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Everything posted by intoronto

  1. I don't understand the criteria!
  2. Beckie Scott is a gold medalist because of two Russians doping. Its ingrained within the country's sport system.
  3. Haiti beats Canada to qualify for the u20 women's world cup! Wow.
  4. The sad part is the OC is covering the costs of flying the athletes over, all you really need is a CDM.
  5. ski federation okayed the athletes, but the NOC of Peru rejected them, saying "its too expensive".
  6. And technically this isn't a reallocation. The Russians were dq'd...
  7. got a reallocation in women's mass start, does this mean declined ??
  8. Any news on Peru?? Contacted my Peruvian contact to see if they can find more info...
  9. I hope they accept, because in the team event anything can happen.
  10. I really don't understand why countries decline team event quotas. Literally anything can happen!
  11. Means Serbia will qualify (and get an extra quota!, hopefully the Serbian athlete gets a reallocation on the main list as well)
  12. Who qualified twice? I think the quota is for the event, so if they qualify for two events, another athlete won;t be invited
  14. Canada and USA have to return some quotas jsyk (they are over the maximum allowed).
  15. Switzerland usually does not accept reallocation quotas, which would mean he would be first in line to get a spot vacated.
  16. Pierra Boda of was just 2 points behind him However, since PRK was added, maybe the ISU won't refill the quota.
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