The problem is Bescond will go. She had still been the one who provided a bit of cohesion among themselves. Otherwise, the team is really pretty bad since the departure of MDH.
I could also imagine Chevalier-Bouchet quitting. She doesn't seem to have much desire anymore anyway, based on her attitude, and with her daughter at home, I think at most another year.
In the women's IBU Cup it looks quite good. Today again 4 in the top8. However, they must now also get times World Cup races, otherwise they also have no desire at some point. Paula Botet and Eric Perrot ran now the whole season in the World Cup without real top annoyances, with the exception of one race of Eric in Ruhpolding.
Especially in the women's team had given up in the past again and again, because they were never allowed to run in the World Cup. But at least after this season then 1-2 places will be free.