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17 countries in critical economic situation 


The list of countries either in default or whose financial market bond yields suggest they will be currently stands at a record 17.

Those 17 are Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Zambia, Lebanon, Tunisia, Ghana, Ethiopia, Ukraine, Tajikistan, El Salvador, Suriname, Ecuador, Belize, Argentina, Russia, Belarus and Venezuela.

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6 minutes ago, heywoodu said:

Ah, the indigenous people of Amsterdam :p 

They really didn't even try for your country. Somewhere, there is a Friesland regionalist reading this map and feeling very disappointed at the moment.

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3 minutes ago, De_Gambassi said:

They really didn't even try for your country. Somewhere, there is a Friesland regionalist reading this map and feeling very disappointed at the moment.

And the rest of the Netherlands is very disappointed that even when they divide every tiny bit, we still didn't get rid of Limburg :p 


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Meh, no historical or geographical accuracy, no funny names...they just wanted to give a big kingdom to their friends and take a cheap dig with the indigenous=emirates and Islamic republics

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