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  1. Stage 16 Tuesday - July 13th, 2021 h. 13:30 (GMT +2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pas de la Casa - Saint Gaudens 169km - Medium Mountain STAGE CLASSIFICATION Patrick KONRAD 4:01:59 Sonny COLBRELLI +42 Michael MATTHEWS +42 Complete Standing HERE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL CLASSIFICATION Tadej POGACAR 66:23:06 Rigoberto URAN +5:18 Jonas VINGEGAARD +5:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POINTS CLASSIFICATION Mark CAVENDISH 279 Michael MATTHEWS 242 Sonny COLBRELLI 195 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLIMBER CLASSIFICATION Wouter POELS 74 Michael WOODS 66 Nairo QUINTANA 64 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YOUTH CLASSIFICATION Tadej POGACAR 66:23:06 Jonas VINGEGAARD +5:32 David GAUDU +14:13
  2. I say you at this rate Gombos will end with a bye in 1st round 2 weeks ago he was 19th outside the qualifying cut-off, a couple of more withdrawals and he can finish by being seeded
  3. Patrick Konrad had already increased the lead to 1 minute. looks like second win for BORA this year
  4. Updated and Completed July 13th, 2021 apart mentioned out in W+87 also I had to remove and replace by in M -73
  5. 20 Handball 14 Sailing 2 Judo 1 Athletics 1 Swimming 2
  6. So, we just got our first 2018 athlete. Lukáš Kubiš (Road cycling) will replace injured Peter Sagan in the road race
  7. TEAM SLOVAKIA TOKYO 2020 41 (27+14) ATHLETICS - ATLETIKA 9 (5+4) MEN'S Ján VOLKO (100m, 200m) Marcel LOMNICKÝ (HAMMER THROW) Miroslav ÚRADNÍK (20km RACE WALK) Michal MORVAY (50km RACE WALK) Matej TÓTH (50km RACE WALK) WOMEN'S Gabriela GAJANOVÁ (800m) Emma ZAPLETALOVÁ (400m HURDLES) Martina HRAŠNOVÁ (HAMMER THROW) Mária Katerinka CZAKOVÁ (20km RACE WALK) BADMINTON - BEDMINTON 1 (0+1) WOMEN'S Martina REPISKÁ (SINGLES) BOXING - BOX 1 (1+0) MEN'S Andrej CSEMEZ (-75 kg MIDDLEWEIGHT) ROAD CYCLING - CESTNÁ CYKLISTIKA 2 (2+0) MEN'S Juraj SAGAN (ROAD RACE) Lukáš KUBIŠ (ROAD RACE, INDIVIDUAL TIME TRIAL) GOLF - GOLF 1 (1+0) MEN'S Rory SABBATINI (INDIVIDUAL) ARTISTIC GYMNASTICS - ŠPORTOVÁ GYMNASTIKA 1 (0+1) WOMEN'S Barbora MOKOŠOVÁ (ALL-AROUND INDIVIDUAL, Balance Beam, Floor Exercise, Uneven Bars, Vault ?) CANOEING SPRINT - RÝCHLOSTNÁ KANOISTIKA 5 (5+0) MEN'S Peter GELLE (K1-1000m) Samuel BALÁŽ / Adam BOTEK (K2-1000m) Samuel BALÁŽ / Denis MYŠÁK / Erik VLČEK / Adam BOTEK (K4-500m) CANOEING SLALOM - VODNÝ SLALOM 4 (2+2) MEN'S Matej BEŇUŠ (C1) Jakub GRIGAR (K1) WOMEN'S Monika ŠKÁCHOVÁ (C1) Eliška MINTÁLOVÁ (K1) ARCHERY - LUKOSTREĽBA 1 (0+1) WOMEN'S Denisa BARÁNKOVÁ (INDIVIDUAL) SWIMMING - PLÁVANIE 2 (1+1) MEN'S Richard NAGY (200m BUTTERFLY, 400m INDIVDUAL MEDLEY) WOMEN'S Andrea PODMANÍKOVÁ (100m BREASTSTROKE, 200m BREASTSTROKE) TABLE TENNIS - STOLNÝ TENIS 3 (2+1) MEN'S WANG Yang (SINGLES) Ľubomír PIŠTEJ (MIXED DOUBLES) WOMEN'S Barbora BALÁŽOVÁ (SINGLES, MIXED DOUBLES) SHOOTING - ŠPORTOVÁ STREĽBA 7 (4+3) MEN'S Patrik JÁNY (10m AIR RIFLE, 50m RIFLE 3 POSITIONS) Juraj TUŽINSKÝ (10m AIR PISTOL) Erik VARGA (TRAP, MIXED TRAP) Marián KOVAČÓCY (MIXED TRAP) WOMEN'S Zuzana REHÁK-ŠTEFEČEKOVÁ (MIXED TRAP) Jana ŠPOTÁKOVÁ (TRAP, MIXED TRAP) Danka BARTEKOVÁ (SKEET) TENNIS - TENIS 3 (3+0) MEN'S Norbert GOMBOS (SINGLES) Filip POLÁŠEK / Lukáš KLEIN (DOUBLES) WRESTLING FREESTYLE - ZÁPASENIE VOĽNÝ ŠTÝL 1 (1+0) MEN'S Boris MAKOEV (-86 kg) *VZ SOŠV poverilo výkonný výbor SOŠV rozhodnúť o akceptácii prípadných dodatočne pridelených miesteniek a taktiež o zmenách v nominácii členov výpravy, ktoré môžu nastať po jej schválení z dôvodu nepredvídateľných okolností. To sa môže týkať plavcov (Prípadne Universality kvóty), niekoho z ďalších atlétov, ale možno aj triatlonistu a horského cyklistu. TEAM STAFF ZLOŽENIE SPRIEVODU VÝPRAVY
  8. SLOVAK ROAD TO TOKYO 2020 - SLOVENSKÁ CESTA DO TOKIA 2020 UPDATED POST Replacement of 17th NOC Quota Lukáš KUBIŠ - ROAD CYCLING (M ROAD RACE, M INDIVIDUAL TIME TRIAL) Tvrdá rana pre Petra Sagana Zranenie ho pripravilo o olympiádu v Tokiu, nahradí ho mladý Kubiš Slovenský cyklista Peter Sagan sa zo zdravotných dôvodov nezúčastní na olympijských hrách v Tokiu. O zmenu nominácie už v liste Slovenskému olympijskému a športovému výboru (SOŠV) oficiálne požiadal Slovenský zväz cyklistiky (SZC). Slovensko budú 24. júla v pretekoch s hromadným štartom reprezentovať Juraj Sagan a Lukáš Kubiš. Trojnásobný majster sveta po odstúpení z Tour de France absolvoval v Monaku úspešnú operáciu kolena. Infekcia síce nezasiahla kolenný kĺb, napokon však operácia a zdravotné problémy znemožnili Petrovi Saganovi štartovať pod piatimi kruhmi. V nominácii ho nahradil Kubiš, 21-ročný člen Dukly Banská Bystrica bol podľa rozhodnutia komisie cestnej cyklistiky SZC prvý náhradník. Informoval o tom portál "Aj keď tie okolnosti boli, aké boli, som rád, že sa mi podarilo nominovať na OH dokonca hneď pri mojej prvej šanci. Som veľmi šťastný a hrdo budem reprezentovať Slovensko na takomto vrcholnom fóre. S aktuálnou formou sme spokojní, aj keď to ešte, samozrejme, musíme ďalej ladiť. Ďakujem všetkým za podporu. Petrovi prajeme skoré zotavenie a návrat do sedla i na pódiá. Držte nám palce," priniesol SZC vyjadrenie Kubiša. Peter Sagan si prvýkrát zranil koleno v 3. etape TdF. Austrálčan Caleb Ewan v špurte zavadil o predné koleso ďalšieho cyklistu, spadol na zem a so sebou zobral aj Slováka. Ten si neskôr to isté koleno udrel o riadidlá a dostala sa mu doň infekcia. Preto pred 12. etapou oznámil, že na Tour končí. Na OH štartoval prvýkrát v Londýne 2012, v Riu de Janeiro 2016 súťažil v horskej cyklistike.
  9. hey @Wumo what is this question ? 87 - Rory Sabbatini (SVK) will finish ahead of Ondrej Lieser (CZE) in men's event. [YES/NO - X]
  10. Peter Sagan (Road cycling) that crash with Caleb ewan in the 3rd stage of the TdF appeared to be more costly. Yesterday Peter had to undergo surgery and today the medical staff did not recommend him to compete in Tokyo He was aiming for his 3rd Olympics in 2nd sport (London 2012 our sole Road cycling athlete, Rio 2016 our sole MTB cycling athlete...this time we finally qualified also a teammate for him and he picked his brother Juraj...) oh well, thats so sad and disappointing. Lukáš Kubiš will replace him and join Juraj Sagan in the road race.
