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Poll 41/100 | The Statistical Point

Poll 41/100  

30 members have voted

  1. 1. Which of the following statements would be true?

    • 1- Medals will be awarded to more nations than at the 2016 Summer Games - with at least 87
    • 2-Naomi Osaka will participate at Tokyo despite repeatedly raising concern over the games
    • 3-The best-placed European NOC in the overall 2020 Olympics medal table will be Russia
    • 4- Tokyo Olympics will lead to the 5th wave in Japan
    • 5-Austria will fail to win any Olympic Medal
    • 6-Netherlands will finish ahead of Great Britain in Medal Tally

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2 and 3...maybe 5 (it wouldn't be the first time it happens in recent times)...


but I think this time AUT would eventually take at least a medal home, so I only picked 2 and 3...

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I believe Covid will, sadly, favor the performance of wealthy countries' athletes who are more or less living a normal life already with training and competition. So, I expect less countries winning medals.

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Interesting poll!


I agree with @LDOG that athletes from smaller NOC's are impacted more by covid restrictions, so I don't necessarily expect a greater variety of medal winners.


I went for the Naomi Osaka option. The medal table questions about Russia and Austria I wasn't quite sure about. I don't exactly know all the sports, I just hope both will prove to be false. And I hope #6 will be true of course, but that's a bit too optimistic for me.

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