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Everything posted by JonPhi

  1. No more Start for Athletes under and flag for this season:
  2. Could be the best Junior Championship for Germany since 2019.
  3. „This is to inform you that, citing ICR rule 2026.1, in the interest of a fair competition, the Jury of the Audi FIS Ski Cross World Cup has decided to cancel the scheduled World Cup events in Sunny Valley (RUS) on Feb 26-27, 2022 following the qualification run.“ Fair competition
  4. New Start List for tomorrow
  5. only with two man tomorrow, because Luca Aerni is flying home today.
  6. Many athletes are already 3-4 weeks there and they want to be at home finally.
  7. I don't understand all the excitement here. The temperatures are at the absolute limit with -17/-18 degrees, plus winds over 10 m/s, which make the whole thing significantly colder again towards -25. Then we already have brutally difficult courses and an altitude of 1800 meters. It is also about the health of the athletes, one will have little interest in that as in the biathlon at these temperatures here athletes collapse on the track or half does not come to the finish. And postpone the race until tomorrow? Due to the Alpine postponement runs tomorrow morning already some parallel, so already times not in the interest of the TV stations. And do you know how cold it is there at 10 o'clock local time when the sun has just come out? Even colder! And the wind is supposed to be even stronger tomorrow than today.
  8. Wind will not be that better Tommorrow, but it is the best way to start as early as possible in the morning. At 12am local time wind up to 12m/s
  9. The feeling temperature is -25 and there is it a lot of wind and the course is already very brutal. At a 50k many athletes would not see the finish
  10. Really? They we wouldn’t have seen the Slalom here at these Olympics and that would be really bad.
  11. The last technique event for the women was last Wednesday and many doesn‘t want to stay another 10 days in Beijing.
  12. Sweden doesn‘t have Sara Hector, so probably not that strong.
  13. Men Mass Start
  14. With her at the moment anyway, the feeling arises that she hits much more when she just bangs out the shots
  15. Fastest shooting time of Braisaz the key to success . But some ladies were very very tired today, the break was probably too short for some from the relay to the mass start
  16. In cross-country skiing, they have already said that it was not so smart to change. Now a whole year of preparation was without success, no race ...
  17. She doesn't even think her performance was really bad, it was average „I miss my lying shot. It gets me drunk a little, because finally, there are three beautiful balls and I can't put the last one, so it's a little frustrating. On the skis, on the first two laps, it was pretty good. I worked well after bedtime, to regain time and play a little even or double. I arrived on the standing, I wanted to engage, it comes out with a pickaxe, it's not too bad. But I paid for it in the last round. It's an average relay for me. I don't explain my mistake too much about lying down. I felt pretty good. I'm a little upset."
  18. It's nothing new with her. It was already the same at the mixed relay here and at the mixed relay last year at the World Championships in Pokljuka. In addition, she once again really brutally collapsed on the last lap. She also seems to have a very big attitude problem. After the individual she had what she wanted and didn't care about the rest. It was the same at the World Championships last year. By the way, the French women were never better than 6th in the relay at the last three highlights, so you should also question the coach whether he is so right. As sad as it is, Marie Dorin Habert is simply irreplaceable with her consistency, even if one had hoped for this.
  19. Fantastic race! The feasible simply made feasible. Teams like USA and Finland ran tired . And Norway as expected without a chance, Therese should have run here already
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