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Everything posted by Grassmarket

  1. She had to change it because otherwise it would not fit on the light show.
  2. Both are actually within reach, she is usually a good 800m runner. World record would be outside Carsten Semenya territory, though.
  3. It used to be very common back in the days when athletics was still amateur for US sprinters to go to one Olympics,, get medals, and then go into the NFL and leave athletics for ever. Relando Nehemiah did it when he was WR Holder in the 110h, then went back to athletics after four-five years in the NFL. Well, not so much the women.
  4. Still a student, I think. Or he was a few months ago.
  5. As predicted, no official result yet for Heat 2.
  6. Has Matt Engels got a rabbit on his head?
  7. Going to be one of the longest court cases in World history.
  8. You are forgetting that the crowds for athletics in Rio were terrible.
  9. They got an Australian Rules Football team - 17 - in the women's PV. Not expecting an American Football Team though - 48.
  10. Not going to live up to his name, then.
  11. Thiam knocks the javelin on the head, so that is it.
  12. Another "big"* throw from KJT 43.93 *Sort of
  13. Keep watching, you will see many worse.
  14. Yep, that's us all right! Hate everyone, and always cheat. You're welcome for the railways btw. . Also drink too much.
  15. Errmmm, they are painted on by a bloke walking behind a machine, it's not NASA!
  16. Lines on the grass were not drawn with the correct degree of curvature.
  17. Teams that lose out with bad decisions protest all the time - that's what happened in the hammer just today. There are literally dozens of coaches in the stands, all filming the action and replaying it in real time.
  18. OK, but is is possible to fake a measurement anymore? I know it was done at the Rome World Champs when there was manual measurement, but nowadays it is all digital, no human involvement. We have seen problems with setting up the equipment in a few events - is happening in the Triple Jump now.
  19. But did they measure it from the right mark? Easy to believe lines are wrong, it's possible that they measured the wrong mark, but I don't think that the equipment itself can be rigged. So, using Sherlock Holme's principles, the wrong mark is the most likely error.
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