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Luge at the Winter Olympic Games Beijing 2022

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On 2/8/2022 at 3:40 PM, Monzanator said:

Germany is like the last nation I'd suspect would go sentimental. Ordnung muss sein, mein Herr! :p

Taubitz looks like a risk and it would be unfair for the other athletes in the relay to risk a medal just to give Taubitz another chance not to crash. Geisenberger seems like a safer pick. This might have been the only gold medal chance Taubitz will ever get, considering the amount of talent coming through (Berreiter, Egle, Prock, Schulte).

Attachment is the great fabricator of illusions; reality can be obtained only by someone who is detached.


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The Germans can't treat the luge relay like an automatic gold: they have messed it up enough times over the last couple of years. 

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17 minutes ago, OlympicsFan said:

Not even close. Probably more like South Korea in archery.

I 'd say it's more comparable to the Netherlands in speed skating. More infrastructures and more money than anybody else by a long margin.

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Wow, what a boring doubles race that was... Germany and Austria are so far ahead. S/K get a bronze with their magic Linger sled even with a large error.


Relay tomorrow. Germany gold, Austria silver, Latvia bronze. Maybe Italy could snatch a bronze but I doubt it. ROC and the US are out of it for sure.


Luge is in an interesting place... I think for Cortina either the women's doubles is getting added, or the relay is staying. I can't see both events in the program. How would they even conduct the relay with an extra event? It would become too long and totally predictable. Plus maybe only 8 nations would qualify enough sleds. Removing doubles entirely from the relay would be even worse, turning relay into not much of a relay anymore. Or maybe they will just keep the status quo. Keep the doubles part of the relay "open" and pretend not everyone will select men's team by default...


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This luge relay is bananas!  


Both the Korean girl and Ukrainian guy crashed, flipped over, finished their run and slapped the button to get their teammates on track.  



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2 minutes ago, Grassmarket said:

:SVK crash on the uphill, come up short of the line.  You’re not allowed to paddle or walk to the line. 

If you don't have contact with the sled then it's DSQ too IIRC.

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I noticed this guy in every single Luge race. always standing there. always "not looking" to the luger at all. always looking to another direction :d today he is wearing something black but I think he was usually in white.


is this a common thing to put a human scarecrow near the luge track ?


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