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Everything posted by vinipereira

  1. We're gonna lose most of them, but the Olympic quotas were the most important thing I guess?
  2. The thought that we would buy some players for a sport that isn't even popular in Brazil in order to win a Pan American Games medal
  3. Against all odds, Brazil secured a medal in Baseball, which somewhat makes up for the disappointment of not having won a medal in 3x3 Basketball. But the list of sports we didn't medal is still 8 with Sport Climbing added now (and will be 9 with Breaking). Among the debut sports we only did medal in Skateboarding.
  4. I don't think it needed all these sports, but only 9 medal events is really sad.
  5. There's always a day where nothing happens. But I'm enjoying the schedule so far.
  6. Saltos Ornamentais é como o Levantamento de Peso. Quando a gente pensa que o Brasil tá melhorando vem um Pan e os resultados são pífios.
  7. Um bom dia, mas abaixo do esperado. Natação e Ginástica terminaram com um ouro a menos do que eu tinha previsto. Um pouco triste que todos os esportes que terminaram até agora não chegaram ao potencial máximo de ouros, à exceção do Skate que ganhou os 2 previstos. O ouro no Remo compensou um pouco pois não acreditava nessa medalha. Amanhã será nosso dia mais fraco, na torcida para garantir algumas finais do Boxe.
  8. Always a bridesmaid... Flavia Saraiva wins her 5th medal here (4th silver), and her 10th overall Pan American Games medal. Never won gold.
  9. They've failed pretty hard in the world championship, so a medal here will be already a good result.
  10. Now seven But at least now we also take gold (which was a little undeserving as Flavia as better than Rebeca).
  11. How exactly won 10-0 vs in women's Football? Is Jamaica playing with a youth team or something?
  12. Achei até bom o resultado em termos de medalhas apesar de ter apostado num ouro pouco provável do Ygor.
  13. It was so sad to see Köbrich lose that gold medal in the end...
  14. Great job João Victor, only our second individual medal in Dressage (and best result ever). Also surprising result from Renderson, who started competing this year and gets a 5th place here.
  15. Rowing postponed due to weather conditions
  16. Tirando o Taekwondo, não esperava nada desses outros esportes, então no fim das contas um bronze no Esqui Aquático e outro no Levantamento de Peso estão de bom tamanho - esse segundo parecia estar caminhando para um ótimo momento e aí chega o Pan e ganhamos uma só (sofrida) medalha. Taekwondo foi bem ruim com aquela prata que deveria ser ouro, sem falar dos outros sendo eliminados cedo.
  17. Exactly. At least tomorrow we'll have a Volleyball semifinal starting at 8:30pm.
  18. Honestly, I miss the Tokyo days - except for the last days when you're so tired that you actually want the whole thing to be over
  19. The bad thing about having a multi-sport games happening in the same time zone as yours is that there's not much going on during the night
  20. Se Flavia ganhar um bronze já vai ser muito. Na trave ela ou Rebeca tem potencial para ouro, mas não apostaria. No masculino só Nory mesmo se acertar tudo.
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