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  1. Finale za Klepac i Sapinu
    2 points
  2. EP taekwondo Jos 2 medalje su osigurane. Ivan Sapina 87kg i Nika Klepac 73kg usli u polufinale. Nika Petanjek +73kg u zadnjim sekundama izgubila od druge nositeljice u 1/4 finalu. Josip Bilić 87kg i Fran Serer 58kg ispali u 1/8 finala.
    2 points
  3. dcro


    It is right up there with the best Canadian results of the season. Very respectable finishing score and a bit of a breakthrough for Vermont. Although, saying that, Dana Cooke & Mississippi have been the Canadian shooting stars of the year so far.
    1 point
  4. intoronto


    Tammara Thibeault won gold! And Charlie Cavanagh won Silver (she looked good in the first 2 mins, but then was dominated the rest of the way). Cavanagh is still young and should develop. The other who competed (Scarlett Delgado and Priyanka Dhillon) lost to eventual medalists in their events. Thibeault and Delgado are guaranteed the Commonwealth Games, and at least two men will be named to the team, leaving two slots open. Cavanagh is not guaranteed a spot according to the qualification system, as events until April are looked at. Would be a travesty if she is not sent.
    1 point
  5. Might have been a one hit wonder though. My team beat them Huge twice one week after the nationals. definately an unpredictable sport
    1 point
  6. The same Swedish junior team that won the Swedish mens championship in, winning over Edin etc
    1 point
  7. Also, this is exactly the kind of attitude that Russians showed when they couldn't get away with their cheating in sport events. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. It's not the fault of Western countries when you do something as silly as trying to rig a song contest for your own benefits.
    1 point
  8. prso1000

    Croatia National Thread

    EP Taekwondo Zlato za Ivana Sapinu Srebro za Niku Klepac
    1 point
  9. Well, there were no 4th places in this tournament
    1 point
  10. Atletika Roko Farkas (2005) je postavio novi mladje juniorski rekord na 200m na natjecanju u Francuskoj. sad je rekord 21.24 a bio je 21,59. zanimljivo je da je on destobojac i drži i HR rekord za mladje juniore u desetoboju.
    1 point
  11. 2nd round secured 1st round draws MS Alex Molčan - Federico Coria WS Anna Karolína Schmiedlová - Kristína Kučová
    1 point
  12. like her older sister Ivona will continue another season as well
    1 point
  13. Toronto star William Nylander will play for Sweden! So happy!
    1 point
  14. It's a complete travesty of the voting system. EBU openly claims they can rig the voting whichever way they want to if only some songs that were supposed to be unpopular receive too many votes from certain countries that can be deemed "illegal". What an absolute joke that is. I guess EBU really wanted Great Britain to win? Sorry, they have to rig the votes a little more next year
    1 point
  15. And Gabrielė Stonkutė done it! She's the first Lithuanian world champion!
    1 point
  16. Moroni kicked out Lopez in qualifying. With that, Lopez' insane streak ended, this will be the first time since the 2002 (!) Australian Open that we'll have a Grand Slam main draw without Lopez in it. Yep, more than 20 years ago. Moroni had just turned 4 when there last was a Grand Slam without Lopez in the main draw. Andreas Seppi lost as well in the qualifying, the first time since the 2005 French Open he'll miss a main draw at a Grand Slam. The longest and third-longest streaks in Open Era history have now ended.
    1 point
  17. So real 2nd place is Spain
    1 point
  18. Six countries (Azerbaijan, Georgia, Montenegro, Poland, Romania & San Marino) had their jury votes annulled and EBU gave those points based on some mysterious voting patterns. Azerbaijan & Georgia jury wanted to give 12 points to Ukraine and EBU gave those 12 points to Great Britain I mean the voting is rigged by EBU and they are even gloating about it? How long until this nonsense continues?
    1 point
  19. Aaaaand it's getting worse...... Polish ESC fans started targeting Ukrainian jury members on social media. Why? BECAUSE THEY FOLLOWED THE RULES OF EUROVISION AND TRIED TO VOTE PROFESSIONALLY I'm so done with this stupidity. Ukraine is fighting a fucking war, ESC fans are becoming more and more insane every year. Death threats to the specialists that were working on Eurovision in Italy, massive cyber-bullying campaign against Switzerland for just fucking singing his heart out. But yeah, TIX got death threats last year as well, only because Keiino didn't win. I'm honestly hurt that such a contest breeds so much toxicity. I got attacked on Twitter for not liking Spain and Serbia this year, people need to separate the fact that disliking a song doesn't equal your country is trash and I hate it.
    1 point
  20. This Eurovision was something like elections in China with only one party take a part. We have 39 countries and Ukraine who become first fav even before their song was selected. And than it was all about Ukraine, and all others were just a pupets. Stefania is a good song and guys are great, but there was at last 10 better songs who deserved title much more. Spain, Netherlands, UK, Portugal, Serbia, Greece, Poland, Lithuania, Sweden.... I dont have nothing against Ukraine and their people, they have my full support in this war, but this was just a wrong. Thats why they are a pitty winners (again). What is next, Ukraine won FIFA world cup on same way? My winner this year is UK and congratulations to BBC who finally send a good song.
    1 point
  21. DAY 7 HIGHLIGHTS Germany 1 - 0 Denmark Period-by-Period: 0-0, 1-0, 0-0 May 19th 2022, h. 18:00, Helsinki Ice Hall, Helsinki Goals: 33. Michaelis (Noebels, Fischuch) 1:0
    0 points
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