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Everything posted by Federer91

  1. Some people still think this is a war they could win. They never learn, when you close one, others pop-up to fill the void. The message they left, though probably fairly accurate, is strangely timed, just as our simpleton politicians are going to introduce a new law forced by the US/EU. PS. I saw some mirrors still running, so the site isn't fully dead yet.
  2. Having ski-jumping in this, feels so weird to me. Anyways, have submitted a week off of work, so let's get the quotas rolling!
  3. Our objective this edition is to not get relegated, so today's win against Croatia is a big step in that direction. We play against the Dominican Rep. tomorrow in another head-to-head for relegation. Only negative from today was that our captain Paskova picked up an injury and will have surgery, which is a big bummer...
  4. I like how in ice hockey the qualified teams are known 3 years in advance, while the qualification starts 6 years in advance. Meanwhile for the Summer Games we don't know the final lists until probably a month and a half before the Games start. In any normal system, these quotas should have been given at the 2025 ice hockey championships, with the final OQT being run in September of that year. But guess the IIHF wants to get it done, because let's be frank it will be the same 10 teams regardless of when they would be held.
  5. Not really IOC news, but couldn't find a better thread for this. FIS are going to introduce their own 2 weeks special event - The FIS Games - every 4 years beginning from 2028 in one location. It is going to include both Olympic and Non-Olympic events.
  6. This Giro has been decimated... Apparently the only place where Covid is still happening and now the weather comes in. I wouldn't mind switching the Giro and Vuelta in the calendar, as much as i love those snowy mountain top finishes, which we have had in the Giro.
  7. Of course not, otherwise it wouldn't be called Worldvision after all. Just like the Oscars it should be opened for everyone to participate.
  8. So Erdogan is winning again, shocking, not Any hope of getting rid of him looks like to be over. I thought the Turkish people have had enough of him, but they can take more.
  9. Peaking to see the big activity here and what a surprise, that we have yet again a "scandalous outcome" by the looks of it. Best thing i did was to stop acknowledging Eurovision's existence last year, just too much unnecessary anger. Also, Rest of the World votes, hahaha
  10. While catching up before the event, i saw a funny parallel, at least to me. The very clean, by the books, loved by fans and the IOC sport of judo and the IJF have managed to gather a prize fund of barely over 1 millions dollars for the World Championships. While the very bad, scandalous, hated by everyone sport of boxing and the IBA managed to gather a prize fund of 7.6 million dollars for their World Championships. Not judging anything, just found it an interesting comparison.
  11. She was Queen Consort so far, which i believe is a lower title. Not anymore, after getting the crown at the ceremony.
  12. So, they didn't follow Elizabeth's dying wish of not making Camilla an official queen. Somehow i expected something more grand. That footage from 1953 looked much better.
  13. Looking at this year's startlist, i can't remember a recent Giro with so few, clear GC leaders. We have the big 2 Roglic and Evenepoel, then another 2-3 that are a few steps below them and then a bunch of question marks in what their role will be.
  14. Is competing at the World Championship this year mandatory for the Olympic quota? Because Karlos Nasar had an emergency foot operation, after some bizarre home incident, and it's rumoured he will be out 7-8 months... As usual, weightlifters aren't the sharpest athletes out there, what can i say..
  15. This has to be the weirdest big championship, from a participants stand point, from a long time. Like we have South Sudan, Lebanon, Cabo Verde, Jordan, heck throw in Venezuela in there as well.
  16. I can't believe that a no name Chinese player is going to reach the final of the World Championship. Not even a middle of the road Chinese player, that you know, but always loses in Qs or first rounds. I frankly don't remember ever hearing of this guy before.
  17. Not in her best form in the last year or so. Wouldn't fancy her to make the final.
  18. Kamilla Konotop sets European records and destroys the competition at 59 kg. Still the lifts were a way from the lineal world record of Boyanka Kostova from 2015.
  19. Georgia's tactics worked out greatly in bringing Shota Mishvelidze down a category. Hi did a much stronger result at 61, then what he did at 67 last year. Deserved gold, though this Italian kid Massidda pushed it very close. Looks like there is a surge in Italy for weightlifting, as new candidates for medals are coming to the big stage.
  20. Two of the events i follow most closely, the wrestling and weightlifting Euros, are in the same week... And the evening sessions are overlapping, just to make it more fun. Brilliant scheduling for my taste, what can i say... The draw isn't that bad for us today. If we can manage one-two semifinalists for tonight i will take it.
  21. Our team flew today to Armenia. After the fantastic performance last year, the federation has ambitions to win the medal table again. This time however we are missing 2 of our European Champions - David Fischerov and Hristo Hristov, which are injured, so there goes some medal chances.
  22. I am shocked. You would think, that after 20 years in office they'd have learned how to properly laundry money.
  23. Good taste in the social media world? 😂 You old dog you.
  24. Watching live videos from the counting is very fun and frustrating at the same time. As a person who works with data and databases on a daily basis, it's so frustrating watching people struggle organizing so little of information.
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