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30 minutes ago, LDOG said:


American voters in general are too lazy to give much of a thought to politics. Which is understandable given their "system" is very old and too established. Trump, Sanders or any politician are just decoration that can't change much, regardless of how "radical" their speeches may sound. It's the most fake democracy of any first world western country. 

Yes, this. This is the reason we will fail as a nation. “It’s too big (or too great) to fail.” People say that about democracy, and it’s what we said about the economy in 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, and then...It failed.


People this country don’t seriously realize how lucky we are. They don’t value their vote, and they often don’t participate. We consider an election where 50% of the population votes, and big turnout ?.


These factors might actually offer some of explanation for why my generation is swinging so hard left. Think about it. We grew up through the aftermath of 9/11, through two Middle Eastern wars that claimed many of our parents and family members (for practically nothing), a recession that left some of us homeless and most of us without opportunity for half a decade, We then watched in horror as our country elected Trump, we watched with even greater horror as our friends were massacred at schools across the country, and now we’re watching a party fix an election against the candidate we actually believe in (even if that’s good or not). Plus, if that wasn’t enough, we can’t afford college tuition, we’ll all have massive debt, we’re at the mercy of increasingly dangerous climate change, we’ve seen Neo-Nazis march through our streets, and we’ve been left out of an increasingly shrinking job field.


So yeah, we’re upset, and no matter what we do, the system won’t change because that’s the true nature of this country. We do nothing for years and years until we’ve kicked the problem down the line so far that something gives, and all hell breaks lose. That’s why Capitalism fails, it allows people to get lazy, and it preaches that only money matters. That is wheel my generation is tasked with breaking, and that party that supposedly represents us, won’t even give us a chance to.

Edited by Olympian1010

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10 minutes ago, Olympian1010 said:

Think about it. We grew up through the aftermath of 9/11, through two Middle Eastern wars that claimed many of our parents and family members (for practically nothing), a recession that left some of us homeless and most of us without opportunity for half a decade, We then watched in horror as our country elected Trump, we watched with even greater horror as our friends were massacred at schools across the country, and now we’re watching a party fix an election against the candidate we actually believe in (even if that’s good or not). Plus, if that wasn’t enough, we can’t afford college tuition, we’ll all have massive debt, we’re at the mercy of increasingly dangerous climate change, we’ve seen Neo-Nazis march through our streets, and we’ve been left out of an increasingly shrinking job field.


And if you think people in, say, early 70s had it any different, then you are dead wrong. And what followed? Reagan getting 525 electoral votes. ;)


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1 hour ago, Dnl said:  so it seems that the Likud will have 60-61 members who will join the coallition, the diffrence is big if it will stay the same 90% we will go again to another round and again only polls results and not the actual results.

it will be tense days here in Israel i will try to update if anything special will pop up 



Amazing work by bibi to get to 40.   Hopefully he can get the 61st by the morning.   Or get someone who will leave ganz's fake party

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Just now, Maxim Fastovsky said:


Amazing work by bibi to get to 40.   Hopefully he can get the 61st by the morning.   Or get someone who will leave ganz's fake party

this is the main talk here right now "who will sit with bibi" there is actual good chance that Liberman and great part of blue white and The Likud will be the coallition.

bibi's campaign was powerful and now It's only matter of final results, and Netanyahu could choose his coalition and there are interesting options... next days will be intersting for sure 

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1 hour ago, Dnl said:

this is the main talk here right now "who will sit with bibi" there is actual good chance that Liberman and great part of blue white and The Likud will be the coallition.

bibi's campaign was powerful and now It's only matter of final results, and Netanyahu could choose his coalition and there are interesting options... next days will be intersting for sure 


I doubt the traitor liberman will sit in the coalition, dont think bibi wants him, he was putting the country on hold for a whole year, fuck him

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4 hours ago, Maxim Fastovsky said:


I doubt the traitor liberman will sit in the coalition, dont think bibi wants him, he was putting the country on hold for a whole year, fuck him

I’ll guess we will wait to find out...

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Just now, Maxim Fastovsky said:


Looks like he went down to 59.  Will need to turn 2

Yes but it’s according to 35% of votes and this time they deliberately decided to check every vote slowly and then update, after last time with Shaked and Bennet

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55 minutes ago, Dnl said:

Yes but it’s according to 35% of votes and this time they deliberately decided to check every vote slowly and then update, after last time with Shaked and Bennet


ok, let's hope he can get the 61 with the soldiers and then no need to worry

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12 hours ago, Monzanator said:


Americans think their democracy is the best in the world though? :dunno:


They think that for many things falsely :D american democracy is a sham, you can't get elected a dogcatcher if you can't raise milions of dollars. it's a rigged two party system, reelection campaigns never stop, you take votes so you could get reelected not because you beleive in it. media scene is dangerously incompetent, they are partisan hacks all of them, left and right, they are pro establishment, neocon war hawks and if you try to go out of mainstream you get slaughtered. and in a "greatest democracy" in the world you still have states where you need to register to vote months before an election. and a lot of states that just plainly supress the votes of minorities. 

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