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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. I’ve decided Saudi Arabia deserved to lose 5-0, since they’ve decided to pirate the live feed of the WorldCup, honestly hoped they get demolished in their next games too.
  2. I went ahead and recorded all 24 hours on my TV to watch tomorrow
  3. We played with our food too much, damn Trinidad and Tobago! It’s only the World Cup of dopers because we’re selling them the drugs. After today’s sale I expect Nigeria to Argentina 120-0
  4. I have way too many spreadsheets to finish before the games start
  5. Moved up from last to 11th. Watch out I’m coming for all the points
  6. It’s already been reported that they stayed his sentence, which means that he won’t have to actually
  7. Well the US probably won’t send anyone, we only have a decent slalom program
  8. Oh!! In the US, we tell kids to shag the balls (which means retrieve them from outside or off the field) in youth sports. Apparently, and this is according to some visiting British football coaches, it has a very different meaning in the UK
  9. I was paid off by the Saudi’s to predict them winning . In all honesty I made my predictions before I did my research, like a dummy. But I am gracious for the award, I like come from behind victories anyway
  10. He’s telling us that we’re number 1
  11. I feel like the majority of you probably most of our English slang when it comes to sports, but I’d be happy to share if you guys want me to
  12. Saudi Arabia does not look great, pretty sure I’ve seen better youth soccer teams
  13. Competition Schudule:
  14. Just wanted to let you know that you used Greece’s flag for Greenland on the group B pool. Not that I’m that offended or anything, just don’t want it to discredit your work
  15. I realize that white elephants are a concern, but I Morocco would’ve used the stadiums. I think part of the issue is the insane demands sports federations put on host cities. Huge stadiums are awesome, but not necessarily needed. I also think that joint bids aren’t a bad thing. I think the Olympics and other major events should work on a rotating system. Every Olympiad should be in a different continent, and the countries on that continent are responsible for figuring out a hosting plan, preferably shared between multiple countries, and continents should have the opportunity to skip an Olympiad if they feel unable to host it. But I do agree with many the points you make, especially concerning postering, and I like that LA is currently sports paradise.
  16. But Qatar punches above its size, they have scores of oil money and western backing. However, they are still a small country and I’m glad to see them land the 2022 World Cup and 2019 World Athletics Championships
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