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Totallympics Medallist
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Everything posted by De_Gambassi

  1. Could someone explain to me what this mess on the screen means. I'm understanding the 13-28 part, but not much else. Thanks.
  2. The only advantage a very minor sport has against other more established sports in any given country is that it allows a relative easier path for international representation. By allowing second rate foreigners to represent your country, you kill that one advantage...
  3. No fans (not even local ones) to be allowed at the Olympics ?
  4. Désolé, mais je n'y comprends pas grand chose...
  5. None. But we need démonstration sports back. They were nice for that reason, to show off local sports that for many reasons should not be at the olympics otherwise.
  6. Sorry, but we sucked at colonialism, couldn't even enforce or own language.
  7. Unknow language (some french worlds thrown in it, but that's it)
  8. Your sport <<<<< Rugby "can you believe what you're seing ?"
  9. Même chose que Foucras, le hasard Je me souviens qu'Onesta avait évoqué le sujet au lancement de l'Agence du Sport, mais je ne sais pas si on a avancé de ce côté-là. Après quand tu vois qu'on est quasiment infoutu de faire passer des mecs en vitesse du roller à la glace, on part de très, très loin...
  10. Italian rugby has a new president The main point here being the score of the guy who held the office so far : 3.2 % which tell you everything you need to know about the quality of his presidency. Hopefully, we will son see a decent italian side once again
  11. Ca ne le serait sans doute pas pour la Fédération Française de Boblseigh & Disciplines associées Au delà de ça, on n'est infoutu de recycler des athlètes d'un sport à l'autre. C'est valable à la FFSG, mais aussi à la FFS. Comment ça se fait qu'on ait aucun gymnaste qui se soit essayé au ski acro depuis Sébastien Foucras (argent à Nagano) ?
  12. L'échec de la FFSG depuis 30 ans est brutal Alors si l'on veut voir le verre à moitié plein, on peut penser que la nouvelle direction sera un peu mieux disposée envers les disciplines autres que sous Gailhaguet, mais je reste persuadé que la FFSG est une structure idiote et nécessairement inefficace (quand bien ceux qui la dirigeraient seraient pleins de bonne volonté). Mon avis sur la question
  13. Je me permets de simplifier ton post
  14. Just asking here, but would it be possible to transform the dual moguls thing in a speed event with mandatory jumps (first to go through the line advance to the next round as long they realize the jumps in a good enough fashion ) ? Then, we would have two events different enough, that require slightly different skills within the same pool of athletes (athletes who may or may not excel in both events) Possibly bonkers, don't know.
  15. I think there is a slightly bigger bomb here
  16. lol...
  17. Fist WC selection for Lou Jeanmonnot (22 yo, )
  18. Thank you for your great insight @hckošice I was also surprised by how cheerfull the crowd was during that last game, cheering for a nation that didn't exist anymore. Not so many slovak flags in the stands neither...
  19. A bit OT, but I was wondering what was the last team or athlete that have represented Czechoslovakia in an official competition ? I've just learnt that the football team has represented the defunct nation under the name 'Representation of Czechs and Slovaks' up to late 1993 (1994 WC qualification) The last home game of RCS in your hometown
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