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[OFF TOPIC] Politics Thread


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4 hours ago, heywoodu said:

Shit happens when you have a radical marxist oposition :facepalm:

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On 2/28/2018 at 12:49, hckosice said:

They both had only 27 years :( RIP






Some Italian "Businessmans" were arrested today in Eastern Slovakia. Some members of the government announced their resignations (however not the ones that would be expected... but yeah, nothing more normal when speaking about corrupted politicians pigs around our prime minister Robert Fico) and every day hundreds and hundreds of peoples marching in the streets refusing this for us new evil trying to attack our calm coutry



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I want just give us a small spotlight about italian elections :p

Last saturday was a very hard day for the italian politics.. all (!!) the italian left (that is divided in 3 main party since years) go do a demonstration in the main italian square against fascism in the all italian city. The main 3 party (PD, Liberi e Uguali and Potere al Popolo) they do not talk to each other and they hate each other :p

Meanwhile, in Milan, the right coalition (again 3 main party, Lega Nord, Fratelli d'Italia and Forza Italia) do 3 different speeches. They are ally but they have very different opinions about their political program.. if they will win they will never rule together, they do not even agree on the presidential candidate (Berlusconi want the european president Tajani, Salvini and Meloni want itself).

The Movimento 5 Stelle, the anti-establishment party, decided to go at Qurinale for gave the possible government ministers to President Mattarella, but it's isn't allow by the law and Mattarella decided not to meet Di Maio.

In this week, in all Italy, we have clash and stabbings between extreme right and extreme left militants, some politicians were objects of violent assaults meanwhile in Turin and Perugia we had clash between law enforcement agencies and demonstrators... welcome back post-II World war :lol:

In all this busy days, the official twitter account of the Polizia di Stato say that they're happy that amnesty international was in the various protest marches for monitor possible violence of the police becouse they'll finally see who is the real victim. :lol:


All in Italy know that no anyone of the main politicians will govern alone becouse no anyone will have the majority in parliament and probabily will be very hard made a coalition... Funny days are coming :d


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21 ore fa, hckosice ha scritto:



Some Italian "Businessmans" were arrested today in Eastern Slovakia. Some members of the government announced their resignations (however not the ones that would be expected... but yeah, nothing more normal when speaking about corrupted politicians pigs around our prime minister Robert Fico) and every day hundreds and hundreds of peoples marching in the streets refusing this for us new evil trying to attack our calm coutry


Nrandghetisti non italian businessmans... call they  whit their name 

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As today is election time in Italy, I wish for all :ITA users good luck in voting :yes If you have any second thoughts about voting - please, go, even if your party has zero chance to achieve the result you would like it to see, or even if you don't have any party you support - then go and help prevent what you believe will be the worst solution. Tonight is one of the rare days you can shape the future of your country, so go on and use it :d Remember - every vote counts ;) !


My favourite Volleyball position: LIBERO. You ask why? Look here.


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