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Athletics IAAF World Championships 2017

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1 hour ago, dcro said:

Apparently there was also a solo time trial held at the 2001 Worlds for the Irish competitor in the 400m. :d


It was 200m at the Euros in 2002 and the athlete was Paul Brizzel :d. The sound boom went into his lane during the race and impeded him. So they gave him a time-trial after and he just missed the qualifying time. Unlucky :d



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52 minutes ago, Dunadan said:

Again with this...even the study which was financed for this was not able to show that the "proven advantage" is comparable to the advantage of a man against a woman (but more similar to the advantage that other women have in their events).


sure...that study was funded by people who wanted to cancel the gender's obvious that they stated such big lies...

the proof...when Semenya was forced by the rules to take medicines to correct her level of testosterone could only run 2.05 in the 800m, when she's free not to take any medicine to lower her masculine level of testosterone she's able to run 1.55 (and better)...


the same with Pamela Jelimo...she looked unbeatable (and ran 1.54)...after she started to take those corrective medicines, she basically had to retire...


well, I know a couple of people having gone trough sex change procedures...and I can tell you that even after having completed the transition (so, after having taken tons of medicines, estrogen and things like that), they still have uncommon strenght and physical ability than "natural born" women...


nobody will never make me change my mind about the fact that women not biologically born as women can play sport against other "real" women in fair conditions...they will always have a big advantage (and trust's not a question of being racist, sexist or anything's just like things actually are)...



by the way, the official clinical definition for Semenya, Wambui and Nyonsaba's cases is "androgyny"/"hyper-androgynism"...

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