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Everything posted by Federer91

  1. Just like people 40 years ago thought there would be flying cars by 2020? A little less sci-fi movies i would say.
  2. It may seem funny to you, but retirement age is steadily rising for some time and it doesn't seem like stopping anytime soon. I fully expect by the time our generation retires it would be like 75 years. The current system is heavily flawed and people should be looking at ways to improve it. With every passing year, there are less and less young people to work and pay for the more and more elderly. And their only solution is to work longer and longer and delay retirement, until your arms fall off more or less. The chart is going downwards now, unlike the 20th century. I had grandparents in the 90s, who retired at 53-54 and lived 30 years of retirement.
  3. As per usual, i will most likely vote in the evening of the last day.
  4. I've been a fan of team Norge for 15 years, but evident from these Championships (and the season) is that i really miss Bolshunov.
  5. The fellow Canadians are already making plans for her Phelps like winning streak, and you are doubting only her schedule
  6. So in the end, Slind didn't win as expected and she wasted both races instead of concentrating on one of them.
  7. Oh man, Kristen Faulkner gets caught in the final km by SD Works, after doing a great long range attack
  8. Yeah, i know she hasn't stopped, just that there were rumours, that she is going to retire a few times and it never happens
  9. I somehow remember Ivana Spanovic retiring for 3-4 years now, but surprise, she is in the startlist
  10. No problem at all having more races in NA, i actually admire it. But the place in the calendar isn't the best, as evident by last weeks conditions in Taho or this weekends.. It's better to have a swing in the beginning of the season, when there is a lack of snow in Europe.
  11. Plot twist in the end, as Klein steals the win from Konstanze
  12. And the jury screws the race once again... Congratulations, really.
  13. Warholm with ease it seems. Interesting to see, if he is in form for a sub 45 run in the final.
  14. The shot putters look like they are in the octagon
  15. Will this finally be Slovenia's day. So far it's been a huge disappointment for the hosts.
  16. Neita with a good 1/2, but i still fancy Swoboda for the title.
  17. Is "Sons of Anarchy" by some chance Ewa Swoboda's favorite tv show? Damn girl, relax with the tats.
  18. Have pulled the BBC Two stream and ready to go.
  19. Nockler falls on the hill and breaks a pole Italy falls back in the standings and things are very complicated now..
  20. I'm going in with a medal for Italy today. By the way, Norge have never lost a men's relay at the World Championships in the 21st century.
  21. We are with a minimum team here, but good to see, that our junior Bozhidar Saraboyukov has managed to qualify for the long jump final.
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