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Everything posted by nenad

  1. Lupulesku izgubila 4:1 Sabina izgubila 4:2 posle velike borbe Šta se dešava sa Kolarićem i Bastom? Uopšte ne vidim da su prijavljeni za ove jače naredne turnire. I šta se dešava sa Veljom, jel plivao on nešto skoro?
  2. I basket
  3. Sorry but we'll win this one for sure. I'm 100% sure.
  4. They say it's to make it more interesting and that teams have tougher time "picking" their opponents from other group. We did see some instances where no3 in the group in which USA isn't is essentialy better position than no2 in the same group, cause you avoid USA in the semis.
  5. I've been saying it for years. There is absolutely nothing that FIBA can't screw up. Guys are corrupt, but most of world federations are. But they are also chronically stupid. It's impossible.
  6. So, they changed the format for Tokyo. Instead of two groups of 6 teams, we'll have 3 groups of 4 teams. Top 2 teams advance plus 2 best third placed.
  7. Well, we'll never be a force but staying for some time in I B would be great.
  8. Meni ovo licilo na opasnu namestaljku. Ne bi bilo prvi put sa Hrvatima.i
  9. Both Wade and Nowitzki were great players. I could argue that Nowitzki changed the basketball sport in two ways, showing big man can make a HOF career playing away from the basket, stretching the floor which is now common for centers, in the time when he started in the NBA there were two traditional bigs so it was not common for power forwards. Shows you how the game changed and Nowitzki was one of the reasons. And he also changed the way people see Euro players, opened the door for players coming from overseas. 21 seasons in one franchize, never making a transfer in good and in bad, something almost unthinkable today. Wade was one of the best shooting guards that ever played and he did that without being an awesome shooter. Anyway, the playoffs matchups are known after few rollercoaster games last night. Denver came back from 11 down in last 3 minutes to beat Minnesota and finish 2nd in the West but the bigger news is Portland coming back from 25 down when playing with only 6 players (and bottom 6 i should say) when actualy trying to lose to Sacramento but instead winning and finishing 3rd pushing Houston back to 4th place in the other side of bracket with Golden State. Portland essentialy rested best players cause they didn't want no3 seed because prefered Utah than OKC but Sacramento decided to shutdown their first 5 at the hafltime and they lost 4th quarter by 20+ points. So we have these matchups East: Milwaukee-Detroit Boston-Indiana Toronto-Orlando Philadelphia-Brooklyn West: Golden State-LA Clippers Houston-Utah Denver-San Antonio Portland-OKC
  10. da nije bilo na nekom nebitnom takmičenju desilo bi se kasnije, samo je pitanje trenutka.. jbg, baš baš šteta.
  11. Also Harden plays in the West. Schedule is more difficult.
  12. Peđa je odrastao u Grčkoj, Srbija mu ništa nije dala bukvalno. Imao je i grčki pasoš, mogao je da igra i za njih da je hteo. Kada je došao u reprezentaciju imao je sjajna prvenstva 2001 i 2002. Onda kada ekipa više nije bila tako jaka na njemu su se slomila koplja. Te nije kao Bodiroga, nije lider, nije ovo nije ono. Konstanta očekivanja nacije da će zemlja od 7-10 miliona stanovnika da večno bude u 2 najbolje na svetu. Kao da su Srbi po pravilu najuspešniji u svojim dnevnim poslovima, takav smo narod.
  13. Dobro je da je prvenstvo u septembru a ne sutra Jokić mora da igra. Dosta je bilo sa njegovim ponašanjem uvređene mlade što ga ljudi prozivaju što nije igrao EP. Ako on ne bude igrao, i dalje smo jaki ali teško da smo favoriti protiv Francuza, Grka, Španaca. Sa njim, totalno druga priča. Pogotovo što mi je strepnja veća od nade što se Tea tiče. On i ovako nije vodio sportski život dok je igrao, sada kada ne igra ne smem da zamislim u kakvom će fizičkom stanju da se pojavi na pripremama. Naravno da će čovek da trenira i do tada, ali i najmanje popuštanje je ozbiljan problem pogotovo što njegovo telo nije baš fenomen atletičnosti. Ako se svi odazovu, mislim da idemo opet u finale. Imamo mogućnost da možda imamo i najdublji tim ikada. A to nešto govori. Nama bi Nedović ili Gagi recimo bili 12. najbolji igrač u timu. To je baš nešto.
