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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. I’ve only been bought out by Slovakia, so there’s room to give you 11 points.
  2. My preferences are the Olympics (hence my name). I will not be won over by this shameless pandering. Breaking News: New Zealand (land of the kiwis and ferns) has been disqualified!
  3. Germany wins the Mixed Relay with consistency, Hungary second, and France our ran Kazakhstan for third
  4. I had a great time watching today, looking forward to the boulders on Tuesday and a obviously the Olympics
  5. Totallympics TV Didn’t get to see the exciting sport of kiteboarding at the 2018 ISAF World Sailing Championships? There’s no need to panic because Here are 2018 Kiteboarding World Championships
  6. Alright, I’ve (rarely) been won over
  7. You mean when she argued for her integrity (although I’m not sure if she never, ever cheated because everyone cheats)
  8. No, I think it is the opposite. She made her family (and America) proud by standing up for her child and making an example of not taking shit for people.
  9. I’ve see male players get away with quite a bit more than thier supposed to in those sports
  10. After watching the highlights and reading this thread I’m really disappointed today. Now, before I begin let me just say, that I’m really super happy for Osaka. I’ve followed her rise for the past few years and I’m overly joyed for her. However, the tournament as a whole has reflected a worrying attitude for me. It seems that since the 1920s Women’s Rights have been on the rise, but the wave of nationalism the world is experiencing right now seems to want to set woman’s rights back. I’ve seen numerous occasions of sexism in this form before, but I felt that it was really obvious and prevalent today. Serena is a world class athlete, she is allowed to make mistakes. However, in this tournament girls have been penalized for changing thier shirt, arguing (the same amount as men who are not punished), and have labeled and called names when they call out the blatant sexism in tennis. Serena has played with class, and I believe that she been mistreated the majority of her career because of her gender and skin color. I’m furious and sadden with the way her legitimate arguments were pushed aside today. People in my country are burning Nike’s for “disrespecting the anthem”, while not even defending our own athletes who are discriminated against on a regular basis. I’m fed up with the sports world right now, things would be so different if someone competent was IOC President.
  11. Disgusting like the attitude y’all are showing Serena. I don’t know if Compton is universally known or if racism and sexism are issues in foreign countries, but this forum has let me down today
  12. We understand the social implications of the event (New York is extremely Progressive)
  13. Right, and we should all look up to MacEnrow (spelled it wrong because I’m upset)
  14. [hide] First Round September 9th - September 18th, 2018 24 Nations, 4 Groups, the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Nations from each Group will qualify for the Second Round Group A Date & Time (GMT +2) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 September 9th 2018, h. 19:30 Italy 3 2 Japan September 12th 2018, h. 17:00 Dominican Republic 3 2 Slovenia September 12th 2018, h. 20:30 Belgium 1 3 Argentina September 13th 2018, h. 17:00 Dominican Republic 0 3 Japan September 13th 2018, h. 21:15 Italy 3 0 Belgium September 14th 2018, h. 17:00 Japan 3 1 Slovenia September 14th 2018, h. 20:30 Argentina 1 3 Dominican Republic September 15th 2018, h. 17:00 Belgium 3 1 Slovenia September 15th 2018, h. 21:15 Italy 3 0 Argentina September 16th 2018, h. 17:00 Japan 2 3 Belgium September 16th 2018, h. 21:15 Dominican Republic 0 3 Italy September 17th 2018, h. 17:00 Belgium 3 1 Dominican Republic September 17th 2018, h. 20:30 Argentina 3 0 Slovenia September 18th 2018, h. 17:00 Japan 3 1 Argentina September 18th 2018, h. 21:15 Italy 3 0 Slovenia Group B Date & Time (GMT +3) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 September 12th 2018, h. 14:00 France 3 0 China September 12th 2018, h. 17:00 Netherlands 0 3 Canada September 12th 2018, h. 20:30 Brazil 3 0 Egypt September 13th 2018, h. 17:00 Egypt 0 3 Canada September 13th 2018, h. 20:30 Brazil 3 2 France September 14th 2018, h. 17:00 China 1 3 Netherlands September 14th 2018, h. 20:30 France 3 0 Egypt September 15th 2018, h. 17:00 Canada 3 0 China September 15th 2018, h. 20:30 Netherlands 0 3 Brazil September 16th 2018, h. 17:00 China 3 1 Egypt September 16th 2018, h. 20:30 Netherlands 1 3 France September 17th 2018, h. 17:00 Egypt 0 3 Netherlands September 17th 2018, h. 20:30 Brazil 3 0 Canada September 18th 2018, h. 17:00 China 0 3 Brazil September 18th 2018, h. 20:30 Canada 1 3 France Group C Date & Time (GMT +2) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 September 12th 2018, h. 14:00 Cameroon 0 3 Tunisia September 12th 2018, h. 17:00 Australia 0 3 Russia September 12th 2018, h. 20:30 United States 3 1 Serbia September 13th 2018, h. 17:00 Australia 0 3 United States September 13th 2018, h. 20:30 Cameroon 0 3 Serbia September 14th 2018, h. 17:00 Australia 3 0 Cameroon September 14th 2018, h. 20:30 Russia 3 0 Tunisia September 15th 2018, h. 17:00 Serbia 3 0 Tunisia September 15th 2018, h. 20:30 United States 2 3 Russia September 16th 2018, h. 17:00 Cameroon 0 3 United States September 16th 2018, h. 20:30 Serbia 3 0 Australia September 17th 2018, h. 17:00 Russia 3 0 Cameroon September 17th 2018, h. 20:30 Australia 3 0 Tunisia September 18th 2018, h. 17:00 United States 3 0 Tunisia September 18th 2018, h. 20:30 Serbia 3 2 Russia Group D Date & Time (GMT +2) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 September 9th 2018, h. 20:30 Bulgaria 3 0 Finland September 12th 2018, h. 17:00 Iran 3 1 Puerto Rico September 12th 2018, h. 20:30 Cuba 0 3 Poland September 13th 2018, h. 17:00 Puerto Rico 0 3 Poland September 13th 2018, h. 20:30 Iran 2 3 Bulgaria September 14th 2018, h. 17:00 Finland 0 3 Cuba September 14th 2018, h. 20:30 Bulgaria 3 1 Puerto Rico September 15th 2018, h. 17:00 Cuba 1 3 Iran September 15th 2018, h. 20:30 Poland 3 0 Finland September 16th 2018, h. 17:00 Puerto Rico 3 0 Finland September 16th 2018, h. 20:30 Cuba 1 3 Bulgaria September 17th 2018, h. 17:00 Cuba 2 3 Puerto Rico September 17th 2018, h. 20:30 Iran 0 3 Poland September 18th 2018, h. 17:00 Finland 0 3 Iran September 18th 2018, h. 20:30 Bulgaria 1 3 Poland [/hide]
