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Everything posted by Orangehair43

  1. Someone is going to lose their job over this games. For the amount of funding Performances have not been good enough.
  2. Everytime a Russian Performs the Olympics is losing more and more viewers permanently. This could be the final straw for many. Many will simply refuse to watch Paris and Milan if Russians are there.
  3. will not participate three teams in Milan. At best they will be two. Funding for three won’t exist.
  4. IOC will have to at least push it or more sponsors will withdraw and countries will talk about setting up an alternative Olympics instead.
  5. I think the IOC will have to push for Russia to be permanently expelled from the IOC. They might not be able to get it past CAS but they will be too much pressure for them to not at least try.
  6. Don’t think we getting a medal there. Zero medals is looking more and more likely every day. I cannot see either of the curling pairs making the semi’s on their form. We had 50 athletes this time. We will be lucky to have 25 in Milan.
  7. In fact i think the IOC could lose any hope for anyone wanting to bid for 2030 if Russia are not expelled permanently from international sports. Surley Rusda knew yesterday the IOC would appeal. Maybe that was the plain. Politically it suits Putin for it be dealt with by non Russians not Rusda.
  8. Makes me wonder if some at Rusada want Russia banned from sports. It might suit Putin to use Russia being banned as an excuse to I say the world is biased again Russia.
  9. I do wonder if the IOC worry CAS will side with Russia and have made sure it has all gone public to put pressure on them. We all know CAS is not the strongest on doping bans at times.
  10. I’m convinced this is at CAS now. It’s taking too long for it not be involving Judges deciding the outcome.
  11. Why is Trimetazidine not a performance enhancing substance but still banned? It’s a bit odd that something like is not classed as performing enhancing if it needs to be banned.
  12. Not sure he will improve over all the training runs to get near medal winning form.
  13. CAS as well. I actually wonder if this has already gone to CAS for them to decide.
  14. Impinge if Katherine Grainger ends up being fired as head of UK Sport for the Winter Olympics which is a small part of the budget. But zero medals will see someone getting fired.
  15. Not entirely clear. There is also reports about arguments about the substance itself and when the test was.
  16. Also it be remarkable if the only two medals Russia has lost at post Sochi games (Both summer and winter) are in curling and figure skating rather than in sports with more notable Doping issues.
  17. Does anyone know what substances in figure skating are banned in competition only?
  18. I think the IOC will have to expel the entire Russian team from the figure skating or risk losing even more of its reputation.
  19. Katherine Grangier says she is not panicking yet. I bet she is secretly because she knows how bad it will be that £24m was spent. Funding was already cut by 25% last time. How low will go for the next cycle?
  20. The only real hopes are maybe one in either of the curling. If they fail it’s the bobsleigh that makes up the best of the rest. But honestly I think zero medals is quite likely and will be the worse since 1992.
  21. Even getting to the final is an overachievement for him. And they hasn’t really been many others for .
  22. Short Track is crazy. Too crazy for my taste.
  23. According to the guardian it’s a positive test of a non performing enhancing substance. Sounds like Canabis Perhaps as the paper goes on to speculate the legal argument is if it was taken in or out of competition .
  24. I think they will be more anger than expected if no medals are won. We could even see resignations of senior figures who will get the blame.
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