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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. There are no PDF's anywhere yet, right? Like the Austrian Olympic Committee had for the previous Olympics, with a full schedule per sport?
  2. I definitely do! Quite a lot of them I watch a bit later (often later on the day, sometimes a day or two later), so I don't really get to posting about it in the threads during the live competitions Biathlon, cross-country skiing, alpine skiing, ski jumping, bobsleigh, skeleton, luge, ski & snowboard cross, speed skating and short track are the winter sports I definitely follow and watch every main competition of (World Cups, in the case of biathlon also IBU Cups and for speed skating of course also national championships). The freestyle stuff....nah, I just can't be bothered, and I find it beyond annoying that skicross is part of freestyle skiing
  3. Right now it's this morning's F3 from Australia. As for this weekend: F1, F2, F3 MotoGP, Moto2, Moto3 World Superbike, World Supersport, World Supersport 300 Ski jumping, ski flying, alpine skiing, bobsleigh, ski cross, snowboard cross IndyCar, NASCAR Gent-Wevelgem Mostly that, I think.
  4. History! After 59:58:21 hours, so 1:39 minutes until the cut-off, Jasmin Paris becomes the first ever female Barkleys finisher!
  5. The guy on Twitter who takes Keith Dunn's reports and puts them in the leaderboard? That's useful indeed! Although Barkleys should never ever get real live timings and such
  6. This is amazing by the way. Jasmin was eating before going for the last lap, Jared arrived and they kept telling her she needed to go if she wanted clockwise. She didn't go, so Jared arrived, but he offered her the clockwise lap
  7. 59:38:42 and Hamilton is in as well, damn. Easiest Barkleys ever
  8. Jared Campbell finished, breaking his own record: this is his 4th finish! He finished in 59:30:32 hours. Nice words at the finish: “That new section is brutal. You are a bad man.” He entered the lap together with Jasmin Paris, but of course quite a lot can have happened since then, since that's 12 hours or so ago
  9. Yeah, can't be quick enough to deny it because everyone knows where Russia is going to put the blame I mean, Medvedev has apparently all kind of done that. Edit: Word is now that three people from Ingushetia are wanted. That'd be the number one guess I think, one of those republics in the mountains?
  10. Yeah, and then next year we get more normal weather with mud, some of the ponds being frozen on the way etc, and it's going to be impossible to finish for a few years
  11. 59:15:38 and there is John Kelly for his record third finish
  12. Ihor Verys has just finished the 5th and final lap and is the next finisher of the Barkleys 58 hours, 44:59 minutes, so 1:15 hours within the cutoff time and look how fresh he still looks, damn! By now there are 50 minutes remaining (22:17 CET). Word is that John Kelly was about 25 minutes behind Verys, Hall and Hamilton about half an hour and Paris and Campbell around 40 minutes. This is going to be godawful for next year (remember, the organizer makes it harder every time someone finishes the race), keeping in mind the extra tough parts after last year's three finishers....and this year weather was perfect, so next year with 'normal' (tough) weather, it's going to be extra hell
  13. Give it a few hours (or less) until the official statements start appearing about Ukraine being behind this, coincidentally. Let's just say if Putin's favourite band was playing tonight, he would have skipped tonight's show.
  14. Jasmin Paris has started the 5th and final lap, first woman ever to do so Ihor Verys of Ukraine was the first one to start the last lap, after 46:06 hours, choosing to do so clockwise. John Kelly followed 15-20 minutes later, counter clockwise (the leader chooses, then it's CW - CCW - CW etc). Damian Hall and Greig Hamilton started their 5th lap barely 10 minutes later, Jasmin Paris also a bit later, just like Jared Campbell. Sebastien Raichon was the last one to enter the last lap, he started after 47:57 hours, three minutes before the cutoff time. He ran the last part of lap four wrong, so had to go back a while to correct it. Apart from the first part, most of the last lap will be in daylight this time, that should help. Seems likely to have multiple finishers again, definitely helped by the good conditions (and not the usual rain and mud and everything). We'll see tonight
  15. I'm afraid we haven't done enough insane trail runs (or any) to be known in the incredible world of ultratrails, and considering this is not an event one can register for, but for which one gets a 'letter of condolence' as invitation....yeah, not gonna happen I am definitely following it with interest again this year though, 10 runners made it onto loop four eventually, which is incredible! One (Maxime Gauduin of France) has been tapped out, for the other nine - including the by far best BM100 woman ever, Jasmin Paris - it's still a matter of waiting for any update. You know, there's no live timing or streaming or anything, it's basically waiting for one of two people to mention them
  16. Hopefully one day (although sadly I doubt it) this will be the normal situation: simply living their regular life like anyone else, without excplicitly 'having' (according to society) to announce them being anything else than straight. Not sure if I'm wording this exactly how I mean it, so just to be clear: what I mean is that I hope one day (which sadly doesn't seem to be close) being gay, bi or anything is considered just as normal by society as being straight, and it's not a matter of 'if you don't explicitly come out, you must be straight' anymore.
  17. Every race where Poromaa is beaten is a nice one (considering his pathetic comments towards biathlon), so this seems like a nicely surprising result
  18. It's fun to always see super strong anti-EU sentiments....but then people and countries who seem to be strongly against it, are the ones eating up the billions of euros in subsidies like candies
  19. Is it the same as here? Usually the people here who are pro-Putin are exactly the same kind of people who are anti-vax, anti-EU, believing in every single conspiracy, from the moon landing being a hoax to 9/11 to Pizzagate
  20. Maybe send a fax to the Germans, with a bit of luck they get it through there unimaginably aged systems (like one of the hundreds of faxing machines in the parliament building) in time to help
  21. Ice hockey player (former NHL and KHL) Konstantin Koltsov , also the boyfriend of Aryna Sabalenka since 2021, suddenly passed away in Miami (where I assume he was with Sabalenka) aged 42.
  22. I only know and so far I've heard a few others when playing the playlist, but no idea which country those were and they didn't really impress my anyway (I assume France was one, because it was something like 'mon amour' this and 'mon amour' that )
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