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Everything posted by De_Gambassi

  1. It must be weird when your only way of measuring your 'progress' is the margin of your loses .
  2. Yes, they should have wasted some much needed extra energy just to secure for themselves a harder path to the olympic games. Sure
  3. Je rebondis ici au post de @SalamAkhi Est-ce que le changement de présidence de la FFSG, s'est accompagné de changements sportifs (encadrements, moyens, autonomie...) pour les disciplines qui ne nécessitent pas de justeaucorps ? Le problème de cette fédé, c'était pas juste le gobblin à sa tête, mais sa structure en elle-même (en fait son existence même), et sans une refonte de fond en comble (ou au mieux sa disparition mais ça c'est pas au programme), on est reparti pour le même néant en terme de résultats, juste sans le mépris.
  4. -Breakdancing (2) So there must be two events missing somewhere. Edit : and we have also two more climbing events.
  5. First time ever that the overall number of events goes down ? Didn't think they would be able to do that.
  6. What the fuck are you talking about ? These sports don't drive the host country interest. Surfing will be held to the other place of the globe in a land that half of the population would be surprised to learn it's actually a part of the country, no one cares about BMX past puberty and certainly no one give a fuck about breakdancing. What will drive host country interest are the usual suspects : Athletics, Swimming, team sports or any sport that will bring the medals and that will be forgotten two weeks later. This additional sport selection had little to do with the host country, but mostly with the IOC trying to pretend it's something else.
  7. @heywooduDo you mean Ales Jones by any chance ? Yeah, whatever, let's just pretend you do
  8. Still winning golds even after retirement #legend
  9. Paris-Tours will be run just fine this Sunday. It's the local prefet being an uttercrétin This handsome fellow
  10. Tennis is not really that big of a sport in the US and arguably in the UK
  11. Good news, first time that the number in serious case is declining in France (-82)
  12. MSK Zilina first (?) club to go under because of this shit
  13. Don't waste you money, it doesn't work.
  14. Albert Uderzo has died. He was 92 years old. He was the illustrator of Astérix & Obélix, the last giant of the franco-belgian comic book industry.
  15. They will sell the exact same game at full price next year and called Tokyo 2021. Nintendo
  16. They are the only numbers that deserve consideration.
  17. Our health minister just said he didn't wish that french athletes to be sent to Tokyo Obviously, he is not the one calling the shots, but i'd be surprised if this doesn't become an official statement from the french gouvernement very soon.
  18. Yeah, well, let's just say she won't be missed by many french biathlon fans.... The poor girl apparently just realized that being a professional athlete was about achieving results and not only about her own little pleasure on the tracks.
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