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Everything posted by Federer91

  1. No surprises in the cancelations with this pathetic weather all around Europe.. Sadly it has become a regular occurrence, where i live, in the last few years, that there wouldn't be any snow, but seeing all of Europe, bar Scandinavia, without snow is highly depressing.
  2. A new hybrid sport, that i came across recently is Chessboxing. Now this is something i can get invested in with a proper development. The two sports are so different, that combining them feels so interesting. You can check this fresh example from this week, though it is not the best one from a pure sporting merit i reckon. But these two are pretty famous youtube chess players and this is how a stumbled on this.
  3. Athletics standards have become absurd at this point. People here have seriously joked, that these marks are the sane ones which would bring medals in Paris for most of the events.
  4. I've said it before, but FIS are missing a huge opportunity with the night events. Every season, when i watch these, i see a more special race, which feels like money. Don't know why they don't invest and expand to have a few more of these races throughout the season. And it's not only alpine, they could do it for snowboarding, freestyle and have these primetime starts. Another very good run for Albert Popov. He is on the verge of making regular top 10 results now. Also, i though mister Olympic champion Giuliano Razzoli had retired. Fancy seeing him again. Him and Stefano Gross are two people, i have the feeling, i have watched all my life. Great run for the Brits as well, with 3 of them making the top 30! Has this happened before?
  5. France conveniently forgetting how to play football, in addition to Infantinos agenda, is a fitting end to the worst World Cup i have watched.
  6. Yes, Livakovic was standing still and Alvarez rammed him American football style...
  7. Another gifted penalty for Argentina, how many have they been here, around 75...
  8. All i want for Christmas is a Cro final tonight. (insert Mariah Carey scream)
  9. It wouldn't be a weightlifting event, if there isn't a Bulgarian meltdown in there.
  10. Because Argentina is a whiter nation then 60% of present European countries. That article is some woke bait shit.
  11. You know, these things happen, because you guys (Western countries) let this happen.
  12. And favourites dropping left and right. Good news for the people with the middle numbers.
  13. First SL of the season. Good luck to Albert and Kamen in their opening runs this season.
  14. Happy ending wohoo Got 3 out of 4 by my liking, damn you Orange, could have been a care free final 4 but no...
  15. France doing everything possible to gift the match, but not working for now. That was an absolutely dreadful act from Hernandez, when Mount was nowhere near reaching that ball.
  16. Griezman is the player Dembele wishes he could be. Even past his best form he is just something else.
  17. Dembele is such an imposter. No matter how many France or Barcelona matches i watch with him, he does absolutely nothing substantial. Don't know how he tricks people into thinking he is some kind of star.
  18. France have played nothing after scoring, which is massively disappointing.... Can't say this wasn't coming.
  19. Go enjoy the fireworks i say Maybe throw some trash cans.
  20. Unofficially there is a Malaysian dude with more.'s_footballers_with_100_or_more_international_caps
  21. Likewise Balkans, though with some exceptions.
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