  14. I totaly confused DR and PR as well and I remember Horford playing. Davis is a different situation. He went as a 12th man to learn, he didn't play much, it was just great experience for him to be with all those other guys. And Olympics is something else, level up on WC, at least how NBA people regard it. I think and it was the case in the last Olympics that much stronger team went to the Olympics in USA than in WC, but this year WC is one year away from the Olympics, so it might change a little. For Barrett he would be one of more important players in Canada, so I don't know. My bet is he doesn't play but we'll see. Well, yeah Greeks are contenders for sure. I hate to give up on Spain but I think they are behind Serbia, France and Greece atm. For Giannis and Simmons lack of shooting will be a problem cause in intl game it's a bigger issue than in NBA because of defense rules being different. Teams will clog the paint and let other beat them. But still, MVP of the season probably and the leap he's made, I mean, I wouldn't want to play against them. And we'll see about Jokić. I really hope he plays, but it's far from certain. He's a strange guy to be honest but someone who should carry the team in the next decade. However when guy behaves like insulted child I don't know.
  15. I don't know if Towns ever played for PR and I doubt Horford will play at this age but who knows. Also for example it's highly unlikely that Barrett will play for Canada, he would be rookie in the next season in the NBA and there aren't a lot of examples of players playing for natl team in that situation. Wiggins also haven't been active for them in the past but given that his under a lot of criticism in Minnesota, and they have a bad season he could play potentialy. Simmons will be a big addition for AUS if he plays, with and without him I think is a difference for a medal.
  16. It's impossible to project anything until we know what kind of rosters will be available in China. One player can make all the difference, Gianis for example moves Greece from solid team to a great one, and especially in group H there are ton of questionmarks on CAN and AUS teams, they have really big amplitude of uncertainty in terms of players who could play and those who will play for sure. So, I would currently put AUS and LTU ahead of CAN, cause we don't know the teams and to be honest CAN was nowhere in the last decade, so it's just a potentialy good team for now.
  17. It's a good draw for us. We should be first in the first group and to fight with Spain for top spot in second group which would mean that we couldn't play vs USA before final. Also, easier qf opponent coming from A or B. Game vs Spain not to underestimate others like Italy should open semifinal for us.
  18. He's 94th right now. If he could manage another great surprise, he would be somewhere around 65th position.ž And already now he is 3rd player on the list among still teenagers behind Shapovalov and FAA
  19. Looks like it's changed from before. It was top of the list earlier
  20. Try google french basketball player Fournier
  21. Zanimljivo je da je i Agut izgubio juče. Eto kako se nekad tako otvori kad krene krene u životu. Ceo život se patiš, mučiš i onda te konačno nešto pogleda i samo je pitanje da li si spreman da u tom trenutku iskoristiš. Pričam za Đerea koji je imao dosta sreće za žreb u Riju, iskoristio na pravi način i sad mu se otvara neverovatna prilika da uđe u četvrtfinale Mastersa. Bez obzira na pobedu u Riju i na umor koji možda postoji i to što ovo nije šljaka koja mu je primarna, mislim da su mu naredna 2 meča možda i najbitnija u karijeri ako uspe da ih dobije. Da budem precizan, trebalo je dobiti Tima u Riju da bi se sve ovo otvorilo, koji istina nije u nekoj formi, ali opet..
  22. Težak user za Miomira koji mu donosi ranking karijere a i Đere je dobio sjajan žreb samim tim, još je FAA koga je dobio 2 puta u Brazilu izbacio danas Cicipasa, Đere bi vrlo lako mogao da dobije Miomira pa ili FAA ili Aguta u četvrtom kolu i eto mu četvrtfinala sa Novakom :D
  23. Čini se da nisu u dobroj formi, bar ne sad. Ovi parovi su neki koji su čini mi se njihovog ranga otprilike. I koje bi trebalo da dobijaju ako hoće na OI
  24. Kolarić i Basta su izgubili od Australijanaca, pa dobili Tajlanđane što bi baš bilo iznenađenje da nisu i sada će u eliminacijama morati da igraju prvu rundu protiv Italijana. Tu su negde ali nisam neki optimista preterani, Australijanci su ih prilično lako dobili.
  25. Kecmanović always plays like that.. And Aleksandra is dominating against Anisimova... 0-6 first set :D
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