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Everything posted by Werloc

  1. My sleeping schedule does not appropriately follow the timezone of my country.
  2. Slept through my alarm, that's great. Catching up on what I missed.
  3. Wait, so am I to spoil who's the winner this year or what? You can wait 12 hours for my votes
  4. I'm just going to live on my roof with headphones if I ever feel a lack of fresh air.
  5. I rarely update anything on Lithuania, but here we go. Starting tomorrow everybody is prohibited leaving the house unless they're wearing a mask. If you go out for a jog or a walk without a mask, you are prone to be fined. For my city, no one is allowed to leave town during the Easter weekend.
  6. Well, latest replies is pretty much the tool that I use to navigate this forum so my options seem extremely limited now, knowing that all of the sports and other categories only showcase the thread that was replied to last, I don't really want to play bingo looking for threads that have been replied to by clicking on every single sport that is interesting to me.
  7. What a second, there used to be a lot more threads shown in the 'Latest Replies' section, wasn't it? Or are my eyes just glitching, because right now there's only eight, and I think there used to be a lot more than just eight.
  8. WHAT THE F, Lithuania in 5? and it's not like we're the only country that didn't miss a single edition.
  9. L probably has the same sad stats with an occasional Latvia popping in once in a decade
  10. I'm an addict for those sweet western RPG graphics and art style, that's one of the reasons why I didn't get hooked on JRPGs throughout the years.
  11. When I first read the headline, I thought this would somehow mention my Mr. Worldwide scoring from 2017 where I gave points to every single continent
  12. Yeah, it seems that every time that I turn on a new video or look at a headline, I momentarily forget what day it is. I remember I wanted to burn down our media every time when it was April 1st. Good thing this time they have the virus to worry about and not their bullshit headlines. Then, after reading the entire day of fake news, they would hold a poll with a top 10 for everyone to vote which fake april 1st news was the most fun.
  13. I used to watch a lot of Cryaotic and the late night crew on Twitch, still tune in from time to time. I really love Jesse Cox and Dodger especially when they pair up on detecive games and all of their Life Is Strange playthroughs are more satisfying than playing the game myself On top of that I watch some esports and some Ohmwrecker for Dead By Daylight
  14. If you enjoy RPGs, Dragon Age and Divinity: Original Sin 2 are probably the best that I played in my lifetime. I don't know how many hours I've sunk into both, not sure that I want to know either
  15. It's rather painful to buy games on release. I only ever do that if I can't contain myself with how much I want the game. And still, seeing a 50% off deal on Steam right now triggers me two and a half years later
  16. My newest edition to the Steam library is Slay The Spire. It gave me somewhat a bit of a feeling to Heroes III meets a card game. You advance through rooms, collect trinkets and battle through enemies and bosses weilding any of the four heroes and all of them have a different mechanic. I'd say it has a lot of replayability value, def recommend. Somewhat similar to Civilization's "one more turn" just in this case it's always "one more run".
  17. Omg, that remake was sooooo good. I believe the remake for RE3 is coming out this week or somewhat soon? As for Animal Crossing, it's amazing that the developers create an opportunity to be in crippling debt not only in the real world, but in a cute island-y paradise one as well
  18. JAPAN Nai Br.XX & Celeina Ann "Message In The Wind" This song is from an animated Japanese TV show "Carole & Tuesday" (also out on Netflix) created by one of the most famous studios in the industry Bones. The show is set years in future where humanity has colonised Mars and the music industry has transformed in which artificial intelligence is writing the songs and not the singers themselves. The story follows two girls that meet each other randomly and focuses on their journey in the music world, writing their own music. Recording studios, talent shows, video clip filming and all that good stuff, as an artist myself, I can say that I was really satisfied with the show's take on our industry (although some of the things are a bit outdated, it is still a good watch). Every episode showcases 1 or more songs and there were actually moments when I thought that I was watching a masterpiece. And yeah, this song carried me away from the very first listen. Just going to add that the show released two full albums of music on Spotify when it was airing.
  19. In the entertainment industry Concerts and tours, private shows, TV, backing vocals, song-writing & recording All of that is literally gone for an uncertain amount of time. I can only continue writing songs that I won't be recording in the nearest future.
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