russian hackers
  23. That's how all the colonial Empires were founded after all. Native Americans weren't even granted full US citizenship for some 150 years after your country declared independence
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