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Everything posted by Fly_like_a_don

  1. My Predictions +67kg : Kazakshthan and Phillipines. The Question is by how easily they'll win. Could be 10-20 point difference for both. -57kg: This is quite interesting The best athlete in this weight no doubt is Pauline Lopez of Phillipines should qualify in her half. I don't remember if she lost to any Thai athlete (Vipawan or Harnsujin) in the last 2 years ,probably not. Upper half it could be Thailand as favourite. She's the 53kg world champion been in and out for 57kg category. She has been winning and losing against Vipawan over last 2 years in the trials. On a good day even Iran and Jordan(with a little cheating) can qualify
  2. Meanwhile France has denied visa for the archery team for next month. Hope the issue gets settled soon. If it doesn't I'm all ok with the games being cancelled! That's too much injustice for now. We could have easily qualified 3 relay teams , 1-2 in Para Taekwondo now we need the women's archery team quota at least. I won't say unlucky if we participated and don't get it but not being allowed to participate is crazy. It'd be against the IOC charter
  3. Talking about Indian States the Current Top 3 in Women's 3 is an all Jharkhand State Team ,the tribal state of India. Men's Team - West Bengal(Das) - Maharashtra(Pravin) - Sikkim(Tarundeep Rai) (least populated state in India between Nepal and Bhutan)
  4. It's 100% Bangladesh. Their women's development teams are a success stories - orphans, sex abuse survivors , child marriage survivors etc they are slowly but surely getting the sponsors since 2019, getting attention in media. I think they can improve further in a couple of years with more exposure tours , better coaches. I'd love to have a final between Ruman and Das in Men's Recurve someday it'd be West Bengal(India) vs East Bengal/Bangla(Bangladesh)
  5. Great Day for Ruman and Diya Siddique reaching finals. Consistently shooting 36-38s including the best set of the day in Mixed Recurve Competition (correct me if I'm wrong - X 10 10 10 - 40)
  6. Glad that you have been proved wrong already.
  7. @heywoodu Netherlands in Mixed Recurve Team Finals! To face Bangladesh!
  8. The rule might have been for India only. Political decision. Jordan isn't a great place for any event. Luckily boxing qualifiers happened last year .
  9. Well this is a closed topic now. Why would you want to make yourself more anxious discussing it again. Better discuss about the medal predictions of your nations. Btw @up and down you are from Australia who is absolutely convinced about the games happening. They are 5 steps ahead of all nations in world as they have unveiled kits, opening ceremony uniforms, detailed about playbooks and launched their teams in most sports.
  10. I wish the tournament was in Uzbekistan or Kazakshthan we'd at least get the opportunity to compete
  11. North Korea basically took the quota to North Korea ! Maybe France needs to go to North Korea to ask for it.
  12. Imagine athletes suffering as if they caused covid
  13. To all people who call themselves unlucky because their nation lost the Olympic quota by few seconds or points let me tell you India wasn't even allowed to participate in this competition due to spike in covid cases in the country. Our ministers ,IOA all should be blamed for not doing enough. I think we could have surely won a quota in K44 -49kg Para Taekwondo and maybe 1 or 2 more if all went well but we were denied an opportunity.
  14. There are 84 for 8 olympic spots and 26 for 12 paralympic sports.
  15. Taekwondo WTA Asian Olympic Games Qualifier 2021 Amman (JOR) - 21 May 2021 - 22 May 2021 Official Website Programme Results System Results Database Facebook Page Discussion Thread
  16. It's kinda curious to me too. Maybe he gained a lot of weight. I have followed almost all the archery this year WC, Nationals, Internationals whatever was streamed. But Rick never made it to medal matches so I didn't see him this year.
  17. Undoubtedly, she's gonna do more harm than good I fear. Without her the current squad could win should win an Olympic medal in team ,quite confident about that. We do have a few missing teams though but without tournament practice I don't know what to say. They have made a Tokyo like field in their respective countries while Korea could be safe to win medal, not necessarily gold, competing with themselves and others is surely different. So that's something exciting to watch. I haven't seen much of Jang Minhee at the world circuit so now that she's selected I wonder about her nerves during Tokyo and her performance might decide where Korean Team stands at Olympics.
  18. Mauro Nespoli as I expected loses though he went beyond my expectations in reaching quarters. A great victory for Nicholas of US Virgin Islands @Olympian1010
  19. There's always a surprise during the final qualifier. So there will be some team definitely unexpected makes it.
  20. As per the polls Men's Eights Great Britain Germany New Zealand Women's Eights USA China Australia
  21. Oh well fuck this autocorrect Btw Lebanon took Mia Khalifa's statements seriously and launched war on Israel.
  22. Actually in these pandemic times it's a good decision . Imagine athletes qualifying but not getting a opportunity.
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