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Cross-Country Skiing at the Winter Olympic Games Beijing 2022

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  On 12/14/2021 at 4:48 PM, ahjfcshfghb said:

I agree with that conclusion. So that means Mirlene Picin would not be eligible for the Sprint? What would happen if Picin has a better FIS points average, but only Bruna can start in two events?


According to the rules of the Brazilian federation, these are the selection criteria:


1. Athletes with the B criteria (under 300 points) in both sprint and distance have the priority, in case the number of athletes in this category is bigger than the number of available tickets (and it is), we go to;


2. A ranking is made, counting the three best sprint freestyle and three best classic distance results from July 2020 to 16 January 2022.


There was a bit of a question about which athletes would count in this 2nd one, but (as logic dictates), we have had confirmation that this ranking will decide the tickets only among athletes who have the B criteria in both sprint and distance.


Right now, that's Duda, Bruna (and Gabi, who sadly wasn't able to go to Europe) and from the next FIS points list Jaque, and those three will have so in January as well. Mika needs to have a few personal bests on sprints to get there, and then she'd be in the fight as well.


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  On 12/14/2021 at 10:07 PM, intoronto said:


How does Ireland have 3 men's quotas?,



Because they had a WC regular last season. Apparently everyone was pretty clueless about the qualification system, so just sending a skier for the whole tour guaranteed you multiple spots. Same with Latvia in the women's events.

Latvia will likely have 5 (!!) female skiers in the final analysis. Maybe 6, if Bendika decides to start in the relay.



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  On 12/14/2021 at 10:23 PM, dcro said:

Because they had a WC regular last season. Apparently everyone was pretty clueless about the qualification system, so just sending a skier for the whole tour guaranteed you multiple spots. Same with Latvia in the women's events.




Happened at the Vancouver Olympics in biathlon.   Canadian coaches hadn't understood the points system properly, so they ended up at their home Olympics with just a single place for both men & women. 

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  On 12/14/2021 at 10:23 PM, dcro said:

Same with Latvia in the women's events.


And Brazil. They only realized it a bit later, but getting into the top-30 of the nations ranking is the single reason why Bruna and Jaque both went to Engadin and started + finished both races there and why Jaque started and finished every single race she was allowed to at the world championships before that. I mean, it certainly wasn't for fun or performance, since Bruna was incredibly physically unwell, two 12+ hour train trips didn't help and there was no coach to really help with anything from waxing to providing any sort of warm clothes after the finish (luckily one of the Norwegian women came to the rescue in that regards) :p 


Several countries just dropped the ball big time there, they could have easily gotten in simply by finishing a few races (especially the relay, there was a country - I think Croatia actually - which actually had four women at the world championships, but simply didn't start in the relay and then missed out on the top-30).


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  On 12/14/2021 at 10:23 PM, dcro said:

Because they had a WC regular last season. Apparently everyone was pretty clueless about the qualification system, so just sending a skier for the whole tour guaranteed you multiple spots. Same with Latvia in the women's events.

Latvia will likely have 5 (!!) female skiers in the final analysis. Maybe 6, if Bendika decides to start in the relay.



Bendika isn't going for the relay in cross-country, as far as I know the plan is the mass start only.


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Meanwhile, this is the current situation for the Brazilian women. The factor in case of fewer than 6 total races still counts for three of them, but of course one more classic result will eliminate that, we can assume that'll be 1.0 for everyone eventually. Also keeping in mind that, as of right now and according to the Brazilian federation's rules, it's only between Jaque, Duda and Bruna since they are the ones who have the B criteria in both sprint and distance.




Jaque will end up in 1st anyway. Duda has good room for improvement in one sprint and decent in another, Bruna has decent room for improvement in one sprint and good room in one classic result (the horror race in Engadin last season).


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I am a bit concerned for :HUN. They have a women's quota, but the only athlete (Sara Ponya) doesn't have enough FIS points to be eligible. She needs 300 and has 378. Ponya is competing in biathlon right now and hasn't done any cross country races since the World Championships.


Does the federation know that Ponya isn't eligible yet? I can't imagine she wasn't interested in going to the Olympics?

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  On 12/18/2021 at 2:42 PM, ahjfcshfghb said:

I am a bit concerned for :HUN. They have a women's quota, but the only athlete (Sara Ponya) doesn't have enough FIS points to be eligible. She needs 300 and has 378. Ponya is competing in biathlon right now and hasn't done any cross country races since the World Championships.


Does the federation know that Ponya isn't eligible yet? I can't imagine she wasn't interested in going to the Olympics?


Last season after the world championships, she posted a photo with this text (with a Google Translate English version I put under there)....makes you think she really doesn't know, or they know something we don't.



Ebben a szezonban a sérülésem miatt sajnos egyszer sem tudtam rajthoz állni a vb-t megelőzően, de az, hogy a világ legjobbjai között, a legnehezebb versenyen sikerült  megszereznem a női kvótát a 2022-es pekingi téliolimpiára, úgy érzem most mindenért kárpótolt.


Rengeteg energiát adott ez a verseny, és sok mindenre megtanított. Többek között arra, hogy a sportban nincs lehetetlen, mert ha mindig elvégezted a minőségi edzésmunkát, akkor a legnehezebb pillanatokban is van még miből erőt merítened.


Rengeteg ember munkája van benne ebben az eredményben, és pont ez a legszebb a sportban. Hálásan köszönöm nekik, hogy mindig számíthatok rájuk.



This season, due to my injury, I was unfortunately never able to start before the World Cup, but the fact that I managed to win the women’s quota for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics in the toughest race in the world, I feel compensated for everything now.


This competition gave a lot of energy and taught me a lot. Among other things, it is not impossible in sports, because if you have always done quality training, you will still have to draw strength from the hardest moments.


There is a lot of work involved in this result and it is exactly the most beautiful in the sport. I am grateful to them that I can always count on them.





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