  15. Here you go . Quality of the streams is surprisingly good, still looking for more
  16. Would anyone like some 2018 World Nomad Games Replays?
  17. [hide] Event & Date Athletes Gold Silver Bronze Men's Lightweight Quadruple Sculls Day 1 September 14th, 2018 Algeria Czech Republic X Denmark Germany X Hungary Ireland Italy X Norway Spain Turkey United States Women's Lightweight Quadruple Sculls Day 1 September 14th, 2018 China X Denmark Great Britain X Germany Italy X Ukraine United States Men's Lightweight Single Sculls Day 1 September 14th, 2018 Hamish Parry X Sun Man Hugo Beury Jason Osborne Samuel Mottram X Peter Galambos X Martino Goretti Alexis Lopez Garcia Michael Schmid Andrew Campbell Jr. Any Other Athlete Women's Lightweight Single Sculls Day 1 September 14th, 2018 Alice Arch Alena Furman X Laura Tarantola Marie-Louise Draeger Imogen Grant Clara Guerra X Marine Veldhuis Katarzyna Welna X Anastasia Lebedeva Emma Fredh Michelle Sechser Any Other Athlete Women's Pair Day 2 September 15th, 2018 Australia Canada China France Great Britain X Italy Netherlands New Zealand X Romania United States X Any Other Nation Men's Pair Day 2 September 15th, 2018 Belarus Croatia X Czech Republic France Great Britain Italy X New Zealand X Romania Serbia Spain Any Nation Women's Lightweight Double Sculls Day 2 September 15th, 2018 Australia Canada China Netherlands New Zealand X Poland Romania X South Africa X Switzerland United States Any Other Nation Men's Lightweight Double Sculls Day 2 September 15th, 2018 Belgium Canada Denmark France X Great Britain Ireland Italy X Norway X New Zealand Poland Any Other Nation Women's Four Day 2 September 15th, 2018 Australia X Canada China Denmark Great Britain Netherlands Poland X Romania Russia X United States Any Other Nation Men's Four Day 2 September 15th, 2018 Australia X Belarus France Germany Great Britain X Italy X Netherlands Romania South Africa United States Any Other Nation Women's Quadruple Sculls Day 2 September 15th, 2018 Australia China France Germany Great Britain X Netherlands X Poland X Romania Ukraine United States Any Other Nation Men's Quadruple Sculls Day 2 September 15th, 2018 Australia Estonia X Germany Great Britain Italy Lithuania X Netherlands New Zealand X Poland Ukraine Any Other Nation Men's Double Sculls Day 3 September 16th, 2018 France Germany Great Britain Italy X Lithuania Netherlands New Zealand X Romania X Switzerland United States Any Other Nation Women's Double Sculls Day 3 September 16th, 2018 Canada X Czech Republic France Germany Greece Italy Lithuania Netherlands New Zealand X United States X Any Other Nation Men's Single Sculls Day 3 September 16th, 2018 Aleksandar Aleksandrov Trevor Jones Angel Fournier Rodriguez X Ondrej Synek X Sverri Nielsen Oliver Zeidler Harry Leask Mindaugas Griskonis X Robert Manson Kjetill Borch Marko Marjanovic Nico Stahlberg Any Other Athlete Women's Single Sculls Day 3 September 16th, 2018 Madeleine Edmunds Magdalena Lobnig X Fie Udby Erichsen Annekatrin Thiele X Sanita Puspure Lina Saltyte-Masilionis Hannah Osborne Ekaterina Kurochkina Jeannine Gmelin X Diana Dymchenko Kara Kohler Any Other Athlete Women's Eight Day 3 September 16th, 2018 Australia Canada China Great Britain X Netherlands New Zealand X Romania X United States Men's Eight Day 3 September 16th, 2018 Australia Canada Germany X Great Britain Italy X Netherlands X New Zealand Romania United States [/hide]
  18. Totallympics TV Watch the world’s best field archers here on Totallympics TV.
  19. I will always miss her’s and Anna Mears battles
  20. Well at least Obama had a vocabulary higher than a kindergartener and was 15 zillion times better at running this country (and that’s with some mistakes)
  21. Totallympics TV What’s better than one sport? Five combined into one obviously. Follow the swimming, fencing, riding, shooting, and running all weekend on Totallympics TV here.
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