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  1. Independent of his story (which I cannot judge) this is a joke. No one should be allowed to represent 3 countries in any sports unless follow up states. this whole switching of nationality is becoming ridiculous, especially in wrestling, weightlifting and judo. It should be possible to switch but it should be connected with some clear rules, like living for at least few years in that country and doing a break of at least two years from int. Championship. I am afraid soon we will have 10-15 Russians in each wrestling category competing at the WCH
    2 points
  2. The greatest Judoka ever, the symbol of freedom, sportsmanship and blah blah is going to represent Azerbaijan from now on he said at the end of "his 3 years contract with Mongolia" he now signed another 3 years contract with Azerbaijan. this is still amazing how come he sold his Hollywood style fake story to the world. how many athletes represented 3 completely unrelated countries ( I mean not Soviet or Yugoslavian breakups kind of things) at the Olympics ? he is a rare type.
    2 points
  3. It would be urban after all
    2 points
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. The Worlds were dropped a few years ago, but they were still showing the Euros including last year's one. But apparently not anymore..
    1 point
  7. Day #3 in Gaziantep last day of qualification rounds... and the Italian disaster is complete! both our Kumite teams (the men are the reigning world champions! ) went out in the early rounds and won't take part into any medal match... what a shame! by the way, also today we've seen a lot of surprising results, with many of the favourite teams flopping badly... top of the pop, Slovakia is qualified to the gold medal match of the women's team Kumite... @hckošice women's team Kumite Gold Medal match: Croatia vs Slovakia (around 19.05 local time, 18.05 CET) Bronze Medal match #1: Spain vs Sweden Bronze Medal match #2: France vs Austria men's team Kumite Gold Medal match: France vs Azerbaijan Bronze Medal match #1: Belgium vs Ukraine Bronze Medal match #2: Greece vs Portugal All the Individual medal matches and the women's Team Kumite medal matches are scheduled for Tomorrow, the Team Kata events and the men's Team Kumite finals are scheduled for Sunday morning... here's the full schedule: Every medal match will be broadcasted for free on Youtube in all those Countries where no National TV network has bought the TV rights (as far as I know, Turkey, Italy, Spain and Croatia are the only plces where no YT stream is available).
    1 point
  8. Dvije medalje za Srbiju na EP u boksu. Abasov i Agejev. Mironcikov dosta los, ostao bez medalje.
    1 point
  9. He is Northern Irish and Irish. Of course he should be allowed to compete. People from Northern Ireland have the right to choose their nationality, it’s not for gymnastics to decide. It’s ignorance on their part to assume he has to be Northern Irish and British.
    1 point
  10. But is it youthful and gender equal?
    1 point
  11. The difference here is the doesn't compete at the Commonwealth Games and doesn't compete internationally in gymnastics. It would be like not allowing swimmers to compete for at the Pacific Games despite being born there.
    1 point
  12. prso1000

    Croatia National Thread

    Njezin klub nastupa valjda u C grupi.
    1 point
  13. Diamond League from Oregon this weekend. As ever, there is a high quality undercard with the Friday night distance races, featuring the two US 10,000m Champs & 2 international 5000m events - middle
    1 point
  14. prso1000

    Croatia National Thread

    Taekwondo: Nakon EP po trenutnom stanju kvalifikacija imali bi 4 kvote za Pariz. Ali mora se to uzet sa oprezom jer Europa je u prednosti pred ostalima kontinentima jer je već održano EP i Presidents Cup. Uz to neki su već ispunili svoju kvotu bodova iz G1/2 turnira a neki ne. pregled hrvatskih boraca u Top 30(5 kvota ide preko renkinga): M58: 13. Josip Teskera M68: 16. Leon Glasnovic 22. Lovre Brečić M80: 5. Toni Kanaet 14. Marko Golubić M+80: 1. Ivan Sapina F49: 4. Lena Stojkovic 10. Bruna Duvancic 27. Paula Antunović 28. Nika Kolarek F57: 17. Nikita Glasnovic F67: 4. Matea Jelić 13. Bruna Vuletić F+67: 27. Doris Pole Ali kvalifikacije ustvari tek sad počinju sa Grand Prix turnirima. Zasad je razmak vrlo mal, i odličnim rezultatom na GP ili SP može se puno toga promijenit.
    1 point
  15. How about a team event where one does a slalom on one ski and the other shoots a ski jumper with a paintball gun?
    1 point
  16. So we have the world number 4 and world number 7 in the women's sabre but could not organise a National Championships this year due to not enough fencers signing up in that category
    1 point
  17. Honestly shooting should be included and rhythmic gymnastics should be dropped. In fact, among the Olympic disciplines, rhythmic gymnastics is the least deserving discipline at the Commonwealth Games. Shooting on the other hand is behind rowing and sailing in terms of biggest Commonwealth snubs.
    1 point
  18. To be fair, women's Nordic combined in 2022 would have been way too early, but 2026 isn't that bad. There has been a World Cup circuit for a few years by then, and it is definitely developing, no matter how you look at it. Honestly I think 2026 is the best moment to make it Olympic. Something like 2028 might be a tad better, but we'd need another pandemic to have Winter Olympics that year
    1 point
  19. Thomas Ulsrud of Norway (Vancouver silver medalist, among other accomplishments) passed away from cancer.
    1 point
  20. This is really sad RIP
    0 points
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