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Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2017


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    Canada-Flag-2T.gif?1355385195  Canada   12


    Argentina-w-Seal-Flag-2T.gif?1354695798  Argentina      11


    New-Zealand-Flag-2T.gif?1355395656  New Zealand   10


    200015-2T.gif?1359710004  United States   9
    Ireland-Flag-2T.gif?1355391513  Ireland   8
    Croatia-Flag-2T.gif?1355387420  Croatia  7
    Brazil-Flag-2T.gif?1354803204  Brazil  6
    Colombia-Flag-2T.gif?1355385759  Colombia   5
    Spain-w-Seal-Flag-2T.gif?1355399277  Spain   4
    Netherlands-Flag-2T.gif?1355395614  Netherlands   3
    Poland-No-Eagle-Flag-2T.gif?1355397629  Poland   2
    Italy-Flag-2T.gif?1367932562  Italy   1






Este ha sido mi voto. Agradezco a cada uno por permitirme conocer la música de su país, así como a nuestro gran anfitrión. ¡Hasta la próxima!


This has been my vote. I thank each of you for letting me know your country’s music, as well as our great host. Until next time!


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There comes a time when a man, that gets a set of points once per session, has to start wondering from which country could I possibly get points in the 4th session and this is still reliant on the fact that I'm getting something from Denmark in this one :d

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