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Everything posted by rybak

  1. IJF announced provisional calendar for 2021, there will be plenty of events between late February and early March. Link to calendar is below
  2. We shouldn't take those championships too serious, many teams/athletes weren't at the best shape as no one knew if this event will be held after all and some teams probably had less time to prepare enough good.
  3. No idea at this moment. But I believe for at least one gold in rowing, maybe finally we will break our curse and will have gold in canoeing. But all depends of who will represent us, covid issues and actuall form at the day.
  4. We have some chances if some important players will be missed in both sides, also Slovenia without Dončić (I don't believe that NBA will let him to play on this tournament) will be less dangerous team. Additionaly if covid still will be problem and matches will be played without audience our chances can increase as well. I believe that we will qualify in 3x3, if not from first tournament, then from second we have huge chances if other better teams will qualify earlier.
  5. I'm also glad that thanks to all those withdrawals in Antalya Kacper Żuk will finally debut in ATP main draw, he gets easy opponent which is Altug Celikbilek, he should easily win this match
  6. Today a WTA 500 tournament in Abu Dhabi started and already we have some surprises, like Pera who beats Vekic and Kontaveit who lost to Kudermetova. Tomorrow tournaments ATP 250 in Antalya and Delray Beach will begin.
  7. I believe that Anita will have medal, even gold, she is very experienced athlete that changing the coach shouldn't too much affect on her, it could be issue if the Games would be held in 2020, not a year later. She training now very hard in Qatar and I'm confident that she will return to her place where she belong. I will not predict anything now, after season which was badly affected by covid like everything else. Maybe in May/June I will decide to make any predictions. We also must remember that if some big favourite athlete will be infected then might not be able to compete in Japan. But let's see what IOC will decide in near future. Also tomorrow Japanese PM will decide if they will introducte state of emergency again by third wave of covid with this new strain of virus.
  8. Merry Christmas Eve to everyone who celebrate it today
  9. @rafalgorka You didn't predict medal for Włodarczyk? Also I don't see Ennaoui and Andrejczyk with medals during Olympics, maybe at European Championships, but not at Olympics.
  10. Turkey defeated by 29-24 Our win wasn't such excepted as lately we lost against in friendly match...
  11. Again top10 place for Stękała, he is really in good form 1st, 3rd, 5th and 6th place in general standing for our jumpers! And who could predict this after false tests in Oberstdorf
  12. Today everything is possible Granerud is 8th atm
  13. Not yet dude, he can have good jump in second round and Geiger might fail
  14. Eisenbichler lost with Klimov and is out of competition .
  15. Vikings are trending on number 1 in Polish Netflix
  16. Good to hear that. I believe that my granmother also will feel way better in home because mental health should be better which is very important in that case, especially when she spent Christmas and New Year without family, alone in hospital.
  17. Today after almost two months of battle my grandmother returned to home because she feel enough that could leave hospital and doesn't need help from doctors anymore, she can now recover in home, although her lungs are destroyed and she probably will never return to be fully healthy as before corona. But at least she can be in her own house around close ones than in hospital and doctors.
  18. Here we have huge scandal related with vaccines as several well known actors, musicans and politicans (current or former) were vaccinated before or at the same as medics which were has to be vaccinated as priority before everyone else And arguments of these people are beyond everything as they don't feel to be ashamed and they thinks that due "their names" they deserve to be vaccinated as early as possible because are important people in the country
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