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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by rybak

  1. Hey? Where is Ireland in the scoreboard, I didn't expected so bad result for them.
  2. You have now way more points, congrats TASC magic is working for you too
  3. I said that I will give many points to an South American country, not that exactly to Argentina
  4. POLAND Jury Scorecard: Brazil 12 Italy 11 Tunisia 10 Iran 9 Lithuania 8 Germany 7 Algeria 6 Serbia 5 Morocco 4 India 3 New Zealand 2 Denmark 1 To wszystko! Mam nadzieję że lubicie Polską piosenkę, już nie mogę się doczekać kolejnego konkursu w Tunezji, do zobaczenia! That's all! I hope that you like Polish song, I already can't wait for next contest in Tunisia, see you!
  5. POLAND Jury Scorecard: Italy 11 Tunisia 10 Iran 9 Lithuania 8 Germany 7 Algeria 6 Serbia 5 Morocco 4 India 3 New Zealand 2 Denmark 1
  6. POLAND Cześć wszystkim z rodziny totallympics, nadszedł czas, aby Polskie jury przedstawiło swoje głosy w TASC 2017, podziękowania dla uk12points za utworzenie tej edycji i kontynuowaniu tego wspaniałego konkursu, tutaj są polskie głosy: Hi everyone from totallympics family, it's time for Polish jury to reveal their votes in TASC 2017, thanks to uk12points for making this edition and keep this amazing contest alive, here are Polish votes: Jury Scorecard: Tunisia 10 Iran 9 Lithuania 8 Germany 7 Algeria 6 Serbia 5 Morocco 4 India 3 New Zealand 2 Denmark 1
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