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Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2024

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This is also, by a considerable margin, the shortest TISC thread since the rebirth of Totallympics :yikes:


It's a shame becuase this was so well organized by @Henry_Leon

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22 minutes ago, Wanderer said:

Congratulation :ITA Italy on the win! I liked the song, so I am happy with the win!  :champion: And thank you @Henry_Leon and the rest of Italian jury for organizing the event and sharing a bit of Italian culture, music and places! :hatoff: I will be spending around 10 days in Italy this May so already have a good playlist of Italian music to help me improve my Italian  :d


Congratulation :SWE @Belle on the third place, and team gold :cheer:


Ciao, ciao!

We are a golden team. :champion:


Thank you for an amazing placement. Keep this up and you will win soon. :clap:

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4 hours ago, mrv86 said:

Thank you @Werloc, I’m really shocked to be in your top 12.

Well, I remember the horns at the start didn't give me huge hopes, but the topline when the woman vocalist joins in, just carries this song to a different level and that's how it climbed up to 5th. 

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Congrats Italy, and of course New Zealand and Sweden :cheer:

Thank you @Henry_Leon, you were an amazing host!


Thank you everyone who voted for our song, I didn't think we'd place that high so this is a great result!




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3 hours ago, Olympian1010 said:

The scoring of "What Was I Made For?" is very interesting to me. People either liked it a lot, or not at all it seems. I wasn't sure how it would play. Now I don't know how much insight I can glean from this from future contests.

I gave up on trying to logically understand anything here :d 


There are two disco songs in this edition. One is trying to win the contest, the other is on the second half of the table :lol: 


There was never any correlation in anything. 

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3 hours ago, mrv86 said:

Thank you, I know you to like most of my entries :yes


Lithuania on the other hand has hardly given points to Mexico, one of the few exceptions being the edition where they actually had Ximena Sariñana and Different as their top pick.

Well, this is the sixth time that I score Mexico. I guess it's a pretty good indication that I don't play favourites or favour any country in particular and I try to recognise a good product in most genres. It's always a mix of vocals, melody, production and lyrics for me. And as I'm diving deeper and exploring the world of producing now too, I started paying even more attention to more miniscule details, like vocal effects, specific sounds of percussions, mix & master etc. 

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2 hours ago, Olympian1010 said:

This is also, by a considerable margin, the shortest TISC thread since the rebirth of Totallympics :yikes:

Probably just a sign of the times, people don't interact as much as they used to. The same happened with last year's Totallympics Awards, which had much fewer comments compared to the previous edition.

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It's done and dusted now, congratulations to the winners and medalists.


Thank you for voting for Eley, it's always nice to see that someone liked it with some medals as well. I had a really tough time deciding what to send, because Lithuanian music lately is just on a different level :p 


There's a lot that I wanted to show, but ultimately I decided that it would be fun to go with "Rock My Body". Me and my bff had a really good time working on this song together with Eglė (the vocalist). On Monday we're meeting in the studio to work on her newest song that I wrote a couple of weeks ago. It has some reaggeton and Spanish undertones, but perhaps the producer will decide to switch it up. 

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Surely I can't be the only one who thought that Karla Grunewaldt is like seeing Merida from Brave in real life?



Karla Grunewaldt - La mujer que nadie defendió (Teaser) - YouTube

Merida from Disney's Brave | Rebelle merida, Princesse disney, Princesse  mérida


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58 minutes ago, Werloc said:

I gave up on trying to logically understand anything here :d 


There are two disco songs in this edition. One is trying to win the contest, the other is on the second half of the table :lol: 


There was never any correlation in anything. 

Im not the only one who notice that:cool:

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