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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. More people where the livestream just went to this error?
  2. And Austria takes the win. Next up, the Netherlands and Latvia. If Latvia wins, has to very much hope takes the whole thing, in order to also go to OQT2.
  3. Poland outplaying the Netherlands in the semis, didn't exactly see that coming. Luckily still has two other OQT's
  4. Yeah this attack was kind of like kata karate: a whole lot of big moves without really doing anything Hopefully that's it now.
  5. A semi-strongly worded tweet, seemingly written by an intern or something judging by the capitalized words and such, to conclude proceedings.
  6. But of course Iran knows those cheap Shahed things aren't going to cause any real trouble, no way the goal of those things is to actually cause any damage Just distraction and eating up some munition and stuff. The real danger is if missiles are coming behind them.
  7. Seems like things might be getting underway, with reports of several dozens of those lawnmower engine drones being underway. Presumably not with the actual goal to hit something, because of course they'll most likely be shot down with relative ease.
  8. The words: "The zionists will pay/be destroyed/etc etc!" The move: hijack a boat with 20 workers from the Philipines.
  9. Yeah, a mistake in the automatic calculation on the website was also my thought. Hard to confirm, because the Netherlands is the only team with a 22 point match, but a mistake in counting that extra point (which should of course count as it's a valid point) is the only explanation I can think of. Hopefully they'll fix it soon. Edit: now that I think of it, even if they fix it, it shouldn't change anything. Austria has 57, so should be ahead of the Netherlands anyway, whereas Switzerland has 55, but lost against the Netherlands, so should be 2nd anyway.
  10. Yep. Until then I don't really dare say who the Netherlands will play tomorrow in the semis, but my gut says it's New Zealand
  11. Did you base that off of the official website? Because there seems to be a mistake there. This equals 56 points for the Netherlands, not 55 as shown on the website:
  12. Not sure what the men's semis are now, the graphics in the stream showed different pool standings than the official website and therefore different semis. Graphics on stream: A Netherlands Austria Switzerland Hong Kong Leading to NED - NZL and LAT - AUT as semis. But the official website has it Austria, Netherlands, Switzerland, Hong Kong, leading to NED - LAT and AUT - NZL. I am inclined to say the graphics one is correct, since they had NED with 56 total points and the official website with 55, which is incorrect. That would mean NED - NZL and LAT - AUT in the semis.
  13. Twins Eugene and Jamie Omalla have completed their switch from Uganda to The Netherlands and can compete in Paris if they're selected as part of the Dutch team. Especially Eugene can be a big addition for the relay, he broke the African indoor record earlier this year over 400m. No shenanigans here by the way: born in the Netherlands (country of their mom), lived here for 7 years and then moved to Uganda (country of their dad), now they compete for Kansas State in the US.
  14. Damn There were already a surprising amount of potential challengers, but of course she was still the favourite even with the rise in level recently. Now the fight has the potential to be amazing, including a potential bit of history for Dominica.
  15. Yes, but if the fields are that big, there's no way we'd ever have a place for that (no big enough indoor halls and outdoor won't work anymore because we fucked up the climate)
  16. That does sound a lot better (especially compared to the way too fast laser shooting), yes
  17. Is Ni Xialian playing for Luxembourg? If so, go Luxembourg
  18. I'd say posting official streams of any event should be highly encouraged
  19. To be fair, that's a little like saying the Netherlands should be great at ice hockey because it's the best country in the world both in skating and hockey
  20. Thanks, let's see how it turns out. Actual shooting might be my own thing then, I'd find it cool if - like in biathlon - real shooting skills play a bigger role then the super quick laser clicks where a miss costs maybe 1 second (plus real shooting requires more skills in terms of wind reading and so on) Anyhow, still looking forward to watch it in Paris, it will be my first time watching it since Tokyo, expect more of my dumb questions about how it works by that time please
  21. Out of curiousity: what are some of the potential changes pentathlon fans are hoping for with a different UIPM president? Like, any chance of going back to actual shooting for example?
  22. Haniyeh is not leading resistance, he is doing the exact same thing as Netanyahu: leading criminals. He should end up with the same fate as Netanyahu, whatever it may be.
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