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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by rybak

  1. Congratulations @OlympicIRL for 4th win I'm sorry for @dezbee2008 and @Damian, both of them were really close to win. Congrats @amen09 for organizing the contest, very good job Poland finished with 97 points and eight(?) place, second best result for us, looks like selecting Matt Pokora was good choice. See you in next contest, I already can't wait for this
  2. Only 11 and 12 points left to award and still 3 countries can win
  3. And now watch to get either of 10, 11 or 12 points after complaining
  4. And imagine that now everyone are excited how many points will have USA/Colombia/Ireland after Brazilian voting, but what if the winner is already decided as Brazil will not give those three nations any point?
  5. Poland Colombia 12 Tunisia 11 Great Britain 10 Greece 9 Serbia 8 Estonia 7 Turkey 6 United States 5 Croatia 4 Slovenia 3 Portugal 2 Romania 1 Dzięki za uwagę i do zobaczenia w kolejnym konkursie w Brazylii, pa! ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for your attention and see you in next contest in Brazil, bye!
  6. Poland Tunisia 11 Great Britain 10 Greece 9 Serbia 8 Estonia 7 Turkey 6 United States 5 Croatia 4 Slovenia 3 Portugal 2 Romania 1
  7. Poland Cześć rodzino totallympics, nareszcie nadszedł ten długo wyczekiwany dzień, dzień Wielkiego Finału Konkursu Piosenki, chcę podziękować amen09 i wszystkim innym użytkownikom którzy pomogli w stworzeniu kolejnego konkursu. Tutaj są polskie głosy ------------------------------------------------------------ Hi totallympics folks, finally this long-waited day has come, day of Song Contest Grand Final, I want thanks amen09 and all other users who helped in create next contest. Here are Polish votes: Great Britain 10 Greece 9 Serbia 8 Estonia 7 Turkey 6 United States 5 Croatia 4 Slovenia 3 Portugal 2 Romania 1
  8. Anyone remember this? Prepared rice in chocolate/caramel (mainly with fudge or withówki), called szyszki
  9. I already ate my dinner, I had something similar as in this photo, but instead nappa cabbage and lettuce I had beets
  10. She still can't shoot good as earlier? I can't believve that last year accident have such long impact on her...
  11. Yes, but we should win this, in home stage and after leading after 4 first jumps
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