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Athletics 2020 Discussion Thread


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After both days, these are the ten best performances in the championships:


# Sportists Disciplīna Rezultāts IAAF
1 Andrius Gudžius Diska mešana 68.41 1215
2 Gatis Čakšs Šķēpa mešana 84.56 1166
3 Ashinia Miller Lodes grūšana 20.16 1130
4 Jānis Svens Grīva Šķēpa mešana 81.85 1128
5 Jogailė Petrokaitė Tāllēkšana 6.57 1123
6 Maksims Sinčukovs 400m barjeras 50.27 1116
7 Līga Velvere 800m 2:02.69 1115
8 Adrijus Glebauskas Augstlēkšana 2.22 1108
9 Martin Kupper Diska mešana 61.77 1093
10 Rūta Kate Lasmane Trīssoļlēkšana 13.75 1092


The president cups were won by Gudžius and Petrokaitė, being the best male and female performers of the competition.


As for the Baltic Team Championships, Lithuania was not able to defend the title this year and Estonia was the winner with 276 points, whilst Lithuania only lost it by 1 point with 275 and Latvia in third with 247

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  On 8/17/2020 at 5:34 PM, rybak said:

Looks like a good meet - The Istvan Gyulai from Hungary is on the same night.

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  On 8/17/2020 at 6:00 PM, Grassmarket said:

Looks like a good meet - The Istvan Gyulai from Hungary is on the same night.


I see that like every year hammer throw have the best line-up, also this year women's 200m should be exciting.

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  On 8/19/2020 at 3:12 PM, Grassmarket said:

Hungarian long-jumper Nguyen benefits from a home judge on the LJ board....:mumble:


I saw a jump that was clearly a fault... 


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