  11. Team Slovakia 4 (2+2) MEN'S C1: Matej Beňuš K1: Jakub Grigar WOMEN'S C1: Monika Škáchová K1: Eliška Mintálová ----------------------------------------------------------------- Other Sports Introductions Archery, Athletics, Badminton, Boxing, Canoeing Sprint, Road Cycling, Golf, Artistic Gymnastics, Shooting, Swimming, Table Tennis, Tennis, Wrestling The most successful Olympic sport of the country. Slovakia participated at every single Olympics and won 14 medals in this sport since the independence (8 Golds - 3 Silvers - 3 Bronzes) which rank the nation to 1st place in the historic all-time Canoeing Slalom Olympics medal tally. Slovakia is also the all-times record holder in the now inexisting M C2 class with 4 golds & 1 bronze (3 Golds in a row by the Hochschorner Brothers is still one of the biggest Olympic achievements not only in Slovak sport) In addition, Slovakia holds also a respectable record streak, the country has won a medal in the C1 men in all its participations since independence (1996 Gold, 2000 Silver & Bronze, 2004 Silver, 2008 Gold, 2012 Bronze, 2016 Silver) Only one time happened that Slovakia did not qualify in all events for the Olympics, paradoxically it happened at the most successful games in Beijing 2008, when Slovakia won 3 gold medals out of 3 events, we sadly failed to qualify for the M K1 there. This time again Slovakia qualified in all events, the full possible team of 4 athletes (2M + 2W) the delegation will include two returning athletes from Rio 2016 (both men) and two olympic debutatnts (both women) the only athlete with olympic medal experience in the team being Matej Beňuš. Matej Beňuš will return to the Olympics for the second time in his career after his debut in Rio 2016 (Silver medal), the 33 years old paddler will have the hard task to keep the nations olympic medal streak in this discipline. Probably the athlete who will have to face the biggest pressure of all our delegation based on whole nation expectations. To qualify for the Olympics in this event is very difficult for a Slovak C1 athlete, with only 1 quota available you have not only to qualify the country to the games but on the way also beat your own countrymen opponents, the likes of Alexander Slafkovský or the world sport legend Michal Martikán. They are all still 10 times consecutive C1 Team world champions... Jakub Grigar 24 years old, just like Beňuš will also compete at his 2nd Olympics in a row. Still young K1 paddler will try to improve his 5th place from Rio 2016 where he as Semifinal winner missed the medal by some 0.2 seconds and gold by 0.9 in the very last gates combination of the final. Jakub was the first Slovak canoe slalom paddler to earn his Tokyo berth, alreay at the 2019 world championships he secured the quota for himself. Grigar travelled to Japan in good mood after he won the last World cup race before Tokyo in Germany last month. Monika Škáchová 20 years old. Will be the first slovak Canoe female competitor at the Olympics in history, debuting in the very first edition of the W C1. Slovakia btw survived some scare here since we won the quota as the very last country, at the European Championships in Italian Ivrea this May. Monika secured the quota by earning the last single available quota place and by finishing higher of all other slovak competitiors. Eliška Mintálová 21 years old, is another sign of the raising new generation, She managed to qualify for her first careers Olympics by defeating experienced olympians Jana Dukátová and Elena Kaliská in the internal qualifiers, that is already a achievement by itself. The country qualified for Tokyo in this event at the World Championships in La Seu d´Urgell 2019 alongside of both men events.
  12. RTVS released the schedule from Monday (day 3) to Sunfay (Day 9) and it looks pretty good so far I must say, very unusual, they even managed to put all Finals of the day to the schedule RTVS 2
  13. Smallest team ever for as well. first time no Basketball, must be terrible for them, one can not even imagine
  14. 37 Živilė Vaiciukevičiūtė ended her career and refused to go if I understand correctly Athletics 11 Swimming 6 Modern Pentathlon 3 Sailing 2 Rowing 5 Artistic Gymnastics 1 Road Cycling 2 Track Cycling 2 Greco-Roman Wresling 1 Judo 1 Shooting 1 Canoeing Sprint 1 Weightlifting 1
  15. what will happen if USA will somehow fail to qualify for the gold medal match ? NBC ordered the M Basketball to be played the morning Japan time, many hours before the bronze medal game, will they just change it to the usual schedule then ? Obviously there no chance USA will miss the basketball final, was just more a hypothetical question
  16. Stage 16 Tuesday - July 13th, 2021 h. 13:30 (GMT +2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pas de la Casa - Saint Gaudens 169km - Medium Mountain -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  17. 6 Athletics 1 Judo 1 Karate 1 Shooting 1 Taekwondo 1 Wrestling FS 1
  18. 10 Athletics 1 Swimming 2 Canoeing Sprint 1 Judo 1 Boxing 2 Sailing 3
  19. Lukáš Krpálek but in general I have not really favorites, love to watch the medal bouts and cheer to all athletes and great matches. Sadly no judoka in Tokyo, for the second consecutive games
  20. 33 after withdrawal of Danka Kovinic according their NOC site Ceremonija otvaranja Olimpijskih igara zakazana je za 23. jul, a Crnu Goru će u Tokiju, nakon povlačenja teniserke Danke Kovinić zbog povrede, predstavljati 33 sportista. Handball 14 Water Polo 12 Athletics 2 Sailing 1 Judo 1 Swimming 2 Shooting 1
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